My Crazy Friend

Episode 14: Chocolate and sumo wrestling (the honeymoon episode)

My Crazy Friend Season 1 Episode 14

This week's topic: Crazy honeymoon stories

In this week's episode, find out who's hungry.... but is ok because she's happy to be alive. You'll also learn whose sister almost got her killed. All this while discussing some of the craziest honeymoon stories you've ever heard (and of course, some porn).  

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What's up crazy friends? This is my crazy friend podcast and this is Cori. And this is Laura. And this is the podcast where we talk about crazy shit. Yes, the craziest shit. You won't see it coming. There it is. What are we talking about? Crazy shit. Wow. This week we are talking about crazy honeymoons. Well now they're going to see that coming.

but you won't know what it is. But before we do, let's talk about the crazy shit that happened to us this week. The craziest shit of the week. The craziest shit of the week. Yeah, cool. Yeah, I'm a good singer, and you know, I've been practicing since you told me it's good for snoring. Yes. The more you sing, the less you snore. I know. Sing, sing, sing, sing, sing. Your family wasn't very supportive of that. I knew. Your son actually was, basically called me a liar. Yeah. And said that it wasn't true, and that you should never sing again. And I was saying, you know,

No, I said what I'm hearing is I should sing more because the amount I'm singing isn't curing my snoring But we all knew that was gonna happen. Yeah, they were gonna fight against it So predictable, yeah, so

I really crazy my crazy story of the week was you haven't seen Kevin in a while. That's my dog. Yeah, that's your dog Kevin. He is so so so what's his full name? I can never remember Kevin. It's not rain. So my first dog was so Ralphie the Terminator. That was his name, right? No, sorry. Houdini the Terminator. They all aren't all these names because Ralphie escaped and all the stuff and he was Sir. So I really wanted Kevin to be a Sir. But unfortunately, Ralphie was a Sir.

So I can't have too, so he's Prince. Okay. So he is Prince Kevin. Right. Scaredy cat. Potato. And then our last name. Yeah. Okay, I like it. I like that you don't fully name your dogs until you get to know them. And you know, like he started as a Kevin. He was just Kevin. Yeah, and you wouldn't commit to a full name for him until you figured out his personality and who he really was. Yes, and he is a cat.

even though he's a dog, right? And he is afraid of everything. So scaredy cat like that came right away and has not changed. He just is like leaning into it. Oh, I know. Like once he's named, you don't change it. Like this is gonna be his name. No, no, but I mean like, I just can't believe to the extent of where this dog is actually living up to this. Every garbage day, we walk him two to three times a day. Every garbage day, every trash can.

He freaks out. He does this thing where if it's my husband and I walking him, he scoots back and gets in between us. If a bus goes by any car, it doesn't matter what car, any car, he takes the, you're gonna protect me position. And then he goes with it, and then he walks right out ahead as soon as everything's safe, but he is the scarediest of scaredy cats. So yeah, he never does. Until there's another dog, then he thinks he's a big dog and he's gonna protect you, right? Not really.

He will match energy. Like if a dog is like, but if that dog got close.

He would jump in my arms. For example, we were walking and one of the dogs broke through its underground fence and literally leaped into my arms. Oh. Like, well bark and bark, but the minute he feels that that dog can actually come into his territory, now if it's the same size, he's okay. Like he'll go and play with dogs his own size. No, but big. Mommy! Yeah, yeah, but you know, he does. He'll match energy. So if he goes past a chill dog, he's chill. But we're really trying to work on that because it drives me nuts.

dogs when you're walking. Right, I don't know. So, what have I missed not seeing Kevin for a while? So he is so fluffy. So he's got some poodle in him. Yeah. So we have to get him groomed, but it's not poodle hair. So it doesn't matte, which is beautiful because that was such a pain.

on the first dog, I was constantly cutting mats out. So he doesn't, so you can go a little longer with him, but we went too long. I was waiting for the cold to come this winter and it never came. So now it was gonna be 70 today. So I said, I was like, we need to get him cut. So we take him, we make an appointment for him, we were supposed to get him to the groomer yesterday, and we make it for first thing in the morning, right? So he eats, we think he's fine now, he does get car sick.

