My Crazy Friend

Episode 16: Jelly donut rewards (the survivor episode)

March 29, 2023 My Crazy Friend Season 1 Episode 16

This week's topic: Crazy survival stories

As a result of discussing their own near-death experiences, the ladies decide to talk about some of the craziest ways people have survived certain death. Learn about how a whale saved a diver and a pig saved her owner who was in cardiac arrest. The ladies cover these crazy stories, and more, in this week's episode.

You'll also get some top-notch advice from Cori and Laura that might just save your life.  Seriously- it could be a matter of life or death. Listen in!

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What's up and welcome back to another edition of my crazy friend podcast. This is Cori. And this is Laura. And this is the podcast where we talk about crazy shit. Yes, we do. Yes we do. And this week, we've decided that since we have had so many near death experiences ourselves, Oh, it's a wonder we're still alive. A miracle. A miracle. So.

We've discussed some of them in our podcast episode so far. Yes. There will be more to come for sure. I mean, a running near death experiences for us. Yeah. So we thought we would share other people's amazing crazy survivor stories this week. Yes. Not just our own. So yes, this week is crazy survivor stories. But before we go into that, let's talk about our

crazy shit of the week. Crazy shit of the week. Dun, dun, dun. So this is where we talk about our own personal crazy shit of the week. Yes. You go first. Our new segment that's not so new anymore. Not so much anymore. Yeah, so my crazy shit of the week. So I guess it's my husband, he has tattoos. Everyone around me has tattoos. Even me. Even you. I have one tattoo.

But it hurt, so I stopped. But everyone around me has tattoos. And my husband said that he would never get a tattoo. He has our boys, something that symbolizes his dad on him, our sons, everything. And I'm like, I want something for me. And he's like, no. And I was like, you put my name on there. He's like, no, kiss of death. But so, you know, but he's fine. I found out he's fine with putting something on that reminds him of me or something, but not my name.

My zodiac sign put on his arm or the stars. Oh, that's very cool. Yeah. I like that. So he has a constellation of your zodiac sign. That's very cool. I like that a lot. It's cute. Did you know he was getting it? Nope. Nope.

Nope. Nope. And we're married 20 years this month. So. Oh, congratulations. I was like, Oh, so is that his gift to you? No, no, no, no, you want something else? No, no. But now I'm thinking what should I get? Right roll schedule something. Let's go. I think I'm going to get like a little Marvin the Martian head. Something out. I don't know. Like I have you're gonna have to help me with something. Oh, yeah, we can make it. Because honestly, all I can think of is just getting his initials. I think that you should have Marvin the Martian calling his way out of the back of your neck.

Yeah, I don't have my bum. I was thinking neck, you're thinking bum. You're crawling out of your asshole. OK, just we should start with it's going to be somewhere like either an ankle or maybe on the side of my hand really little. Oh, OK, you do that. I want something really tiny. The side of my arm. OK, so we'll do that together. We'll plan it. All right. That's our next plan. And that'll be their gifts.

Perfect. We need to do that before the pool weather comes. Do you have anything on you for Sean? Or do you have a lot of things on you that remind you of him? Well, I have I know you have like one on my my arm. Yeah, you can't see it. But it's the three hearts from the Pearl Jam, the three Pearl Jam hearts. So he picked it out for me when we got each other's tattoos. We picked out each other. So he picked this one out because it reminds him of me because it's Pearl Jam. And also there's three hearts. So it's me, him and Jonas. Oh, so.

I love that. Yeah, so that's my one for and then you have like what like your sister. I have this one for me and my mom and my sister on my arm. It's a little swoop swoop. Each one of us have a swoop in the swoop swoop. That's great. That's good. It's a really good description of my tattoo. Yeah, if you ask me and you did so. Yeah, I did. I did. I like I like your tattoos. I wish I wasn't a wuss. I will fix you up. Yeah, I'll get one. I'll get I'll get you know what? You can order the temporary ones and I'll get the nice stickers. That's what I'll get. OK, all right. And then when you're sleeping.

We'll have them fix it and you'll be halfway in by the time you realize what's going on. You have to commit. Oh, it's fine. All right. Well, anyway, that was my crazy, crazy cute. It is cute. What's your crazy of the week? Oh, OK. So my crazy of the week. So we take Jonas to school in the morning. Yeah. And then get Starbucks and get breakfast. It's a whole thing. It's a whole production in the mornings. And then I come home and I start my workday.

So when I got home, I think it was Tuesday this week, I don't know, someday this week, I went in and the dogs were barking at me, which they always do, because it's always a surprise that I'm gonna come in the door in the morning. Your dogs bark at everybody that comes. They're so dumb. Yeah. So like two of them were there to greet me and they went outside then and did their stupid dog stuff. And then Crimson and Clover were still barking, but they weren't within sight. So I finally found them in my office, which is the front of the house. Yeah, oh no, did they destroy your office? Well, not exactly.

but they were like barking hysterically. So I opened the door and they went out and it stunk like shit in there. Oh no, did they take a dump in your office? Probably. But then I found they were like, I went and looked by the chair and there was my one cat Spike was by the chair where the dogs were. Oh no. Yeah, she was just kind of laying there. So I picked her up and she was covered in, I don't know what, like wet, just covered.

my arm had some like little blood on it from her it came from somewhere. I don't know and like so I think she had been shitting everywhere and then they were eating it because they like dog shit or cat shit. Yeah I do know they like to sneak in your litter boxes you've had you had to lock those up. Yeah they're disgusting. Oh yuck. So I think they thought her thought she was like a little treat machine and was trying to like squeeze it out and then lick it off. Oh.

