My Crazy Friend

Episode 17: She pissed her pants (the superstition episode)

My Crazy Friend Season 1 Episode 17

This week's topic: Crazy superstitions

Hear about the ladies' trip to a male revue and how to get rid of the devil (spoiler alert: it just takes a little salt). They dive into some well-known (and not so well-known) superstitions in this episode. Laura (the self-proclaimed superstition expert) explains how Cori nearly lost her soul and learns that Cori is not, in fact, a scientist. 

Laura's key takeaway this week? Don't go on stage with piss-pants. Just don't. Ever.

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What's going on? You're listening to my crazy friend. This is Cori. This is Laura. And this is the podcast where we talk about crazy shit. The craziest. This week we will be talking about crazy superstitions. Crazy superstitions. Right in time to love.

So I think I nailed it that just so you know all the people's all people. Yeah, we messed songs up on purpose. We don't you know, no copywriting. There's no judge that would would ever first messing them up. Right. Yeah. We so it's not to to on cue. We're not we're not bad singers. Yeah, this way, you know, if a judge hears that they're like, yeah, that's not even close to the song. Yeah, I don't know what you guys are pitching about. So it's totally on purpose anyway.

before we get into crazy superstitions. No more singing. Aw. Crazy shit of the week. Crazy shit of the week, oh God. You know what? No. I just need to take a breath because I'm assuming.

The crazy shit of the week is a joint venture. I think we may as well. There's nothing that could top. Now our night last night? Oh my God. No, there's nothing. No, no, and you know what? In and of itself, it was crazy. And it just got better. So, for all the peoples, for all your peoples. Oh boy. So, uh. We're gonna take you on a journey. A journey of a night. I had been invited to go out with a friend of mine and some of her work friends.

what I had been invited to. I'm like, yeah, I'll go along, sounds fun. I'd like to meet new people. Yeah, I think you thought it was a movie. Yeah, I thought it was a, yeah, it was Magic Hunks. I didn't really look, I thought it was a movie or like- Stop, it was called Magic Hunks. Yeah, yeah. And it was at a comedy club, so I thought maybe it was like a Magic Mike spoof or something. I didn't look into it, I didn't really care. You know, thought maybe it was a movie, maybe it was just a comedy act, whatever. It was a night out with friends. Yep. Well, last minute, one of my friend's coworkers couldn't go.

So guess who got a call? Oh, oh, I know the answer to this. It was you. It was me. Yeah. Yeah, and I was like, Laura, do you know what that is? And you're like, yeah, I just Googled it. And let me read it to you. So she proceeded to read to me the- Interactive. Interactive male dancing strip showcase. Review, yeah, sorry. Yeah. Ensemble.

as long as we're not too close to the stage. So is this a bad time to tell you we have VIP seating or? I was like, oh no, oh no. And I'm like, okay, I'm in the middle then. And she's like, now Laura had never been to anything like this and I have been to bachelorette parties. So I was aware of what was about to happen, but you know, my little virgin Laura over here was not. Yeah. So that in itself was, as much as I really,

probably like it's not my thing but it's fun to experience it with somebody for the first time it but I would I had to go just to see your reaction sure yeah I don't blame you so we get there yeah and I mean well as old people anytime there's an option for VIP seating I just say yes if it's in my price range I just say yes because I figure it's more comfortable I'm not gonna have to walk as far to get a drink or go to the bathroom we're not geriatric well you

means I don't have to be in standing room only I get an actual seat. You're hilarious. So I assumed it when VIP, yes please I don't need to know any more than that. Well that meant close to the stage we got t-shirts which we didn't actually get. Yeah. Pictures with the hunks which we didn't actually get. No, no.

So, anyway, we're going to the show and I mean, I don't know if you've been to it, it's a lot like there's like a Vegas thunder down under. This is like a lower budget version of that, a little raunchier lower budget version of that. So if you need reference, that's what we're dealing with, okay? So yeah, I mean, the men were good looking. Oh, there's nothing to complain about. The performances were stellar. They were, I wouldn't say stellar. I would say good eye candy. But you know, not the best day.

Dude, they could do handstands, headstands. Oh, athletic? Hell yeah. Yeah. I mean, were they the best? I meant like the choreographed stuff was a little funny. Oh, oh yeah. No. They weren't on cue or like anything together. No. But I will say, those men can do some amazing things that made me think, hmm, I wonder if I can get my husband to do some of this stuff. Right? So what we're saying is we should go back with the husbands and say, these are the ones we like, learn these moves.

And then ones we're not so into, which we can talk about in just a second, but we say skip these. Yeah, so yeah, not interested, but maybe we'll put these in a hat and you pick one out and you say, hey, guess what we're doing tonight, honey? And I'll say, yes, that's perfect. I would love for you to throw me up in the air like a sack of potatoes. Catch me and slam me to the ground and then ride me raw. I mean, whatever your thing is. So we get there, we get our seats. And do you have the drink list? Do you want to share just a few other drinks?

Just the names I think is good enough. Yes, the first thing that we see is the drink menu. Which was, I mean, we took a picture of this so that we can replicate this at our own parties. There's something along these lines, because at least I did. You're looking at me like, I'm not doing that maybe. But I'm just trying to figure out what you're just gonna say. I don't know what you're gonna say. Love these names. Oh, yeah, they're hilarious. We want to use them later. Okay.

At your own party. At my own party. Yeah, I don't know if I'll be doing that. I don't think I could even order the first one. Oh, OK, go ahead. So you're going to make me read them. Yeah, I am. Thanks. So the first one, which could you imagine going up to a bartender, a male bartender, a hot male bartender, and going, I'd like to order Come in My Panties? Yes. No!