Okay, it's the quirkiest dog. Of course, it's such a weird dog. He gets weird and weird. I have so many stories, but it doesn't matter. So my husband's like, hey, every day he tries to leave with us. Yes. So like he needs a little backpack. He tries to like follow us out with the kids out the door to go to my husband and take him to school. Yeah, it's adorable. Yeah, so he's like today is going to be the best day of his life. He's coming with us. Uh-oh. So he was so excited. He ran jumped in the car was so excited to go to school.

And you know, not thinking, he ate and he gets car sick. Oh no. So we get to the groomer, he pukes everywhere. Oh no. And then she's like, it should be fine. We're like, explain the car sick. You know what I mean? You know, it's fine. We'll let him sit for like half hour. No, flew up again. And then threw up again. Oh my God. So they called us and they're like, you're gonna have to come get him. You know, there could totally be something wrong with him. Even though we know there isn't. He literally got out of the house, was like.

And that's how it's done. Like, and I said, we just taught this dog. Now all he has to do is puke. Yeah. So I don't think he's ever gonna get his hair cut. Probably not. He's gonna be fluffy forever. Forever. You can't, I mean, to the point where people walking by, the neighbor walking by was like, boy, Kevin's look, I mean, he looks, he's rounder than he is long. And he's like got corgi in him. So he's long. And his whole body shakes. He couldn't even make, I mean, like, it's a ridiculous amount of fur. He can't see all the furs in his eyes.

It's so bad. Poor thing. You're going to have to start doing ponytails. I put ponytails on the top. Yeah. You shook them right out. So I need to really, I need the rubber band ones. Oh yeah, you need the small little rubber band ones. I put like my hair tie in his hair. Oh no, you need the little tiny elastics. Shook that shit right out. Yeah. So anyway, that was my crazy story. So we're going to try again next week. Fingers crossed. We'll tell him he's going to be pretty one way or the other. Well then listen.

If he doesn't go to the groomer, I'm gonna come over and I'm gonna make him pretty my own way. Thank you, thank you, that's perfect. Well I thought today was a good lesson. He barely made it up the hill, he was so hot. Cause it was like 70, and we're like, buddy this is your fault. So I hope he listens. There's nothing else that I can do. You can't make him make a change if he doesn't want a change. No, I'm gonna end up shaving this dog myself. I'll do it.

Oh, let me do it. No, let me do it. No, please. I'll find someone. I'll pay you to let me up I'll bring my own clippers. I'll bring my own hair dye and I will bring my own. Oh, sorry. Sorry. Sorry Sorry hair dye and I will bring my own elastic. You're not dying my hair fully No, you know what you dye your dog's hair first and then we'll talk about

I got my cats hair then we're bringing I can't bring the dog here because your dog will eat mine like a chicken nugget So and you can't come to my house and dye anything. I've seen your bathroom You are not that's that's on the list things Laura is not I'm sorry adding it right now Laura is not allowed to touch okay. Well, you know what?

Your bathroom shower is pink. Right. And you know what? I just did mine the other day and my little cat, Psycho, stepped in it. And now I have little pink paw prints all over the tub. Yes. And it's adorable. It's something. It's adorable.

It's nothing on the beautiful tile shower. Yeah. Yeah, sorry number three hair What ever I hear you? Alright, I mean, can I ask you a stupid shit? Cori doesn't says can I make my list about Laura number? 18 on my listen. I just started and let me just say this. Mm-hmm Can I ask you a serious question? Okay, that's not saying something but sure. Okay, the serious question is do you own?

any clothing that doesn't have some sort of dye, stain, food, hole on it, in it. Yes. Do you ever wear that clothing? Crickets. Okay. Of the clothing that you wear. Anyway, look, so I just got this from the thrift store and I wore it. Oh boy. It's already got pink on it. Right down, you can see it. You know what,

No. Okay. Oh my god. So not any of the usuals. Okay, what is it? I'm so well, I'll tell you. So my crazy shit from the week was it's related to this slightly. Okay, was that for work, I went to Pittsburgh and we did a video shoot for our new camp, our new commercial that we're putting together for our campaign. So that was my that was we had a good time. It was good crazy shit. Yeah, I got to see people that I haven't seen in a while. And we got to be part of this like the

the stuff that I like to do. But while I was there, all the food was catered for this one day anyway. And there was an acai bowl that looked, you know, just like frozen, frozen fruit acai, and then you'd like put granola and like crap on top of it. So anyway, so they had these, I'm like, oh, that looks good. So I grabbed one, but they didn't have any spoons. So they gave me a fork. And so when I took the lid off, I realized that it was a little bit melty, like not even a big deal. I can eat it. With a fork. With a fork.