Gross! No. Is she okay? Well, yeah, so she wasn't moving, and so I think she was in shock. And with a little bit of blood, I wasn't sure, but she was alive. So I'm like, well, if they wanted to kill her, she'd be dead. Oh, yeah, we know your dogs. Yeah. 100 pound dogs with, you know, the strength of whatever. Yeah, and they're usually absolutely fine with cats. Yeah, they usually get along. So anyway, we took her to the vet just to be safe. Sure. They were like, yeah, she looks okay. They did x-rays, sent her to the trauma emergency. Not just regular emergency.

I've never been to trauma emergency. I didn't even know that was a thing. It's its own separate entrance. Where is that at? There is one, the closest one to us is in Harrisburg. So it's not far, like 20 minutes. Yeah. But so we have a closer emergency vet. Yeah. I was gonna say we've been to the emergency vet. Oh yeah. Yeah. They don't have a trauma section. So we had to go there and it is like, I mean, it's beautiful on the inside.

Why don't you? Because once you pay your bills, you know why. As soon as you walk in, you're like, OK. This is going to cost me. This is not going to be good. Nope. Ha ha ha. And they get you, because we're not warm and fuzzy here. We just care about getting your babies healed. You won't hear from us unless it's bad news. We're not going to call them, like, check in, because we're busy saving lives. We're like, oh. Oh, OK. That's like hardcore. Wow. Now I'm scared again. I thought she was OK. Now I'm scared. So anyway, I'll cut the story short, but she was there.

overnight they did blood work her blood levels are elevated and she had a bunch of bruising on her so she's home now but basically she was just in shock. He wasn't actually hurt by anything other than bruising which was I'm sure them China and how long how long was she in overnight $3,000 later. I'm so glad she's okay and I'm you know at that point you spend whatever you spend if you think that that you know I mean whatever but then when you find out they're okay you're like.

Are you serious? When you find out I didn't need to take you? Yeah, it's peace of mind because she was definitely bruised and I would have worried but now that I know. So your dog beat the crab out of your poor cat. Yeah. Yep. So whatever. So that was my crazy leak. Yeah, that is crazy. So I thought after seeing my cat who I mean, I love this cat, but obviously she's not the brightest. Cats, their instinct, their defense mechanism is to climb, right? Right. My cat.

found her on the floor, plenty of places where she could have climbed. She chose not to. So I thought for our crazy survivor stories, I would talk about animals who were a little bit better than that and actually saved humans lives. You know, this is, I mean, that's still spikes. It's still a survival story. She survived. She did survive. So the last time we did one night in, in urgent care with our first dog, Ralphie, and it was,

the same feeling like he he was sick, we freaked out, you know, he went to emergency care and all this other stuff. Lo and behold, it was a $750 paper towel that he ate and bound him up a minute. Yeah. And then he ended up passing it. But like, if he didn't, that would have been a lot more. They were thousands because we would have had to have surgery over a, you know, paper towel, five cent paper towel. Yep. So yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't even know how he got it. So yeah. And after that, I was like, oh,

No paper products. None. None ever near the stock. Nope. I'm with you. So with you. You love your pets and then they gotcha. I'm really glad that Spike is OK. Me too. Me too. I hope she learns to climb. We've got like climbing trees. She climbs all over the place. And just so you know, I'm going to get this wrong every time, because to me, Spike sounds like.

you know, more masculine. Yeah. And to me, psycho sounds more feminine, which is not fair. But like to me, psycho should be a girl. But you know, whatever, you know what, hey, you know, whatever, whatever. I'm gonna mess it up all the time. And I'm sorry. That's okay. They don't care. They don't even know. I know. But you do. You do. Yeah, but that's fine. Um,

I just know me and I'm telling you right now it's gonna happen. No worries. I'm just like, just like I call all your dogs girls and I know Clover's the boy. But yeah, the ladies and I'm like, Oh yeah, and Clover and Clover and Clover because they're the lady dogs and then Kevin's the male dog and then I, yeah. Yeah. Okay. You're the boy. Yeah. Um.

Anyway, so should we go into our stories? I feel like we're digressing. Yeah, we already recorded this once just so that people know and they can track all the times that we've screwed up and told them about it. Oh, it was a good one, guys. I'm telling you, it was the best one ever. So if you don't laugh your asses off at this one, it's because you would have laughed at the last one and we accidentally deleted it somehow. I just didn't say we didn't delete it. But at any rate, yeah, the consensus is Laura.

Or the machine, but it wasn't me. Or just listed it up a little bit so that we don't get bored. We'll surprise each other. Yeah. All right, so anyway, my first story of animals that have saved humans' lives is about a 12-year-old girl who was kidnapped in Ethiopia. So she was on her way home from school one day in June, and four kidnappers came and grabbed her. And this was at a time when in Ethiopia,

Kidnapping and then sale of the girls into like matrimonial unbliss. So human trafficking. Yeah Yeah was really big so they figured that's what would happen to her So if they didn't find her quick, they probably weren't gonna find her basically Wow So people were looking for her and then about a week later they were moving her And then police found her police caught on to like found her while they were moving her so good chasing and then

The lions then scared off lion they came in contact with lions. So lions scared off the kidnappers Oh, and they just left her yeah, the kidnappers left the girl and The lions then protected the girl until the police could catch up and then they left the girl for the police and the Lions wandered off the police intercepted the girl so people like lion Experts and then skeptics are like well They were only gonna like they only separated her from the pack because she was the weakest one and then they were gonna like

Killer they just hadn't heard her yet. Oh no i mean what if they're just because they remember they hold grudges yeah i know we talked about those vengeful animal yes you're one of them so you know why can't they be nice right and then the girl was like well the kidnappers hurt me but i didn't get a scratch on me from the lions right and then the lion supporters are saying.