I would turn four shades of purple. That's why I can imagine you doing that. Oh my god So anyway, the first one is come in my panties The second one was lick her right That's orange. Not left. That's orange vodka come in my panties was of course peach No, obviously blue balls was the next drink and that's coconut rum and some other stuff some liquid Don't you think blue ball should have been non-alcoholic? You think I don't know like you're just not quite getting it. Yeah, I don't know. Anyway, go ahead

and then there's some yeah anyway that one sour oh all right that sour and I mean to interrupt oh no no you didn't okay I was thinking on it I think I agree with you okay liquid panty dropper is the next one number four mm-hmm and that one is vodka and coconut rum others gin and that one and the last one is tie me to the bed post I could order that I could order that all day every day


Oh shit. You know you can't be subliminal with men. You have to tell them what you want.

from like the minute I started dating that was her advice is always like don't expect a man to know what the hell you want, you have to tell them. If you do not hint for gifts, if you want something or if you want something, something, something, you have to ask for it. You know what, that's worked for me and it's worked really well for me, so advice. Advice, tell them what you want. Yeah. And if you can't tell them, just buy the toys you want and gift it to them. Yeah, or have them delivered. Yeah, if you can't say it, there's ways to do it without saying it. You go to sex parties, you bring it home, you deliver it. You go, hey, look what we have.

friends that like to host sex parties or to go to Amazon. Yeah, Amazon. Be careful when you're out and about and you're looking at your Amazon. And then it comes up, oh, look, would you like to buy another Purple Vibrator? And your friends, you're not even friends. I don't know, your grandma is behind you. It's not good. No. Or if you have an Amazon package delivered and your kids just always open the box, what's inside? Is there something for me? And they rip it open, and it turns out there's Vibrator in there. Not cool.

good saying it could happen. In my house they are trained because all of their Christmas presents, all of their Easter stuff, all comes from Amazon because I'm just that kind of person. I'm very I don't like to shop and so they know not to open anything so that at least that rule they just throw it in my office. Smart. Yeah. So anyway that was the list of drinks right? Yeah. Did I go to the last one? Yeah. I think so. Oh yeah so anyway continue on your story journey. So we

Oh no, before we even started. Our journey. We look over and we're like, oh my gosh, there's a field trip at this event. Yes, there was a field trip. And oh goodness, I don't know how I feel about this whole field trip thing, but yes, please tell us, Laura, what kind of field trip was at the strip club that night, or I'm sorry, the male showcase. The male review. The male review, get it right, come on. I know. Don't be disrespectful. You're right, there was no, we didn't see any penises. No, we didn't. Nope, so it was a review. I think somebody did.

I think they paid for it. Yeah, they did. Yeah, you had to pay for everything. That's rule number two, if you're gonna go to these, you better have a lot of cash. Like a lot of cash. A lot of cash. If you wanna see anything or touch anything good. Which, I mean, Or have things happen to you, you need cash. You need cash. Yeah, so we weren't in the zone, or we weren't in the, in the mood, but in the, no, we weren't trying to have things happen to us. So we were good. No, no, no, we felt like next time we would come and we'd make sure that like, I don't know, we put like little good smelly stuff

boobs and stuff because they put their heads everywhere. Their heads are in your crotch. Their heads are in your... so all I kept on thinking is well maybe I should like spray that with a little perfume. I'm like I'm wondering how many smells these guys are smelling. They probably use smelling salts beforehand and like numb all that area. You think? Yeah I would. I can't like they were in like so many crotches. I know dude I would have to numb that shit. Like you know these are our old ladies. There was a grandma. Yeah I know. Grandma's crotch. I know. I mean she could have had like Depends. Yeah I know but hopefully you wouldn't pay... anyway.

So this the field trip was a group of special needs Young and older adults who are clearly in Assisted living homes they were not able to function on their own. No, these were very very low functioning adults They were nonverbal. Mm-hmm because they were sitting right in front of us and then they moved them to the side So we could just see these care It was one caretaker per and they were in like wheelchairs the kind that like yeah, they couldn't walk they couldn't talk

Yeah, it was it was interesting and you know what my sister works in special needs like she has a she works in I Don't even know if that's even the right term anymore to be honest But she works with a man who's like I don't know the mentality of an 18 month old Mm-hmm, and she's his caretaker and she said, you know, they're adults. They're they're supposed to be treated as adults They can do whatever they want and blah blah blah and like the people for this one had to have sign-offs and all that stuff To have those people there

It is definitely interesting to see and we were with someone that are you, am I okay? Or you go, it's your story, I don't want to, I mean it's our story but are you okay with me continuing? I was just going to say before we got, like the strip show or the show started we got some good dancers and that was entertaining. And then they had that five minutes in between where the dancers go around and give lap dances. And we went to the bathroom. We went to the bathroom at that point. Because we were like, we don't want a lap dance. Yeah, I don't want to have to.

They baby oil themselves up. Yeah, tip number three, don't wear anything you care about. Right. And if you wear a dress, understand, your ass will be on display because they've hiked up every girl's dress. Yeah. Yeah, they did. So that was pretty interesting. Yeah. So yeah, when we went to the bathroom, one of the people in our party came out, and she was like, they are paying for lap dances for the people in wheelchairs. Yeah. And she doesn't think that they are

are actually consenting or aware of it. Right, because it didn't look like they had any clue, not to be judgmental, but that it was happening to them. If they did, more power to them. Go for it. You know what? You probably don't get enough. You what? You go ahead and get that grinding lap dance. Go for it. But it was just, it felt really awkward. Yeah, it was just uncomfortable to watch. Because it didn't look like they were consenting. So this, yeah, someone got upset about it and reported them.

reported them to the state. Yep. Got their badge numbers. Yep. And then they got really mad.

I mean, I don't know why. I would have. The night was like awkwardly ruined. Cause the vibe in that corner where the field trip was happening went from the aides dancing and having fun to everybody sitting staring in our direction. Yes, only us would be in, would witness this. Yes, because it was somebody that was in our group that reported them, because she's a teacher and felt obligated and felt uncomfortable. And at any rate, so that happens. We're like, we're probably gonna all get out of here

this is over. Just because. Just so we don't get killed. Having been in a lot of near death experiences in our past. We did not need another near death experience. Didn't need it. Like we could see it happening and we didn't even do anything this time. In front of our eyes. I was like Laura, we're gonna get killed again. Yep. And it's not even my fault. I could feel the AIDS glare on me. Yes. When the people sitting next to us weren't there. So then, yeah, they left. And the waitress or the server had my credit card. So I couldn't leave. This is at the end of the night.