I noticed then... And that was where you started off wrong. Well, and I didn't notice until a while after that there was a puddle on the floor and it was dark purple so it looked like blood. And people saw my finger and they're like, oh my god! You're bleeding! And I'm like, oh!

Oh, don't even worry about it. It's melted acai. And they're like, oh, I got this. So I cleaned it up and then I realized that I had like my fancy Uggs on, you know, not my ones that are stained. Oh no, you had your going out and seeing people Uggs on. I did. Oh man. So they're stained. Sure they are. And you can see that my shirt is stained. I probably should have changed before you came over. Oh, that's fine. It's fine. Yeah, it's just a sweatshirt, but still, I mean, you know. So to answer your question, no, I don't.

I didn't think so. That would be my guess. Well, no, look, these are, I just got, oh shit, no, they do have, damn it, I just got these. These are my fancy sweatpants. They're at the letter. Are those the ones you just got from the Goodwill? I did, this whole outfit, five dollar Goodwill. Beautiful. At the letter, thank you. I haven't washed my stuff yet, so it's in the hamper. I did, and I've washed it and stained it, so it's ready to go back in the wash. Yeah, because if it's something that you can wash out, you can have it, you're allowed to play with it. But if it's permanent.

See here's the thing I use hair stain I'm gonna add paint cuz I do have many stories of you using spray paint and getting it on a car Your clothes your clothes the garbage can the side of the house whatever where to whichever way the wind blows Laura's out with spray cans, you know only buying

buying furniture and repainting it, you know, for fun and painting her husband's car. No, not his car. My car. Only my car. It's fine. I had a nice red sheen on it. So anyway, I'm going to add that to the list. I learned how to use a clay bar and got it off my car. No paint? Whatever. Anyway, psycho, that's the end of my crazy shit. Oh no, it's not.

I went to a thrift store. That was exciting. I just wanted to let you know that I did find a thrift store and I did go Because I like to hit a thrift store everywhere I go just to make sure there's no like Regional finds that I'm missing right or something like some kind of like, you know amazing treasure Well, yeah, I was thinking what's his name billy the kid billy the kid picture I wouldn't know if I saw one, but I didn't see one But uh, I got there with like 23 minutes before it closed So I didn't have time to really do a deep dive into it. Yeah, but you made it I made it and that's really

Yep, exactly. So on that note, wipe my hands of my stories and I'm gonna kick it over to you for our follow-up to last week. What did we do last week? Crazy wedding stories. Yes. So what happens after weddings? Yep, honeymoons! Guess what comes after that? Next week's! Go!

Divorces! Divorces! But not us! No, not yet, anyway. They gotta play their cards right, you know? They gotta keep them on their toes. Can't get comfortable. You cannot. You get complacent in this marriage, you are out the door! So, um, I thought it would be only appropriate Right, for what? to discuss our honeymoons real quick. Oh, let's do that. So, not that, you know, we had them together, but it was interesting because we both had ours at the same place.

So why don't you tell yours? I know you've got some crazy stories. I'm just going to interject mine with yours as you go along. Yeah, no. So the only thing that really stuck out to me about the honeymoon was like we paid for our wedding ourselves and so we didn't have a big honeymoon budget. So we went to Baltimore. We drove to Baltimore and we got, it was so cute. They, the guys like upgraded us to like a suite because it was our honeymoon, even though we had a regular room and it was overlooking. The baseball field that was there was just really cool. Oh yeah, the words. Yeah.