Well, the lions could hear her crying and her whimpering and her cry sound like could have sounded like like reminded them of their own babies cries. Right. So they would get instinctually protective. Right. So a baby in distress is a baby in distress, even if it's not your own. You've seen this in the wild. There's other animals like apes that took babies, like other animals who have taken either human babies or other babies in. You've seen it. Yeah. You've seen like weird birds with birds that aren't theirs. Yep.

and stuff. So absolutely. And if they wanted to eat her, wouldn't they just have ripped her apart or snatched her and ran off with her when the police got there? Yeah. If they wanted to eat her, they'd take her so they could eat her. They wasn't going to be like, here you guys go police. No, our bad. Oopsie poopsie. Yeah. No, I don't think that's how lions work. No, I agree. So that's awesome. Whatever. That's a cool survival story. I thought so too. So you ready for my next one? I am ready. Okay. This one, I think you're going to like cause it's about an animal that you want as a pet, but you can't have.

Oh, pig. Yeah, it doesn't really limit it too much, but you got it. Yeah. No, because specifically all I'd have to do and I could if I moved, I could have a pig, but I can't because of the HOA here. I know. Oh, I know. We've had that conversation. I think you should get a pig and then I can come and visit it. I have eight animals. I think we've already talked about that. Too many. You know what? Yeah, that would be too many. Well, you know what? I think that's where we cross the line into too many. If I get a pig. I mean, we can build you a barn. Yeah, let's.

And then it wouldn't be too many. I think you know what? Old McLaura had a farm, young McLaura had a farm. You know what we should do? We should build me my she shed so we can record there. And then the pig will be our podcast pet in the she shed. Oh, yeah. A podcast pet pig in the she shed. OK, you know what? As much as this is an amazing idea. Yeah. The only thing I will say is that I heard with pigs to keep them small. You have to.

um, not feed them a lot and I won't be able to do that. So it's going to be pretty big pig. Oh, I have no intentions of keeping any of my animals pretty small. I want the biggest of everything. I want the biggest cats. I want the biggest dogs. I want the biggest fucking pig if I'm doing it. I feel like you should live in Texas or something. No, I don't want to be here. So anyway, so this is the story of everything's bigger there, right?

Yeah. Yeah. But I don't want to be bigger and I don't want my hair. I don't want anything on me to be bigger. Just everything around you to be bigger. Okay. Gotcha. Okay. So this is the story of Lulu the pet pig. Oh, I love that name. I know. It's not sweet. It's very sweet. Okay. So we'll have a Lulu. Yeah. Well, no, you know what? Maybe we'll think about it. We'll think about it. We don't have to commit right now. No. Okay.

So let's get the sheet shed first, then we'll work on the... Yes, we do need our sheet shed. Yeah, it's very difficult to record with... Yeah, and then we can videotape ourselves recording. Oh, give the people what they want. Right? You guys will just get more of us. More. Anyway... Sorry. So...

Lulu the pet pig, okay, was the pig of some girl, okay, I don't know the girl's name. It doesn't matter. That doesn't matter. Because what's important is the girl was her name Charlotte. Let's say let's say it was Charlotte. Okay, Charlotte then asked her parents to babysit her pig for her. Let's presume she went to college. I have no idea if that's true. But for the sake of story, and then she just never came back for Lulu. Wow, I know. So how long? Like forever, like years.

parents got her in 1997 at four pounds and then a year later they still had her and she was then at 150 pounds. Wow I told you they get big. They get big and well she also likes jelly donuts. Yeah so she was doomed. So at any rate they've got her now and they're like well we're not giving her back even if she wants her at this point like it's our pig. They basically got her.

She was little, right? Yeah. Yeah. Now they're in love with that. Yeah. So their pet pig. Yep. So then Jack, who it's Jack and Joanne are the parents. Jack and Joanne and Lulu, who have the pig. I wish it was a J. Well, maybe we can change it. We're not going to. So Jack went out fishing on Lake Erie. It should be Laura and Larry with Lulu. And that cute. It would be cute. That'd be cute. But it's not.

I know it just sounds better to me. Yeah, it does. Well, you can envision that. Just know when I say Jack and Joanne that I'm talking about, Larry and Laura. That's their middle names. It's fine. OK. OK. Glad we can get you on board. All right, cool. So at any rate, one day Jack went out fishing on Lake Erie. And Joanne, who was 61 at the time, had a heart attack. Oh, no. Yeah. And it was her second heart attack in 18 months. So she knew what it was. And she was terrified.

right because she knew she's home alone so she took an alarm clock and she threw it through the window of their place the place they were staying at and yelled for help but nobody was around nobody could hear her except for their dog who is an American Eskimo and you know what he did. Yield for help or no he didn't he barked at her he just barked yeah he just sat there and barked I mean if someone would have been near that would have been helpful but they're not no no but you know what Lulu did.