Yeah, I know, we're gonna jump all around. We'll tell this part of the story and then we'll revert to the next one. Yeah, so we'll go back, but yeah, so we were standing there like, please bring my card back, please bring my card back, please bring my card back. So that was one crazy aspect that already added to the craziness of going to a male review. Right. And that wasn't even the end. No, that was the beginning, middle, and end. Yes. But. It was awesome. But there's some more. There's more, but wait. But wait. There is more. There is more. So if you paid, you could go up on stage

part of the performance with the male actors or performers or whatever they are. Sure. Whatever the word is. So one of the options. Performer sounds good to me. Thank you. Okay we'll call them performers. So one of the ladies who was up when it was her turn, this is about what halfway through the night. Yes. Maybe so probably 10 or 20 people. They would put them in various positions so like they lean ladies they carry them or lean them over chairs and all this kind of stuff. Lay

I mean, you name it, throw them up in the air, put them, have their face in their crotch with their legs behind them and their heads almost touching the ceiling. Motorboat their boobs. Oh my God, all of it. You name it, it happened. And it was...

Wonderful to watch it was quite enjoyable. Yeah, I would do it again. It was fun. However So this one chick went up there and she was clearly drunk. Oh, yeah, really sloppy drunk sloppy Yeah, so for her turn they pulled a chair out and they asked her to put her hands on the chair Yeah, facing the back of the wall, right with her ass facing the crowd and no one this had not happened yet No asses were facing us like just like just right. Yeah, it'll look the lights facing the right in the middle of stage All you're looking at. Yeah, yeah

And at that point, the entire room notices she's pissed herself. She did, she pissed herself. Oh god, she's in jeans and the whole middle is wet. Wet. Like so wet. Not like she sat in something and the ass was wet. And yeah, and then like not like she squirted because she was excited, no, she pissed her pants. Yeah, probably so drunk she didn't realize or had hope that didn't soak through. I mean, as a woman, we've all been there, especially after you have kids. Yeah, you know, bad sneeze, bad cough. We've talked about it.

I get you. But you know what, you should feel it and then maybe not have the entire room of people staring at your ass as you bend over on a stage with freaking stage lighting on it. Yeah, it's $30, you just, you just put that in your pocket, save that for later. Yeah. And so the whole place erupted in obnoxious laughter. Like people were falling off their chairs laughing. They were snickering first, like wait a minute, is she, did she, is that Pete? Is that a shadow? Oh my God.

She pissed her. She didn't. Oh my gosh, she pissed her pants. And then the dude, the guy, performer, didn't know where to put his hands. Because clearly, he was about to smack her ass and rub between her legs. And he didn't want to do that. He did a lot of rubbing. They did a lot of, what did I call it? Twirling? Fingering. Fluttering? I don't even remember. But it was definitely tickling. Tickling, tickling. Yeah. They tickled a lot of pussies. So you could tell he wanted, but he didn't.

dry and then he's being very professional about it. He didn't let on that there was even an issue. He just avoided the area. Yeah. But the crowd knew what he was doing. Yeah. And lost their shit. And there's no way she went back to her seat without someone saying something. There's no way. Or like her friends. I don't know. But like that's something you don't see every day. No. And she didn't know because she's like, you know, everybody's laughing but it was like a comedic performance so it could have just been the way he was fake

So that was yeah, I was uncomfortable for her but at the same time you can't look away from that train wreck, you know So then she's on a stage the only thing we could look at it was so much. I mean, yeah Yeah, oh my gosh. Yeah, and so like yeah, whoo It's like you kind of get caught up there and there you weren't allowed to take pictures or videos So we don't have record of any of this so thankful for her. No, you know what? I'm a rule follower so but I really regret not getting some pictures I bet you some

snagged one and I know I was googling it I was like yeah like the show and all this stuff thinking maybe like pictures would pop up I didn't find any no you know I tried to find some hashtags women pisses her pants during my right yeah that's exactly what I googled well we'll find her on the late show later yeah yeah I'm sure I'm sure so I mean I feel like it's gonna get out it's good her face isn't in it so it's fine it's fine could've been anybody wasn't anybody it wasn't it wasn't me you're gonna pee your pants don't wear jeans I mean or at

If you do wear jeans and pee your pants, don't go on stage. So you're asked to a room full of people under a spotlight. It's good advice. It's advice worth taking. Yep, stellar. So anyway, the final great part was, I mean, not the acting, but the athletics. Like you said, that was cool to watch. Oh God, they could do anything with anybody. To the point where at the end, this man picked up a girl that was probably, I mean, they were like so in shape. She was a big girl. And I was like, oh my God, that is so cool. She was like, what?

pounds? Times two maybe. I don't think that 300 is not that big. I mean she was big. Maybe. I mean she was big. I don't want to be mean. She was adorable. Yeah. With her blue hair and she had it. But he lifted her up, spinned her around. I was like where's my $30? I was like I want to be picked up. I was like this could you I mean toss you and catch you. Yes and and I'm just saying how amazing like I mean he must best bench press 500 pounds. I don't even know. Easy. But he

one of the biggest ladies there. I was like so impressed with that. Yeah, that was pretty cool. That blew my mind. And then we got the fuck out of there. Well, so we didn't get our t-shirt. We didn't get the fuck out of there. They got the fuck out of there, and then we got the fuck out of there as quickly as we could when we got our card. Us first, because they were sticking around for their phones, so you could tell. I was like, so they're the whole time going, we'll just pretend like we don't know them. We'll just pretend like we met them tonight. Yeah, we have no idea who they are. So yeah, to all your friends, Laura, I would have not, I would have dropped them like hot potatoes. I wouldn't have known them.