Yeah, so you went there because you guys were paying it for it yourself. Yeah. We went there because we got married in 2001 in October. And so as we were planning our honeymoon in September, 9-11 hit, we're like, well, we're not getting on a plane, so where can we drive to? So that's why we picked Baltimore. Sure. So just thought I would interject, tell our story of why we ended up there in New York. Yeah, so we were poor, you weren't, whatever. Okay. That's not what I was saying.

Fine. So, yeah, so we overlooked the baseball thing and it was really cute and then I ended up getting my period and then I had a headache, so Stu went down and he got tampons and Tylenol and the guy's like, I am so sorry. And they didn't have, it was back, they had like a little.

like cabinet but there was no the restaurant was closed it was late I remember being late so we're starving we're like we need to go and find food let's go find food so the guy tried to give us directions and Stu pulled out of the hotel garage and we should have went right apparently and we didn't we went left and we come across this and I see a baby in a parking lot did I tell the story already I feel like I told the story already so anyway if I did sorry

your death experience. I don't remember. I know, I know it as a near death experience for you only because we've shared honeymoon stories before but...

Go ahead, tell it. Oh my God, did I tell this already? I don't know. It was a near death experience? I have no idea, but tell it. No, I thought it was something you did. Tell the story. Okay, geez. So, anyway, we have this running theme of near death experiences. Yeah, I know. And I don't know where they pop up, and apparently I have another one. So I don't think I've shared this. So we turn left, and there's a baby, and I'm like, cool, it's a convenience store, there's a baby, it's gotta be fine, right? Gotta be safe. If it's like two o'clock in the morning, and there's a baby, don't go there. No.

That is my advice to you. Because we pulled in and I got out and there was nobody and then people just came out of like from behind the convenience store. It was just lots of people. And I had my wedding ring on and so I turned it around and I'm like fuck, I am going to lose my wedding ring which was the only thing that like we, I mean Stuart spent money on that was the only thing we spent money on. The only thing that we had from the wedding that was, I can't, I can't even. I'm like having a heart attack thinking about it.

This woman comes up, she was only about five foot tall, maybe like four, 11, tiny little crack head. And I say crack, cause that's my guess, but it could have been a number of drugs. I don't know, any kind of, just kind of looked crackish. Sure. So she put her arm around me and was like, honey, I'm gonna take care of you and I'm gonna make sure you're safe. And I was like, wow, I'm gonna die. So.

We walked up to the window, which the whole place has bars on it. Like all bars and you have like a little thing. Also a good sign. Oh, didn't realize that. Can't go in. We had to tell the man through glass and bars what we wanted. And then he would pick it up and then he would put it in a little slot and he would give it to us. And we paid first before we were allowed to have the item. Oh, yes. So we got drinks.

And we're afraid to buy anything else. We got two sodas. And the lady escorted me back to the car and Stu put me in the car. He paid this woman our service fee. We got in the car and we went back to the hotel and we were happy to be hungry. Cause we were alive. Very smart. Yeah. So anyway, that was my honeymoon. Well, you know what?

We had a very similar experience, but not during our honeymoon. So we made the genius mistake or whatever of going there for senior week. Sure. Cause we didn't go into the beach and it was something different to do. Yeah. So we took my sister who was younger and the place we stayed. Wow. You almost got your sister killed too. No, she almost got us killed. All right. I need to hear this. Yeah.

So we went to the hotel and they said first of all don't go out at night. We're like, oh cool. Bummer. Good to know. Second of all, they tried to sell us a mag light flashlight. Huh!

cool, we should probably have one, went back to the car, got the one that we already had, dunk one at night, carry your mag light, got it. Pepper spray probably would've been good too. Would've been good. So they were like, you know what, we'll just go out, we'll walk around, we'll go find the aquarium or something to do. This was, you know, before cell phones and GPS. GPS, us too. You had to get directions, you know, and then you know where you're going. Well. Or ask directions, can't do that. So we made a turn.

You were driving at least. No, we were walking. From our hotel trying to find... Oh my god, you were gonna get gang raped. Dude. Oh my god, it's okay. So we saw, like, we're like, shit. Alright, we're like going the wrong way. We go, alright, whisper to ourselves, you know, we're walking towards the ghetto. We need to make a right here and just keep on walking. Now my sister, being younger, turned around and looked at us and goes, This isn't the ghetto! Shhhhhhh!