No, cried quote, big fat tears, according to Joanne. And then can they cry? I guess. I don't know. I know. And then she squeezed out through the doggie door. And then goodness, right. And then somehow pushed open the gate around their house. 150 pounds through the doggie door. Yeah. Can you imagine? No. Well, it's an American Eskimo. So it was a bigger dog. It must have been a bigger dog. Yeah. But so then she went to the village and then she

until somebody came and acknowledged her. No way. Right? Oh my God. What a smart pig. I know. That's devotion. I told you they are so smart. That's why I feel bad eating them. They're just so smart. They're smarter than dogs. Yeah. I agree. Yeah. Let's not talk about that. So anyway. OK.

So this guy finally stopped, was like, what's going on with this pig, followed the pig home, and then saw that the pig had cuts all over him, or all over her from squeezing through the doggie door. Oh my gosh, so it hurt herself by doing it. Yes. Oh my goodness. To the point where what the guy, like when the guy followed the lulu home, yelled in through the window, hey ma'am, your dog's, or your pig's in distress out here. And then she responded, hey, I'm in distress in here. Can you call an ambulance? So they called an ambulance.

Ambulance came got her she was flown to the medical center for open heart surgery and the doctors told her if she had waited even 15 More minutes. She definitely would have died Wow Right the pig saved her life. Yeah, and then that's not where the story of Lulu ends. No, no It's not I know you would think it would be but I'm gonna read some lines from the post gazette The Pittsburgh Post Gazette cuz they post like I don't want to

Forget anything. Are they from Pittsburgh? Is it a Pittsburgh pig? I believe it's a Pittsburgh pig. Wow. I know, right? I guess I should have let her say. I should know this then. Yeah, oh, and she got a jelly donut for saving her. I should tell you that, because that's super important. So anyway, so the New York, a New York TV network happened to be in the area and heard this story when the Pittsburgh Post Gazette was reporting on it.

And then they posted a story about it. And then that got really popular. And over time, there was a story in People Magazine, TV shows from Germany to Australia to Italy, picked up on the tale of the big pig who could and did. There was then a story in National Geographic, Regis and Kathy Lee Show. Joanne got a kiss from Johnny Mathis, and Lulu got a fruit plate from Annie Potts.

So this is a super famous pig. Like a super famous pig. What happened to her? She was on Unsolved Mysteries. Wow. And they were trying to find the man who came and like saved Joanne. So they did a story on Unsolved Mysteries and he never came forward. Wow. So like this pig has been all over the place. I mean, I can go on and on. David Letterman, George Clooney's a fan. Clooney actually likes pigs too. And he met, actually George Clooney met Juju.

Sorry, Juju, Lulu. Sorry. George Clooney met Lulu, and then he was talking to Oprah, and Oprah had told a story on air about how this animal was so smart, this dog could use an ATM machine for its owner, for its paraplegic owner. So George Clooney then called her and was like, hey, I met someone who's even smarter, and then told Oprah about Lulu, and then.

Oprah sent a jet to pick up Lulu and then interviewed her like stop it right crazy. I could just go to the list goes on. You know, whatever happened to Lulu. Um, yeah, she's they live up to 60 years. She's only like probably seven or eight by now. Wow. She should be living large somewhere. That's so cool. Right? Like it's just insane. Like what a smart smart little piggy.

Smart little piggy. Yeah, I know. We totally should have them. You know, I heard that like they eat anything. So like jelly donuts or whatever, but they eat anything. That's why, like if you're a serial killer, you have a pet. You should totally get us. Oh, you know, they'll eat bones and everything. Just saying. Well, that's not why I want one. No, but you know, I like having so cute. Like I like having a clover who can like, yeah, yeah. But then we need somebody to dispose of the remnants. So I think we should get our pet pig for our she shed. Yeah.

Yeah. All right. You're just selling me on this pig, my friend. No, it's perfect. It's a perfect pet pig. Yeah. For the she shed. I like the alliteration we've got going on. Oh, my. Yeah. Why her name, though, I don't think it's going to be Lulu. It's got to go with my crazy friend podcast. You got to go with something. I'm so about to think on the name of our new pig. Yeah. Yeah, it's going to happen. It's going to happen. I like it. Perfect. Awesome. Are you ready for my third and final? I am so ready. It's interactive.

Are you ready? No, I'm not ready. What do you mean interactive? Okay, so I sent you an email, you're going to want to pull up your phone because you have an you have a part in this. Okay, so while you pull that up, I will tell you what we're doing. Okay. So this is a really cool story. And I was going to tell this one. And then while I was digging through research, I found an interview. So we are going to reenact the interview to tell the story of this amazing creature. Awesome. Yeah, it is. Okay.

Yeah, I just pulled it up. Got it? It says Hauser and Shapiro? Yep, that's it. OK, you are going to be Shapiro. So this is Ari Shapiro interviewing Nan Hauser. OK. So this is on NPR. Awesome. So Ari Shapiro works for NPR. She's interviewing Nan Hauser. So Nan Hauser is a marine biologist who has spent her entire professional life around Wales. OK. And then she had an encounter with a humpback, but she's always filming. Like everything is filmed. This isn't by chance that this was filmed.

Okay, so good. Thank you for letting me know. Well, you know, sometimes you're like, How did you happen to film this? She's always filming. Okay. Okay. So and always from three different angles. Okay. So this is something she saw? Yes. Okay. So this is a video encounter. She had a video encounter with a hump back whale. And then it was crazy. She never experienced anything like this before. So she posted it and then it went viral. Oh, and then this interview was a result.

of that video sweet. I'm not going to tell you what the video is because it's clear in the interview, but we'll talk about it at the end. Okay. Okay. Cool. Okay. So you go first. You're welcoming me. Go ahead. Welcome me. Okay. Okay. Geez. You're welcome. You were in the Cook Islands where your research center is based. This is the South Pacific. How did this hump whale interact with you?