I don't know who they are, but you know what, they're cool. They're really cool. I'll hang out with you guys again. But that night, I didn't know you. Nope, I don't know who they were. Crazy bitches, I can't believe they did that to you. I know, right? So that was our crazy shit of the week, right? Oh my God, it was so crazy. So I'm glad we got out of there alive. Me too. Woo!

So anyway, oh it is your turn to tell me about some of the craziest superstitions I just put gum in my mouth for no reason. I know I don't know why I'm like we're recording I just feel like I'm sitting here talking to you. That's why we're just talking. She's not good because I'm sure I said stuff I shouldn't know. It's all right. I'll edit it out later. So running theme. Oh, yeah, that's what you do Okay, so I'm not super superstitious but to quote The office I'm I'm just a little stitious

The reason I say that is because I'm the kind of person that, you know, better safe than sorry. Right. No, I'm totally with you. So like, but I'm also the kind of person that comes from a family that's completely super superstitious. Oh. Like they do all kinds of things. So like, I would want to know why. Right. And if I thought it was, if it made sense, then I would do it because I'm like, okay, the reason being behind it makes sense. Right. So, okay.

it then I just do it because right no harm no foul like the one where you're supposed to like put your your hands on the roof when you go under a bridge yeah like that's so in case the bridge collapses you're holding up the roof of your car I was that what it's from you don't die I can get behind that one sure sure I mean theoretically maybe maybe I can hold the roof up with my hands right I feel like maybe we have an inner power that we don't know about like when people can lift cars and in weird situations maybe we feel like I feel

powerful. Cool. I'm doing it. But if it doesn't make sense, not doing it. Like I love the number 13. It is not a bad number for me. It is my lucky number. Our house number is 13. It's just always been a lucky number for me. So you know and and to me it's that came from like the Catholic Church. Okay. Where the Apostles are and there was like the 13th Apostle and had something to do with the Crusades and they killed like 13. The Catholic Church killed these 13 Crusaders.

history and I'm like I don't buy that I like 13 it's my lucky number. Got you. So that one I'm like mmm don't care but if you give me a good reason yeah I'm gonna do it. So what I thought today was I thought I would do things that I do and I don't know why so we'll find out today what they are. Okay I like it. Okay we're gonna dive a little bit into the mind of Cory. Yeah so these are superstitions that I have.

And I don't even believe in mine, just do it. They're things that I do, and I don't really know why I do them. I grew up with very, like I said, superstitious family. So I was like, OK, cool. These are things that I do. And I thought, well, you know what? It's about time I figure out if I need to continue doing them. Sounds good to me. All right. So the first one is opening umbrellas in the house. OK. Funny, because the show we saw last night opened with a show with the male reviewers opening their umbrella.

in the theater. Yeah, cuz it was raining men. It was raining. What else were they to do? Hallelujah. It was raining men. You cannot keep those umbrellas closed. No. I mean they're bouncing off of you. Yes. Left and right. So you know I get the props but it's bad luck. Well. And I will not do that. I mean I remember almost I got a parasol when I was in second grade from my friend Alexis. It was purple. Mm-hmm. And I wanted to open it because it was beautiful. So beautiful. And I wanted to

And my mom was like, no, no, no, no, no. So I don't open umbrellas in the house. And I looked up, you know, where it comes from, and apparently under umbrellas are used as, you know, obviously rain, but indoors, they're considered, it's considered an insult to the sun gods who may decide to cast bad luck on you for using them. So I think I'm okay. I don't think I have to worry about umbrellas in the house anymore.

And you know what? I think that the male dancers already knew that they did their research and you know what I'm good I'm gonna go ahead and open these sure sure I'm some gods are already looking favorably upon me anyway because I look at this body Yeah, I'm sure you're right. I'm a hundred percent. All right, so the next one Was don't let someone Hand go while you're walking like don't let go of someone's hand while you're walking around a pole or an immovable object Oh

like my kids hands, my husband's hands, I won't split us. And even to the point where it's got to the point where even if we're not holding hands, I won't go around like a pole with my husband because it freaks me out. And if you do it, you're supposed to say bread and butter. I do it all the time. I always split us. So I split us around people, poles, trees. People can walk fine things. If it's a movable object, it's fine. Okay. What if I walk towards a tree and then split?

stuff and then catch it right on the other side. Nope. And then laugh about it. Not good. Oh. Why? So I need to know why. According to American folklore, it's breaking the bond and it's sick, it's letting go of a friend's significant hand. It's when you, you're avoiding, by doing this, you're adding misfortune and having something come between you and that person. So I won't do it. So yeah, I guess bread and butter fixes it because they can, I don't know.

They can easily be spread. I don't know why. I don't say bread and butter because I don't do it. What? I don't split it. I don't buy that one. What if I walk towards a tree and then I go, oh, it split me. Well, I saw it coming and I split it. I get it. No, I don't buy this one. Bread and butter, it's okay. I do it because I don't want to ever put anything between my husband and I. So it makes me have crazy a little bit. Wow. Yeah. Well, hey, I was just trying to tell you.

I like getting to know this part of you. All right. No, you don't you're a liar All right. So the next one is Knocking on wood that I do you do do that. Would you like to know why we do it? Yeah All right, so I listen to a whole story on it, but I always always knock on wood and This comes from I guess it was folklore as well Mm-hmm, and it was about thinking that like little various spirits lived in the trees and they could hear you

so that they couldn't hear you. And then it becomes like, you knock on the wood. Now it's like, so they can't know it. No bad anything can hear you. And make whatever you're saying happen or not happen depending on what you're saying. Not jinxing yourself or whatever. And so I mean, you know what? To me, we believe in spirits and stuff. So I'm going to keep with that. Knock on wood, I feel, you know what? Better safe than sorry. Yeah. Yeah. Totally.