Oh my god! Yeah, it is. I think you're gonna get us killed.

Oh my god. So then we look down the street and we see a kid. Yeah. Laying in the middle of the street. Oh, did you know better? Or did you think, wow, there's a kid. We've got to be good now. Oh no, we knew better because he had been hit by a car. Oh my god. And they were waiting for, I guess they were waiting for somebody to come. Meanwhile, family picnics. Oh my god, was he OK? I don't know yet. Oh my god.

on either side of the street doing their thing. Only one or two people were concerned about this kid. That's how we knew we need to walk a lot faster. So anyway, that was our senior year of high school. So by the time we got married, we knew we go a little bit more about where to and not to go and ball no more. So we didn't have the problem that you had. We had more of the, well, we've been here, what do we do? So we got, we went down to the...

gift shop the one day and we got a family size bag of M&Ms. A family size bag of Reese's Pieces. We went back up to our room, we sat in the bed, and we watched Sumo Wrestling and ate our chocolate all day. That's amazing. So that's, I mean we did other things obviously throughout our honeymoon, but that was like our favorite memory was just sitting in bed eating candy and watching Sumo Wrestling, which we had never watched before nor have we watched since, but man was that fun.

So in my case, that obviously was not our favorite memory. That was like the worst memory of our thing. What? Yeah. No, I find that hard to believe. Yeah. So.

So that's all for our personal honeymoons. I guess you're first this week. Oh, for my story. Okay, so, you know, the point of our podcast. Yeah. So, okay, crazy honeymoons. Yes. So I was reading through some. Okay. And I was like, ooh, I picked two. And I was like, ooh, this one's, I picked one for you, one for me. Oh, thank you. And then I found another story. Of course you did. But. Who's that one for? Both of us? It's just a half to share. Oh, okay. Story. I was like, oh, no, this is a story. But then I was like, it's our podcast, so I'm gonna tell you the two that I found that were me and you

All right, so the first one that was you all right these Pete this woman had never done the Brazilian wax before Yeah, I always think of you because you go get that time at the bunny place Yeah, and It's just one of those things where you like come with me I'm like no, I won't have anybody rip that stuff so you know Brazilian wax. I think of you. Yeah, yeah razors are just fine so anyway, no one needs to rip anything out of me, but

So this lady wanted to do it for a wedding, but she was too shy to go. So her sister who waxes her legs all the time was like, no worries, babe, I got you. I will do it for you. She's like, oh good, my sister will do it. Wait, I'm sorry. So she was too embarrassed to go to somebody who does this all the time, but she was cool with having her sister rip and pull at her. Her sister apparently waxes her legs all the time. Waxing her own legs and waxing my vagina are very different. But anyway, go ahead.

Come to find out that was true. So I guess first of all, it's a different wax. Okay, yeah, I'm sure it is. The Brazilian wax, at least what I use is more as a sugar wax, the place I go. So it was her.

area was so severely burned obviously destroyed their honeymoon like i said and there was all this irritation and discomfort it lasted for over a week she had to put like lotion on and all this other stuff and uh uh

She had a terrible itch then even after that. So yeah, not your ideal honeymoon. So I thought of you for that one. That was horrible. And then I found one where the bride put her feminine vibrating device in her carry-on. Oh. And they took it out at the airport and was waving it around like a wand. And she said, so note to everyone, make sure you check those items. Don't put them in your carry-on, even if it is your honeymoon.

was mortifying. So it was like, Oh my god, me and you, because, you know, we have, yeah, we can relate to those stories. Just because I mean, well, if you've listened to past episodes, I have my, they're always those, those vibrators are always turning up in the most unusual places. Unfortunate of places. Embarrassment of places. It's actually all the same place. It's just different people finding it. I should learn to hide those things better. My movers found mine. So then I found this story.

And when I say like, we're just going on a journey. Okay. All right. So this I read, I read this. I'm going to sit back, grab my coffee and go on this journey. Get comfy. I'm comfy. So this guy and this and this woman got married. Okay. And so this is the son telling the story about his dad. Okay. So he says, you know, my dad and his first wife, because I guess it's not his mom, had a nice honeymoon at some fancy resort. They don't name the resort.