Well, instead of just swimming past me, he came right towards me. And he didn't stop coming towards me until I was on his head. And next thing I knew, for about 10 minutes, he was had me rolling around his body, really trying to tuck me under his pectoral fin. And in the video, it's clear how large this animal is. Your body is tiny next to him. Do you know how big the whale actually was? Oh, probably about 46, 47 feet.

And how unusual is this kind of behavior? It's ha ha ha ha. Good job. Thank you. Thank you. I might go into acting after this. I'm undecided. All right. You know what? I should just, maybe she had an accent. Do you think she might be British? You know what? I think you're doing good the way you're doing. She might be. It's highly unusual. That wasn't British. No, I lost it. I had it. No, you never had it. Continue.

It's highly unusual. I've been underwater with whales for 28 years, and this is just really unusual behavior. It's crazy. It's crazy. Humpback whales are not the typical typical. Yeah, wine. Hey, sorry. Give me a script. Last minute. Humpback whales are not typically dangerous animals, but any animal that big could unintentionally harm human. Were you afraid for your own safety?

I was. I was the whole time. And I'm not afraid of whales at all. I'm a little afraid of spiders. The whales I can deal with. Don't say both of us that because it's big. It's big and it's in the middle. So that's perfect. Yeah, we nailed it. Good job. Good job. All right. It's you. Still you. Sorry. Seriously. Yeah, I mean, he's big. And so I was pretty bruised up. He wasn't trying to hurt me. He could have.

He could have whacked me with his pectoral fin or his tail. I'd be dead. I mean, he was really pushing me with the front of his mouth. He could have opened his mouth and he didn't do that either. But I didn't know that he wasn't going to do any of that. When did you realize what was actually going on here? When I saw the shark.

Tell me about the shark. I didn't say dun dun dun, but I thought that was necessary. It should be dun dun dun. Okay. Dun dun. Baby. No, I don't know. Never mind. Go, go, go. Tell me about the shark. Well, I was very intently watching the whale the whole time because I was trying to get away. I did think I was probably going to die when I did finally get closer to the boat and a little bit away from him. I looked off in the distance and I saw another whale who was quite frantically tail slapping this other animal, which I thought was another whale.

And I looked at it, then I saw it swimming towards me. But it was, the tail fin was going side to side instead of up and down. So my mind went quickly, oh my gosh, that it's a shark. A shark's tail goes back and forth. A whale's tail goes up and down.

It doesn't say laughter there. That was unintentional. No, but I thought that was self-explanatory, but they made me say it. Yeah, up and down, exactly. They made me say that, too. So it was this large tiger shark swimming towards you. What was your conclusion, then, about what the whale was doing? Well, the only thing I could figure is that everything I've read about what they do with altruistic behavior to protect other mammals, marine mammals. And I've seen them protect a little hammerhead shark

They protect other animals in the sea from harm. I've just never heard of it happening with a human. Wow. Why would a whale be altruistic? It doesn't seem to fit with the survival of the fittest. Darwin evolution. Ha ha ha. Those sorts of things.

It could have been group laughter. We don't know. It wasn't, it wasn't big and in the middle. I'm sorry. Sorry. It was just in my line. Shame on you. Yeah, shame on me. Finger, finger-tisking myself. All right. Absolutely. But why are we altruistic? That's a good question. And I've been studying humpbacks for 28 years and I plan on spending a lot more of my life trying to figure that question out because it's actually a beautiful question to try to answer. As a scientist, you are trained to be a skeptic.

trying to impose an anthropomorphic storyline on animal behavior that is not actually anything like whale saves diver from shark. Exactly.

If someone had told me this story, I wouldn't believe it. If it hadn't been me, if I hadn't been filmed in three different angles, I wouldn't believe it. I tried a lot not to anthropomorphize. Anthropomorphize. Ah. Had to put big words in here, didn't you? Right, come on. Make it seem like human behavior is all they're trying to say. Just say that. Right. Sorry. I tried a lot not to anthropomorphize any of the behavior that I see. It's easy to do, but it's not a good practice in science.

So how do you, as a scientist who is skeptical of these anthropomorphic tendencies, feel about the headlines ricocheting around the world? Whale saves diver from vicious shark. I think it's gone a little bit too far. What wasn't written up.

and this is even weirder, is that four days later, the other whale that was tail slapping came to the boat and kept sky hopping and looking in the boat. So I got in the water and I rolled the camera and she came right up to me, she came up right underneath me, four or five feet away from my belly. It's crazy, crazy! And she put her pectoral fins out around me and it was my birthday and I got a hug. And you tell me, any scientist that will tell you that a whale hugged them, that's impossible.

angles, three different cameras, and I got a whale hug. So I don't even tell people that because they'll think I'm crazy. Oh, sorry, it was so cute. So cute, right? I want a whale hug. You have to see me out. Sorry. Nayan Hasser is president and director of the Center of Cetacean, Cetacean? Research? Research and Conservation Speaking with us. She's with us on Skype. Yay, it's been a pleasure. Oh, it's been a pleasure. Thanks so much.

It's been a pleasure. Thanks so much. You're right. It has been a pleasure. Oh, thank you. Bye bye. Oh, copyright 2018 NPR. All rights reserved. All right. Anyway, and scene and scene. That was we nailed that one. All right. Great. But crazy. Wow. So basically in the video, I love it. You can see she's swimming little tiny baby her and this giant humpback whale. She thinks that obviously you heard from the interview, she thinks this humpback whale is going to kill her.