So alright, I'm in the wrath of any tree spirits, right or any spirits whatsoever No, I don't need the wrath of any spirits, but no, but especially some woodland spirits that have like magic, right? Yeah, no, thank you Alright, the next one is breaking a mirror. Okay. I always felt like I had seven years bad luck breaking a mirror breaking a mirror and That is a common thing from I guess Romans and they believed that your souls were in the mirror and that

would damage your soul. Hmm. So, but I still, it freaks me out. Breaking a mirror freaks me out. So then how does that give you seven years of bad luck? I guess you just get bad luck, but apparently every seven years you change. Hmm. And so you just get a new, it's like. Your new soul. Yeah, your new, you get like, I don't know, re-va. I don't know. I'm just telling you. Yeah, seven years apparently. Yes. That's, you know, seven year itch, seven year everything. I don't know. I don't know what it is about seven. I don't know.

Alright, and then finally, my last one has to do with black cats.

So black cats, I would get so freaked out if they would go across the street. Like I made Stu turn around and like go out another way, go a different way because of black cats. Right, so I have a black cat.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, and I and I we had it growing up. We had a black cat my sister-in-law had a black cat I'm so pro black cats, but I didn't understand where it came from so I wanted to know what the hatred for black cats was Yeah, and it cuz I mean back in ancient Egypt. They loved them. They worshiped them cats were great cats were great great great until until until Pope Gregory the ninth Decided that he declared that cats he hated the cats hated them

and he decided that they were instruments of Satan and he decided to do a complete cat purge. Sounds like a dick. Right? Who hates cats that much? Right? So anyway, so now cats are evil, cause again, Catholic church, right? Right. And at this time, people started getting the bubonic plague, the bubonic plague, and people started dying and getting sick because the rats were overtaking and they didn't know it was from the rats.

thought it was the cats and and then they thought they so they're hating these black cats but these widowed women had cats and they weren't getting sick and dying of the plague so guess what cats are the heroes no the ladies had to be witches oh fuck so we were witches if we had black cats so black cats are terrible we're killing them now the racer the rats are taking over everyone's dying of the plague except for these women who have cats so of

right? So then we said, so god damn it. I mean black cats are awesome. I think so too. And and I was like are you kidding? So yeah witches and all of that because of some crazy Catholic Pope. Cat hating pope. Cat hating pope. That's right. Screw the cat hating pope. So I thought that was crazy but yeah so I'm I have no problem with we actually were crossing the way home from your house a couple weeks ago. Black cat across the street and I was like no big deal. If anything

I'm not getting a bubonic plague tonight, right and I'm gonna put that if I could get it I would put that cat in my car. Of course. I have allergies I wouldn't but I would I would find that cat at home. That's right. So yeah, anyway, and all right So those are my those are my things and yeah I'm only doing I'm gonna go only gonna continue to do a couple of those. Okay, like I'm slowing my words today Are you I don't know I might be well if you are I can't edit that back. I know I'm trying I'm trying here

before I'm done, I wanted to tell you three new ones that I heard of that I've never heard of before. Just see if you've heard of them. All right, and I'll tell you if I'm gonna keep them or not. You didn't do step on a crack, break your mother's back. No, I don't do that because I don't wanna ever hurt my mom, so I always jump over a crack. Yeah, I do that one. I used to do it, so I thought you might. When you said that, I was just wondering. Oh, that would've been a good one, the look up. Oh, you can do it next time. Okay, after work. Just kidding. I'm not holding you to it. If you forget, you forget.

So, anyway, sorry, what were the new ones that I need to know? Number one.

Never eat both ends of a loaf of bread first, because if you consume the ends, you won't be able to make ends meet. So I should eat the middle first? Yes. And save the ends? Yes. Okay. I do that anyway, because I don't eat the ends. I think I'm not. Oh, there you go, there you go. I guess they call them the heels. My kids call them the butt of the bread. Yeah, we call them both, depending on the day. The butt of the bread. But, and there's actually some science to that, because it actually keeps your bread fresh.

Oh, so I'm excited to do that But I will say that I'm with you I save it to the end because I don't like it Yeah, and I throw it out. So it's fine. It's fine. All right. The next one is I think this is like this might be in the Philippines Yeah, you should not wear red during a storm. Oh, it's bad luck. They believe that Red attracts lightning. So I'm like maybe I you know, that's not something that's not a battle I want to you know, I don't want to find out so I'm not gonna wear red

if it's thunderstorming and I'm gonna be anywhere outside. Yeah, fair. I'm wondering if it's like red cars too. I wonder if it like lights. Maybe, but you're safe in your car so it's fine. Just cause I'm sure the lightning sees color, right? It definitely does, right? Yeah, but it could be a frequency. Maybe red gives off, I don't know science, so it could. You're not a scientist. By any stretch, I think we can all agree. You shouldn't even pretend to try. What's your next one, my friend? You know what? You know what?

No, that wasn't nice. I do know some I I know some science stuff and and let me just tell you okay Let me just you know tell you that I'm all for admitting stuff. I don't know but sometimes I know stuff and sometimes it's science stuff Really? Yeah. Yeah. All right. What's your third one? Oh, so my last one is never take a picture with three people in the picture

will die. What? Yeah. And honestly I don't even know where this is from. It's from Asian countries and it's believed that like I said three people together results in the middle one dying first. I don't like that. Right? I have lots of pictures with my mom and sister. That makes me very uncomfortable. I don't believe in that one. We're all still alive. We've lots of it. Lots of people do it all the time. Yeah. I call BS on that. I think how you get out of that one is that you change the middle all the time. Whoever's in the middle you change it up so much

even make sense just make sure that like not the same person is always in the middle. Oh okay too much bad juju. I don't know.

If it's the same one's always in the middle, it's too much. Right. Yeah. So I'm saying. Just even it out. Then you'll never know. Yeah. I don't know. Anyway, I thought that one was weird. So that's it. That's all I got. Oh. Crazy superstition. All right, so my turn? Yeah, you're up, babe. Yeah, so I wanted to, the one that I wanted to do was to calm you or to explain to you a little bit how you got your soul stolen by the mirror that was by your bed. You think my soul is gone? Well, I don't know.