And so five years later for their fifty fifty anniversary it went back to the same hotel to rekindle things have a romance book the same room and they requested. The same ranch it was vhs tapes for those of you don't know would be like a dvd for you those who don't know it's like digital movies but they were in a tape so vhs tapes you know to get them in the mood.

Apparently this hotel offered those. That's interesting. Yeah. So they're watching it, and they couldn't help but realize it was the room they were in. So they're watching a porn, a homemade porn, from the room that they're in. It was not the same VHS tapes they got in five years earlier. And they're watching it. It's decorated a little different. It's actually decorated much like it was five years ago, because everything had been updated. And they're watching it.

and then they realize it's them. Oh no. So they actually, apparently this hotel was busted, it was in the 70s, for recording their guests and making movies out of them and then distributing those movies. And they had porn and they didn't even know it. That's insane. Yes, they were. Can you imagine? I couldn't. The people got fired, apparently it was the thing. I could not find an article on it. So I was like, oh my God, I gotta know more about this, right? Right. So.

Of course, I googled how many times you go to a hotel and it was porn. I understand some kind of creepy nighttime manager recording things or there was that news lady who, you know, what's her name? I can't even remember. She's got Sports News Lady. She was very famous. Oh, Erin Andrews. Yes. She got Peeping Tom. Yeah, Peeping Toms in a hotel. But I found, I could not find anything about.

the dad from the 70s. So I did come across an article about, I think it's South Korea, hundreds, up to 1600 guests were secretly filmed and live streamed online porn from South Korea from a bunch of different hotel rooms there. Live footage that people figured, found out that was happening. Are you kidding? No.

And that, I mean, and I came after article after article of like, like crazy things like that. And then I came across an article of celebrities that you would have never guessed started in the porn industry. I thought, wow, that's so interesting. So I like how you've managed to get to a list of celebrities who started in the porn industry, industry from the topic of crazy honeymoon stories. Right?

Right, right, now I hear you, now listen to my story. So I told you a journey, we're going on a journey. I thought it would be interconnected, but no, it's good. It was interconnected. It was six degrees of Kevin Bacon connected. Do you want to know about them or not? I absolutely want to know about them. Okay, then you know what? I also want to give you a hard time, so I think I can do both. Whatever. Yeah. So, um, let's just do it. Celebrities you didn't know.

Started in the porn industry. All right. All right, we'll see if you can guess any too. Okay. Number one, John Hamm. Do you know who he is? No, I ask you that every time. One of these times I'm gonna remember. Well, he's in the commercials right now with Progressive Insurance. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. But he also was like Mad Men. Yeah, yeah. Mad Men and all that stuff. Yes, yes, yes. Anyway, so he actually didn't do anything.

He actually was a lighting person. Yeah, he was. Actually, I don't know if it was lighting. He moved like furniture and set. He like set design and set dressers for, it was soft core porn for Cinemax. All right, and then. He never inhaled, I bet. Right, right, right. So, we'll start off, most of these are soft core and not hardcore porn. Number two, Cameron Diaz. She tried to hide it after the mask came out.

Unfortunately, sorry couldn't so yeah, she did some softcore porn good for her. Yeah good for her And then do you know who David? Decovny is oh, yeah X-Files and which comes up in the show of ours so he apparently did a series softcore porn series called the red shoe diaries I Did see that and do you know who else was in the softcore remind me?

Joey Triviani. Oh, I thought you were gonna say who was in that one. Yeah, so Matt LeBlanc, there was, I guess, you know, that catapulted a bunch of people's careers. I mean, it's got to. Right? If you look like these people, I mean, come on. Yeah, the next one that I thought was interesting was Arnold Schwarzenegger. Okay. He actually did all gay porn and nudes for gay magazine after dark. I can see that. Yeah. He's got a body. Yeah.

Yeah, and an accent, you know? Yeah, I can see that. I mean, he's not my type, but I could see that people like that chiseled body builder, weightlifter. Yeah, no, my type for sure is, it's not that, so I guess if I like the Viking look. Yeah, I know you do. So that's what I've decided today. I'm like, that is like, when I look at that look, I'm like, I get a little fluttered. So I'm like, that's definitely, you know, it floats my boat.