Yeah, at first I thought it was humping her and I don't know, I guess it's because it's called hump back way out. Yeah. Is he like, like, like attracted to this person? Trying to do that. I was like, well, they wouldn't, that wouldn't go all around the world. That would be a little bit, that would be off putting. Yeah, that would be its own. So I knew I was wrong. That shark. Yeah. Shark. Yeah. So, wow. He was like nudging her with his head. So she said she was bruised from like all the nudging because that's how hard he was doing it. Yeah, because he's pretty strong. Yeah. And like trying to like, so then he...

got her like under his pectoral fin like she's so little in comparison and protected her from the tiger shark who would have gotten her otherwise. Wow. Nuts, right? Yeah, that's so cool. I mean, you've heard you hear that about other animals too. I mean, I think there was elephants, I knew dolphins are very protective. I just think it's amazing. Right? Yeah, I was after I decided to do this animal saves human line like theme. Yeah, I know. I found so many stories. It was hard to pick. Like there were dolphins that like created like a circle and save somebody and like

uh... dolphins that got people to come and help. Dogs. There's so many dog saviors. Cats. I mean they're like the heroes of the world except for mine. Yeah. You know they can't all be heroes. Not all of them. Some just have to be cute little blobs. We like them too. Aw, that's cool. Yeah. Super cool. So, those are my stories. I feel like I talked a lot. They were longer than...

I thought they would be I started with like six but I cut it down to three after I realized how long they were. I thought it was great. Thank you. All right, your turn. All right. So I there were so many ways to go with all this. Yeah. And I mean, you know, I thought it was crazy, too, because a lot of these survivor stories, they turn into movies. Yes. And I was like, Wow, there's the you know, the rev, rev, whatever, I can't remember the name of it with the bear. Oh, reverent. Yeah, yeah. I don't know.

But there, I mean, you name it, you know, there's the one where the guys floating for like 13 months out in the Pacific Ocean who survives, the one where the guy literally has to cut his own arm off to get out of a canyon. That was a movie to survive and all these things. And I think, wow, they're all terrifying, probably equally terrifying. I can't believe if I was in these situations, but what would really freak me out the one that I'm going to be talking about because you know, honestly they all would, but this one got to me was

being lost in the ocean. Yeah. To me, it's so vast. There's no hope. To me, if I'm in the woods, there's hope. Yeah. I could run into a village or I could get a helicopter that could see me. I feel like the ocean, your days are numbered. You're done. So to me, that's terrifying. I feel like for me, anywhere I go, I'm pretty much screwed if I don't have something to get me out. I got lost in the woods behind my house and they're not that big.

Like it's my house, a little bit of woods, and then a road. Yeah, we should put that on your list of what you're not allowed to do. Go into the woods. Right? Yeah. I ran out without a light looking for a dog. Anyway, it doesn't matter. Did you have shoes on? No.

No, that's not one of my better choices. Yeah. So, so what's probably in your backyard? Not the best. Not the best. So anyway, I wouldn't go in the ocean. That being said, and I wouldn't go in outer space also sounds dangerous. outer space would freak me out too. Could you men just floating to run out of air? No, that sounds terrifying. Yeah. So but I didn't do that. You couldn't even kill yourself. No, you just have to wait to just have to wait. Yeah, and you're gonna die. I mean, even though I know like, you know, as X, essentially, we're all gonna die. But that's kind of like

Yeah, you're gonna die as soon as you run out of oxygen. Yep. So enjoy these last few minutes. Coming. Yeah, that sucks. Anyway. All right, great. Let's go, Kori. Hey. Back again. Hey, that was you. I'm just trying to tell you about water. I just try to blame it on you. Anyway, tell me about water. So my first one that I heard that freaked me out was there was this boat that sunk off of the coast of Nigeria.

and this guy named Harrison, there was a whole, the whole capsized, it was a small, it was a tugboat, and everyone on it drowned, except for this guy named Harrison, who was in the bathroom and got trapped in the bathroom and had a little bit of air. And after more than two days in the freezing water, and his oxygen was decreasing.

You know, his heart was pounding. He heard these South African searchers finally dove down and found him. So it capsized and then sank. Yes. OK. Oh, my God. And but they found him and they had to put him in a decompression chamber before they could like bring back up and everything because they were so far down. Oh, my God. And so did he have like was he was in the bathroom? Did the whole bathroom have air or was it just like an air pocket? Like, yeah, it was just an air pocket that was caught like on the top of it.

No, the whole. Oh my God. If he had to like stay awake for how many days? Three days? It was 60 hours. Oh my God. He had to stay awake that whole time. Yes. Because if he fell asleep, he would drown. Yes. Right. Yes. God, that sounds awful. Not knowing if someone was going to come find him. Right.

Wow, good for him. Yeah, that's the story of hope. So I was like, well, that's wild. And then I ended up stumbling across none other than one of our topics, the Titanic. Oh, and I found this woman. All right. Her name is Violet. Violet Jessup. We'll just call her Violet. Let's do that. Violet survived three shipwrecks. Dude, don't get on a ship with Violet. Right? That's going down.

First, she worked on the Olympic, and then we know the Olympic had that accident that we talked about. So she worked on the Olympic and had an accident, blah, blah, blah, and then she got back fine. Did you just blah, blah, blah, a shipwreck? Yeah, I did. No, in time, it got back to, it was fine. It was fine. You know, it was no Titanic. No. Which she got a job on next. Oh, woman. She was on boat 16, and she made it back. Wow, the lifeboat, that lifeboat. Lifeboat 16. Okay.