Are you think they were trying to steal my soul? I think it was trying to steal your soul. I think you got away. You know how you were saying you felt like you were being pulled in? Are you kidding right now? I don't know. I'm going to read to you a little bit of information and you're going to tell me if you think that's true. Okay. And then I'm going to tell you a little bit more information about mirrors since we're on the topic. Well I read something when I was doing all this that you shouldn't put two mirrors in facing each other. Yeah, that's not fair. Because that creates like a portal to hell, I guess. Or to somewhere. Yeah. Yeah. No, that's not this. So mirrors by the bed steal your soul.

No! Well, if you sleep with a mirror facing your bed, that's what this was. You may want to reconsider. Oh my god, that's what this was! How did you find this? Is this real?

Legend has it shut up that spirits from the other side will suck your soul out through the mirror There's no better time to suck someone's soul out than when they're laying unprotected and unaware in bed Oh my god as beautiful as the giant bedroom mirrors are placing the mirror elsewhere may not be a bad idea If you're superstitious, and I'd say even a little stish is my whole family superstitious, but no one saved me from the mirror Let me just tell you

Crap, poor little girl, Corey, almost got her soul sucked through the mirror. Well, if your mirror is fixed to a closet door or a wall and you can't move it, simply covering it with a blanket or cloth at night would also do the trick. Did you try that? No. Well, try that. But I mean, I don't have a mirror at the bottom of my bed anymore. Well, thank God. But it was when I was a kid. Now, is it okay if there's just a mirror in the room? As long as it's not facing your bed. Okay, then we're good. I have no mirrors facing the bed now.

There's one in the closet. There's one in the bathroom. Yeah, there's nothing facing my bed. Okay good. You should be okay, okay? But I'm thinking maybe that's covered anyway. You know what maybe I'll just do it anyway Yeah, so I'm here is freak me out if you haven't noticed I have noticed like there's a religion where they don't have mirrors, and I don't know what that religion is But I was told I remember as a kid someone's mom saying oh, they don't have mirrors. They don't have birthday They don't have any of that in their house Amish. I don't know maybe maybe and I don't know but

Regardless, I thought, well, you know what? That's a pretty good idea for me. Yeah, I could get behind that. You know? Yeah, so here's some more information for you. Okay. So if you wanted to cover it, you know that last thing I told you said you should cover it? Covering it might be an option. Yes. Mirror. So here's another thing you should do. Okay. Covering a mirror to trap lost souls.

So once someone has passed away, you think there's lost souls in my house? I think there's lost souls everywhere. I don't know. That's why I like that we build our own houses. Like, you know, my husband built this house and I like that and your house, this is only you've only ever lived in your house. And I like that because I'm like, there's no trapped souls. So I love buying used everything, but buying used houses freak me out. Well, here, so listen for a second. Okay, so once someone has passed away, their soul is released from the body and starts to run.

That's the roaming part that's gonna get you. This is the theory. This is the theory. Okay, so it doesn't necessarily have to have been passed away in your house, because the soul starts to roam. But if they're not, oh, that's what I was gonna tell you. That's why I tell you no welcome mats. You can have mats outside your house, but none of them say welcome, because you're either welcoming ghosts in your house or vampires. So no welcome, because if they see it, nope. So don't you dare buy a welcome mat. Too late, that ship has sailed. So at that point, so. You have welcome mats? Yes. We gotta get rid of them.

Anyway, so legend says that if a soul, I'll make them very specific, welcome humans only. And pets, but no ghosts or vampires. Unless the ghosts are nice. Sharpies, you need to put that, you're right. I'll update it. So anyway, legend says that if a soul encounters a mirror before their body is buried, so that's typically within the first three days of passing. Shut up. Well, their soul will be trapped in the mirror. So if I cover it, I get them out?

I think you keep them from going in. Oh, so if they're already in there, how do you get them out? Well, hold on. No. So, okay. So it's these trapped souls that's said to cause mirrors to tarnish, and then sometimes the mirrors will even turn into an image of the deceased. People have claimed to see faces of the dead appear in old and antique mirrors. Is this a trapped soul?

Hard to say. I want to say yes, some might say no. And others also believe that demons could escape through the mirror into the living world. So to prevent trapped souls and demons roaming about, simply keep your mirror covered.

Can I just say, is this all mirrors? Like bathroom mirrors? It's all mirrors. That's just too much work. But I will say this. I will say this. So do you remember the lady that said that we saw alien spaceships? Yeah. Told you that story? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got a letter from a friend's mom. And she was like, remember when you were chased by aliens? And I was like, no. Well, that same woman also told us a story, two stories, actually, because we would just sit around. And I remember she wouldn't let us watch search.

music and stuff because MTV was out now and that was you know that was the devil. There was a story about her I don't know if it was a neighbor or whatever but they had a mirror and bad things were happening and bad things were happening they took the mirror out and they burn it in a fire in this big black

thing just floated up and it wasn't smoke. It was like a black. No, it was a demon that was trapped in there. And it flew away. Yeah. When they burn it in their backyard. And she told, I was like, she just released it. I was 10 years old when I was told this story. And I was like, from an adult, that freaks you out when adults in New York, you know, tell you stories like that. Yeah. There was something about a bird too that she told us. There was like a bird that tried to steal one of her babies. Like a big, like, evil looking bird. Oh.

Yeah, I don't know man, but you know I apparently hung out with very Intuned supernatural people when I was a kid Anyway, so you were saying oh, um I don't what was I saying you said cover the mirrors Oh, yeah, cover them that was basically what I said. Yeah, I don't think that I'm gonna do it all But I think I might cover the one that it's in my closet. I Yeah, I don't think you could I don't think that could hurt and if you see it start to tarnish That's because there's a lot of souls in there. I Mean we'll have to look at it and you go to my house you tell me if that's tarnish

Yeah, it's definitely discolored. Okay. Okay. So I what I did was I was looking for a lot of I was trying to put together a whole bunch of superstitions related to mirrors, the good, the bad, the ugly. Super. So stitions. So I started, I have a running list. And then I came across this website that sells mirrors. It's a sales store. So what they did, they had compiled them. Oh my right. So I started with those two. And then I found this whole list. So I'm just

small ones that I thought were interesting. Awesome. Okay, like quick. So newlyweds getting married, stand in front of the mirror together. Not only do they get to check out how good they look, but they're also participating in a wedding tradition. Wow. If they look into a mirror shortly after they say, I do, they're uniting their souls. Aww. So it said that you're creating an alternate universe where the two souls can live on together forever. Wow.