Um, I definitely think that, you know, they can have muscles, but I don't need muscles. I just need like someone that looks like they lived in like Siberia. I want them to look like they can pick me up and you know lumberjack. No. All right, so that was Arnold. And then my final one is number five Jackie Chan. And this one cracks me up because um,

Apparently he starred in this show called All In the Family. So this sounds like real porn, adult comedy. And he shrugged it off when people questioned about it. He said, hey listen, you know, I had to do whatever I had to do to make a living, so it is what it is. Yeah, no shame. No shame in that game. No need. So anyway, yeah, so I know I'm all over the place today, and I warned you. You did warn me. Oh, are you done? I'm done. Oh, OK.

So my turn and I am gonna tell you a story. Okay. But just one. Okay.

sure where to start. So I was reading a lot about crazy honeymoon stories. And you know, actually friends of ours went on their honeymoon in Mexico and a hurricane came through and they end up spending their honeymoon in a stadium with thousands of other people. Oh my gosh, there were a lot going through this. There are a lot of hurricane related honeymoon stories that were crazy. I believe it. Yeah, because they don't have the same structural. A lot of places don't have the same structural, I don't know, inspections and all that.

So like the stuff is just not structurally made for you to be in it one and two They don't have like the systems. I read this one where

They actually were going to one location and then they ended up moving to another one and it still hit. The hurricane still hit. That sucks. Yeah. So I can't. Again, there's nowhere to go. Yeah. So I thought about maybe doing something about that. And I thought, and then I read one that was actually just funny about some guy who solicited a prostitute on his honeymoon. Oh no, buddy, come on. I know. One day. Right? And it turned out the prostitute was an undercover cop. So it just didn't.

out well for him but ended up anyway I ended up going with this story because it's interesting so you may have heard of it apparently was a big deal I'd never heard of it before now but it is the story of the George Smith disappearance nope nope okay so George Smith who was 26 years old at the time got married to his wife Jennifer and they decided to go on a cruise for their honeymoon so they were

got on Royal Caribbean's Brilliance of the Seas, and they were gonna sail through the Mediterranean. Nice. So somewhere between Greece and Turkey, he went overboard. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. Okay, I'm gonna shut up. Okay. I do know the story. Okay. Yep. Sorry.

So it turns out the night before he and his new bride were just drinking a lot apparently. And he ended up partying with some friends that he had met and staying after partying. And she went someplace else. I don't even know where. It ends up she was found in a corridor later. But anyway, so he partied with some friends. They took him back to his room. They stayed there with him for a little bit and then they left. And people, this guy that was staying in the neighboring room.

heard this happen, heard a bunch of guys talking and arguing, and then heard these men leaving at the end of the night saying good night. And then he heard some commotion outside of the room and didn't really think anything of it, but heard it enough to remember, you know, it was awkward or odd enough for him to remember, but not starling enough to like call anything in. This may be a different story. Oh, okay. Thanks. Yeah, sure. Okay. So, sorry.

So his wife that evening was found asleep in a corridor on a ship.

and some ship employees found her and took her back to her room. So it was after a night of I'm assuming drinking and passing out. When anyway when the employees took her back to her room her husband was not there. Oh no. But there was no reference of her being there when her husband was brought back either. So I'm not exactly sure of when he was there and she was there or if their times ever overlapped. Right. Probably.

Probably did not so then she woke up in the morning and he was gone. So she was like, okay Well, whatever I'm assuming like after a night of drinking whatever she maybe thought it was a cruise ship He got up and did his own thing I'm gonna get up and go to my scheduled yoga class or whatever it was So when she came back from her morning class, he still wasn't home and she was like, alright, this is weird and They found some blood stains on the railing

and oh no yeah I found some blood stains on the railing and it looked like um handprints and there were some reports that like possibly footprints oh god somebody had grabbed on and was trying to like climb their way or claw their way back onto the ship oh no and there was also a report that there was a kind of like a butt print on the railing at the top of the ship in like the do so like the thought was somebody was he was sitting up there on the the railing

of the ship fell off like grabbed onto something hit his head maybe grabbed onto something was trying to claw him back on couldn't fell overboard nobody knew and he just got lost at sea. Oh no. However there was also the thought that these four guys, three or four guys, I guess it was four, that had taken him back to his room that night and argued with him.

before he left, then I mentioned that the neighbor in the room next to him heard some noise outside. He said it sounded like deck furniture was being rearranged, which could be to make it easier to move somebody, or who knows, who knows? You could go anywhere with that. Where was the blood and everything? On the deck railing, and then also- Of their room. No, on the one below.