So here's my whole thing. After the Titanic, are you going to work on a boat again? She's a nurse. I am land bound for life. Right? I'm not doing it again. Twice. I think, you know. That's enough for me. For some people, I guess it's like, what are the odds? I mean, if I'm in two car wrecks, I don't think I'm driving again even. I know, but so not close together. At least for a while. Right? So. At least I'm not buying two cars by the same company. She went the opposite way. She rolled the dice, and she was like, how could this happen again?

And lo and behold, she went on the Britannica. So all three ships made by that ship, the you know, yeah, that yeah, whatever. That group Starline, Starline, whatever. Yeah, Star. I think it was white Starliners. She made she was all three. And then during the war, it was World War. I don't know which one. Let me look to probably when they use the ships. World War One. OK, so it was don't listen to me. I just make shit up as I go. It was during World War One. They got bombed and it sunk.

And she went down with the ship, she ended up hitting her head. She ended up sustaining a skull fracture and multiple bruises, but she didn't die. How? She got in the, they, they, someone saved her. The lifeboat was there. She got in and she like hung on and now she's fine. So three, this woman, three freaking shipwrecks, one of which is the most famous shipwreck of all times, I would say. I would venture to say about the Titanic.

It's like I just bought two dodges, both of them blew up on me, probably not a good thing. I'm gonna go buy another dodge. Right? What?

Can I just say worse luck ever? Yeah. Who? I mean, like that's like the opposite of winning the lottery. She should be a pirate. Right. And my pirate should take her and like, let her be taken captive by other pirate ships. You know what I mean? Like, okay, you got us here, take her. And everybody on that ship is going to go down then. Yeah, here you can have her. I take her. She'll survive. Get her back. Yeah, we'll get her back again. It's like the cat came back. She's perfect. Right? Then we'll get those treasures and move on.

on and we like very successful pirates. They just weren't thinking. No, you know, yeah, everybody has is useful. I think so. Sure. So anyway, that got me to thinking what other like there's some really cool survivor stories from the Titanic. Oh, and so this one is my favorite. Yeah, his name is Charles. And the last name is Jochen is pronounced Jochen, I believe. And I could be butchering that but I did look up the pronunciation. I'm pretty sure he was the

Baker on the Titanic. And of course he didn't get a boat. Of course not. So he drank and got hammered on whiskey. Genius. And they think he survived because he was drunk. Because he was too drunk to freak out? Because the hyperthermia didn't set in. Oh. Because of the alcohol. Oh. So he survived because he was a drunk idiot. Dude. Yeah. Well it does heat up your body. It does and he was able to survive the cold temperatures until someone got him out.

Because everybody else just like you remember in the movie Titanic never saw it. But yeah, I mean, I don't know if I've watched it like from beginning to end, but I've seen like all these scenes and I've seen the scene where, yeah, you know. Yeah. So he dies. Everybody's on like a piece of wood or the piano or something. And then he like I'm like, and everybody talks about how you could pulled him up. Yeah.

I feel like they were fictitious characters anyway. Doesn't mean I'm not going to watch it. Yeah. I'm soon. No, not when you know the ending and you know it's sad. And I know the songs. So I'm sad. Yeah, you got the music. That's all that matters. Oh, I got the key pieces from it. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not going to waste hours of my life. God. All right. Whoo. I will say, though, if you're a history buff, that would be a reason to watch it because because apparently the sets and scenery and everything like that are very.

close to the actual. That is very cool. So that's cool to see if you're into that kind of stuff. I'm not. Me either. I tend to go the opposite way. The older the scenery, the less interested I am. But I know some people are really into that like time era like stuff and that's super cool. I like to like watch stuff like it's happening right now. Yeah, you're in the moment. Yeah. That's cool. All right. All right, can I continue? Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to digress. Please, I'm not used to this. To continue.

That was not meant to be rude. No, continue. It wasn't taken rude. I think it was. I think it was. All right. I love you. Now, it would be OK if I continue. Oh, please. Yes, I'd love to hear what you have to say. Awesome. So because of all of that, I decided right here now. OK.

Actually, it was while you were talking before. Oh, that I should compile. It's good that I had your full attention. Oh, but it was about your stories. Okay. It was about your stories. Oh, thank you. Little jots here and here. You know I have to take notes. I know. You're a note taker. So I decided to write down a list, make a list, because we're just, for some reason I like lists, you like lists, we all like lists, on how to survive all the different things. That happen in life? In life. Just, you know, a handy dandy survival guide that I'm about to give you right now.

Oh, perfect. Is it for me personally or is this like for everybody? It's for the world. OK, Laura, it's for the world. Maybe we should sell it. I'm going to ask you the question and you tell me what you think the best way to survive is. That's what we're going to play this game. All right. Perfect. OK, are you ready for me? Yes. OK, so number one, we just talked about it. How would you survive a sinking boat? Oh, go to the bathroom. No, I wouldn't do that. No, no, I would get drunk.

Oh shoot, the other one. Yes, I would get drunk.

So I would get drunk that way. You're not cold. And you know what? It would probably wouldn't hurt to carry around a little life preserver. You're right. That sounds better anyway. Yeah. I don't have to go to the bottom of the ocean. No. Or get stuck in a bathroom. I have to die in a bathroom. No, you don't die. Your guy survived. Well, he did. But I'm sure not everybody does. I thought this was how to survive. Yeah. How to survive is drink a lot of alcohol, have a flotation device on you at all times. Gotcha. So we're a life a life ring around my waist. I think you should.