Yep. So you can also gift a mirror. So if you want to give somebody bad luck, you give them a mirror on their wedding day. Oh, well, that's not nice. I mean, I wouldn't do it, but that's what you could do. Why is that bad luck? Um, symbolism, because marriage is supposed to last forever and mirrors are very fragile or prone to breaking. Oh.

That's rude. Yeah, so. Did you get any mirrors for your wedding? No. Me either. No, but I might give some to people I don't like just for fun. Just kidding! They don't let me know. You know what though, I got a music box that has mirrors on it, or like a Celtic jewelry box. Oh yeah, I know what you mean. Would that count? I don't think those are breakable. I don't know. I think it might have a mirror in it. It's like a jewelry box. You know what I'm talking about? Like you open it up and there's a mirror. Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I don't know if that counts as a mirror or not.

a mirrored object, not a gift of a mirror. Okay, okay. So I'd say you're okay. I'd say something with a mirror on it. Yeah, I think that's okay. Like if my husband got me makeup for our wedding and there was like a mirror in the powder. As the expert of superstitions, I'm gonna say that one's okay. Okay, cool, thank you. You're welcome. I appreciate that, the expert. You're welcome. Of superstitions. Oh, so I'm gonna read one more to you and then I'm gonna answer the question that I know you're dying to ask. Okay. Okay.

it or will I not ask it? I'm just gonna tell you what your question is just so there's no confusion. Okay. Okay. Good. I'm glad because apparently I'm confused all the time. Yeah. So what to do if you are like feeling anxious? You can calm yourself by simply looking in the mirror. At myself. At yourself. Calming myself. Looking at myself calms myself. If you are stressed, nervous, whatever, look into a mirror because it has said that it'll make you less socially awkward

better sense of yourself. So when you're looking at your reflection, the spirit world is supposed to take all of your troubles to their side. So when you're caught staring in the mirror, don't look too long, because they might take your soul. So, stare, calm down, not to take your troubles, don't stare too long. After they take their troubles, they just keep taking, and eventually you'll end up soulless. Okay, so let me just tell you, that would not allow me to calm down. If I think something eventually is gonna take my soul,

anymore. You know what I'm gonna do? I read somewhere, you know, I was telling you about the vagus nerve in the back of your neck. Yeah. Where you lay, you can either sit up or you can lay flat on your back and you're supposed to look, take your eyeballs and look, well you look straight ahead but you actually turn your eyeballs to the left until you feel like you're gonna yawn or sigh. Yeah. And then you do it to the right and that actually resets your nervous system and calms you down. I will do that. I'm not looking into the mirror. How can that calm me down? Because it's gonna make me have anxiety because I'm thinking, okay

Am I looking at it too long? Am I looking at it too long? Oh my god, they're gonna take my soul. So no, thanks Move on Now the question I know everybody's dying to ask Laura

I have a mirror. I don't want anymore. How do I get rid of it? I don't want to accidentally break it. I don't want to throw out any souls. Well, you know what? I'm going to answer that for you. Yes? Yes. How to dispose of a mirror without causing any bad luck to yourself. Okay. I appreciate you. I will tell you this. I'm not one to goodwill a mirror. So. Well, so here you go. Here are some things that will help you. So you can pick any of these. Any of these should work depending on, I guess, your level of belief.

in these theories. So I could just gift it to you and leave it in your house. No, it's not acceptable. I think that works. Destruction. No, one, throw salt over your left shoulder. If you've already broken the mirror and you wanna just get rid of it, throw it out, but throw salt over your left shoulder first. That's what you do when you spill salt. Well, that's to get rid of any bad luck. But especially reversing bad luck from breaking a mirror. So what I'm hearing is I should be carrying salt with me all the time. Absolutely.

just design something where there's like a salt dispenser from our left shoulder? Well I don't know if it should sit on our left shoulder because according to legend that's where the devil sits. So salt would just get rid of them. Well I mean do we want to have the devil and the salt on the same shoulder? Maybe keep the salt on our right shoulder, dispense it, throw it over our left. We're hitting the devil every time? Yeah so basically by tossing salt over your shoulder, yeah, you are hitting the devil which is this bringer of bad luck.

you're trying to get him in the eye and then while he's not looking you can escape from the bad luck. Get him in the eye. Yeah get him in the eye with the salt. He's blinded. While he's dealing with the salt in his eye you run away. So I just see like spikes and stuff on my left shoulder. I mean salt for the eye? No. He lives in fire woman. Salt in the eye. So maybe ice on my shoulder. Yeah that might work. I don't know. I'm coming up with alternative methods. I'm gonna give you

Do you think you would be boring if the devil wasn't on your shoulder? You just do it. I mean you wouldn't want to sew the thirst all the time, right? You need it sometimes, right? Yeah, okay. No never option number two. Yep spin around three times So if you've already got some clockwise counterclockwise doesn't matter It doesn't matter just spin around three times. Oh, no, it doesn't matter counterclockwise. Thank you. Thank you. Sorry Sorry, everything's left. Yeah. Well, you know why you do this confuses the spirits Oh, yeah, I could I could see that

It would be confusing if you just started spinning. Yeah, so if you break a mirror accidentally, you gotta do it immediately though. Because as they're coming to give you bad luck, ooh, spin real quick, and they're like, what is going on? We don't know who to haunt. We can't give her bad luck. Where'd she even go? Okay, so this is if I break a mirror, not just get rid of it. Then you can get rid of it, right? But don't do this. Don't spin three times counterclockwise unless you've broken a mirror. Because then if you call those spirits, spinning around three times unprovoked might also bring you bad luck.

There's so many rules. There's a lot of rules. So pick one and memorize it. You don't have to do all of these. OK, I will pick the best one. All right, give me, is there any more? There's more. So you're going to want to pulverize the mirror is third way. So if you have bad luck, you want to reverse any bad luck coming from a mirror that is broken is to pulverize it. Now you're looking at me like, why would I want to do that? Isn't that just making it worse? Like with a meat tenderizer? What am I pulverizing it with? Well, with whatever you want. A sledge hammer. OK. Shoes.

Wouldn't that be dangerous when you'd be afraid of getting glass in there? I guess you're gonna put goggles safety goggles on. Yeah. Okay, right. Yeah safety first, right? And then what do you do with it? Well after you do that then to avoid staring into reflective pieces and pulverizing and then Pulverize everything immediately grind it up into a powder. Mm-hmm prevents you from seeing the reflection of the broken mirror See it helps you from seeing your reflection in the broken mirror entirely

out though is that you'll need equipment or tools to do this like a mortar and pestle. So after you've broken it up then you have to really grind it into a powder. But also be careful because you might get cuts or abrasions when handling the sharp pieces. So wear protective gloves and goggles. And apparently a mask so you don't put glass in your... that's why you know you can inhale it. I mean I'm gonna say that's probably not the easiest way to dispose of it. Yeah I think that's that's labor-intensive. So yeah next. Yeah throw it into running

So take it, washing a broken mirror under running water helps alleviate the bad karma. Cool. Instead of seven years, maybe it'll only last seven hours. Okay. You could also toss the shards in a south running river if you need to get rid of the mirror. You're like, I'm not keeping it. South running river. Okay?

Cool. Okay, next one. Are you good with that? Yeah. Okay. That one sounds good. Okay, you're good. I can do that. I have a creek in my backyard. Perfect, as long as it's south running. Oh shit. You wanna test that. You know, I gotta figure that out because you're not supposed to wake up. You're not supposed to sleep facing south. Did you know that? It's about now. No. Yeah. Well, so you are supposed to throw away a river in a running. Throw away a river. Yeah, a river you've got. No need anymore.

into a body of water running south. Running south. Running south. Okay, so we'll have to find out if the Conna DeGuinette runs south. Yeah, we'll double check that one. Okay, cool. Yeah, so I said it correctly. You know, it was so cool, I was in college and someone mispronounced our creek, and I know how to say it. So it was the geography professor, so I corrected them. They did not appreciate it. No way. Yeah.

I'm shocked. Shocked I say. It's a hard one. It's a hard one to say if you don't know it. My car doesn't know it for sure. I know isn't that the best when you're like no that's not right car. Precious. Oh you tried. Anyway. Anyway okay the next one. Yes. Is uh you can touch a piece of the mirror to a tombstone. Oh. Yeah. A little creepy right? Yeah I don't know any tombstones locally so that would be weird. I'd be like some stranger's tombstone. Well and the only

I forgot to mention you got to do it during a full moon. Oh So many rules All right so far river. I think is winning. Yeah I mean, but if you're really concerned just go to the cemetery during a full moon with your broken mirror and just touch it to A tombstone just a piece of it. Just a piece. It's just a piece. You'll be fine. Probably probably

Another option, black in the mirror with fire. You can just take black in the reflective side first with fire and you can do that at home. Burn it in a fire. I mean, you could like you did. Yeah. Or like your friend. I didn't do it right. You need the fire. So OK, after you're done, bury it in your backyard. Oh, boy.

Okay, number seven. The next one? Yeah. Just bury it. So I don't know why you would need to burn it and then bury it, but that's I mean you can. I need extra Precautions. Yeah, if you're yeah super like freaked out. Because like what if someone like digs it up? Yeah. Uh, well, that's true. Is it? Is it true? I think so. Oh my god. But the recommendation is that you bury if you're burying it and you haven't burned it, right? Do it at night. Okay, because you don't want to see your reflection in the damaged mirror. Okay. And then

call more spirits. You don't need that. Alright. What is the, is it St. Peter that you bury for if you want to sell your house? Uh, it's uh, I think so. I'm gonna say yes. I'm gonna say yes. Um, the next one you can do is repurpose the glass shards. So you know how like you buy like repurposed like sea glass and stuff and or art that has um, St. Joseph. Oh, thanks.

but it's yeah, they're in St. Joseph. So you upside down, so you sell your house. Sorry, you know I'm crazy. I have to look shit up anyway. Yeah. So the next one is...

repurposing the glass sarts. I like that idea because I've seen a lot of really pretty like flower pots and vases with little pieces of glass. And I used to cut glass. I used to do stained glass in high school. I did quite a few stained glass things in high school. We went to visit a stained glass place in Pittsburgh. So, you know, that would be cool to cut it. I have glass cutters. I could make it into something. Final option is just get rid of it. Yeah, put it in the trash.

give it to a friend, take it to Goodwill, just get it out of your house. If it's already broken, throw it in the trash. Not broken, give it away. Put it in the trash. But you don't want to accidentally break it putting it in the trash, which is my concern. Yeah, me too. So that's why I would just set it on fire. Because I'm a big fire person. All right. That was my list. I went all mirror themed, so I don't know why. I mean, I do know why. For you. I appreciate it, I appreciate it. I'm like shocked that I almost lost my soul.

I am too. And I'm not surprised, near-death experience. Another one. Just put it on the list. Right? There's so many, so many. So yeah, wow, crazy superstitions. Yeah. I mean, the writing's on the wall, is it not? You're so dumb.

So is that it? I mean, I guess that's it. I feel like we could do like another superstition episode sometimes There's so many like so many. Yeah, so many. Maybe we will. I don't know. Maybe we will Until next time until then later later Before we go wasn't there something you want to tell all the people's?

Yeah, don't forget to rate, review and subscribe to our little podcast wherever you like to listen. We heard it's important. Super important. Yep, and where else can they find us, Laura? You know, I'm glad you asked. You can also find us on Facebook, TikTok and Instagram at My Crazy Friend Podcast. And if you have anything you want to tell us, just email us at

All that is accurate. So yeah. Until next time. Later.