I'm drinking alcohol. All day. And then I can just float with my bourbon. And you're fine. Okay. I like it. Nice. Number two. Two. How would you just, how would you get out of the woods?

Oh shit. Well, I think we already told you that I can't know. No, they actually suggested because I did look a few of these up like a compass, maybe. Yes, they did. They suggested a compass and a map you should get good with. So the rule on the woods is don't go in the woods. Well, I'm thinking like a compass and a map probably is going to help me when I get lost in like 20 feet of wood there in your backyard. I don't think it goes down to that level.

Nope, nope. So I think you just stay out of the woods. Don't go in. That's the rule for that one. 100% good. All right. Number three, airplane crash. Oh. Do you know this?

Drink a lot. I think most people do. OK, no. So I actually read this and they there was a whole thing about sitting in the back is the most safest place in an airplane. Is that the half that survived and lost? Yes. OK, yes. Probably part of the factual. Yeah. On top of that, it says that for non like for the kind that were there like emergency landings, you want to be within five rows of an exit.

Oh, so I feel fifth row from the exit in the back, safest just so everyone that's the safest row. Well, don't just give it away. That's our spot. Oh, sorry. No one listening. That's where we'll be sitting. Okay. Yeah. Everybody else is on their own. Unless you're not on our plane, then you can have wherever you want. But if you're on our plane, that's our spot. We get that spot. Yeah. Yeah. Safe is place on the plane. All right. You ready for the next one? According to us. Yes. They place on the plane according to I combine two different things. It's like it's fact.

I'm telling you, that's where I'm sitting from now on. This is not really... If you're worried that I'm giving people real survival information, then... I think you... No, I'm taking all of this. Go ahead. Okay. Next. Yes, this is all proven factual. Go ahead. How do you survive a heart attack? Oh, um... Get a pig.

Yes. Get a pig. Get I knew I was going to get that one right. I knew it. Yeah. Feel it. So have a pet pig. A pig will save your life. So our pig getting prospects, pig prospects, health reasons, health reasons. Right. They're twofold. Just like why you can sing for health reasons. For health reasons. Yeah, snoring. Yeah. All right. Number five. Yep.

How would you survive being stuck in the ocean? I would swim parallel to the riptide. OK. That's good advice. I think you should befriend a whale.

That's what I'm going to tell you to do. Oh, oh, yeah. If I'm like in the middle of the ocean. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Riptides not going to get you there. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, you should be friend of whale. That's good advice to replace. Yeah. Riptides are scary. They are. I got sucked out one time. Sean had to come save me. Are you serious? I forgot that I had to swim parallel and I was, you know, freaking out like you do when you think you're going to drown and you have to come get me. Another near death experience for you. Things I shouldn't do. Yeah. Put that on your list. Things Laura shouldn't do. No ocean.

go in the ocean. Got it. No, no woods. Nope. We're limiting you right now. Limiting. I think as long as you have someone with you, it's okay. Well, that's why I have my Jeep so I can get in and out of the woods much more safely. And if I have not your backyard, no, well, I shouldn't have done that. That was on me. And I have, if I had a pet whale, well, you know, I'll just get my orca. I'll take my orca with me. Oh, right. Right. Well, the orca attacked you. So I think maybe you need a whale to save you from the orca.

That's true. You think a whale would do that too? It would. Next pet I get. Seriously, you need a whale. I don't know where you're going to keep it. You're probably going to have to get your pool a little bigger. Oh yeah. But yeah, you need a whale. All right, ready? Yeah, there's more. How do you survive human trafficking? Oh, I think you're supposed to put your thumb inside your palm and then close your fist around it and then show it to everybody. And you know what? That'll work if someone sees you. But you know what? We'll work even when you don't even need to do that. Pet lion.

Oh yeah, in Ethiopia I don't think that helps. No, but yes, if you have a pet lion. No, I'm talking about my hand signals. They already know they've got her. Yeah.

Yeah. I'm like, yes, a lion will help. Oh, no. Yeah. I'm saying my hand signal because the cops are like, no, we see you. We're we're literally trying to get you right now. Yeah. Your hands away. Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, I mean, I think no one will bother you if you're a pet lion. You make so much sense right now. So I'm getting a pet whale. Yep. And a pet lion. Yep. And a pet pig. Yes. After this episode. Yes. All right. And I'm convinced.

your last question that probably was probably was or it definitely was. I'm looking I'm looking like lost my place when you jot your questions down in the middle of my talking I guess you're it's hard to keep track. Yeah no I think that's it. Okay that's it. Oh so that is your guide to survival. Thank you. You're welcome. Well we should keep adding to this and we can publish a book. Okay. Along with our other books that we're publishing. Yeah there's so many. We're very busy ladies. We can't be held down. We just can't commit to anything for that's our problem. We

excited and then we're like, oh, yeah, okay. Except for this podcast, we are on it. We try really hard. Except when it deletes itself, that's not our problem. But anyways, we are going to call it a day, I think. I think so. All right, well, until next time. Later. Later. Before we go, wasn't there something you wanna tell all the peoples?

Yeah, don't forget to rate, review and subscribe to our little podcast wherever you like to listen. We heard it's important. Super important. Yep and where else can they find us, Laura? You know, I'm glad you asked. You can also find us on Facebook, TikTok and Instagram at My Crazy Friend Podcast. And if you have anything you want to tell us, just email us at All that is accurate. So yeah, until next time, later.