Oh, so like he felt, oh yeah, that's not good. No, and then on the lifeboat under their deck too. Was anything stolen? No. Because I thought that maybe those guys stole stuff and just threw them overboard. Nope, nothing was missing except for him. Wow. Yeah, so his body was never found and it was ruled accidental. But after like after that, or after the reports and everything of him missing and these four guys had seen him.

Apparently three of the four anyway had Russian ties So and the other one was Russian-American or they're all Russian Don't quote me on this piece of it cuz you know this is not a conspiracy piece No, well, no, this is so their ties are factual whether or not they had anything to do with it is sure Questionable sure so they had Russian mafia ties or Russian ties so the FBI

thought that the Russian mafia may be involved. So I don't, like no charges were ever brought. But I thought of all the stuff I've read, that's a pretty shitty honeymoon. Yeah. I mean, I read some that were murdered, but the murderers were found. This guy, like, we don't know if he was murdered. His body was never found. I mean.

That's a shitty honeymoon. Yeah, there's one right now where there are, I don't know if it was a honeymoon though, it might've just been the anniversary, but that he was shot and they say that he...

I don't think it was killed himself. She's saying he was shot. They're saying he just fell off the balcony. Oh. And she said, she specifically remembers, this is, I don't know if this was Mexico or whatever, but she specifically remembered this wife. It's been the news recently. She remembers seeing a gunshot and she remembers the people, like the people that came to help him say that. But then suddenly now there's no gunshot and he died of natural causes of falling. So they have like now American investigators and all this stuff and it's like, it's over. It's out, you know, in another country. So it's so different.

That's, yeah, that's crazy. It's funny how like when they're out at sea, like stories seem to change fluidly. Well yeah, because who monitors that? Right. Because it's the sea. Right, who's in charge? There were so many times where I've read stories of like people lost at sea, that's why cruises freak me out a little bit. Like I'll go on them with my husband, but he wants to take the kids. And I'm like, no, not bringing my kids on a boat. I'm not doing it.

Yeah, I mean, they have to stay close to the United States if they're on a boat. Close to the United States. Yeah. It's just like, I don't want them in international waters. It's scary to me. Anyway, no. So, yeah, I'm sorry. Do you have anything else on that? No, I just, like I said, I had a bunch of stories that I couldn't decide which one to share, but I thought about that's the shittiest one I could find. That's awesome. Or not the shittiest, but the craziest one. That's crazy, right? So you want to hear like the one I thought you were talking about? Oh, yeah.

This is crazy. Okay. So same thing. Honeymoon people on a boat. They were dancing and drinking and it got late and they kind of went their separate ways. He was with stayed with the guys or whatever that she was with. She ended up passing out going back to the room. This is where I was like, okay, very similar. Very similar. And she went to bed. Okay. Okay. And then she woke the next day. He wasn't there.

She's like, oh my God, she let people know like this is weird. Yeah, they went looking no one could find him No one can find him He went overboard He was discovered 20 hours later what they actually Found him swimming. It was just recently on the news. He spent 20 hours Some it said that like some Coastguard

Put out a thing and they found him. That's crazy. Yes. They said it's never happened Like they never thought they were gonna find him. He was just looking at something. He slipped fell off was in the water and Nobody was around him. Nobody saw this happen. No, it was in the middle of the night. Yeah That's why I can go. Yeah scary He said he were like, you know, he had almost had hypothermia he like it was it was the night before Thanksgiving and there was just

It was just crazy and it was like I guess it wasn't too cold or he that would have killed him there was so it was like the perfect time to fall off a boat apparently he survived the fall he was able to keep himself afloat no sharks came. Wow and then you know it just happened that the motor vessel you know it was in the right place at the right time and found him but his name was.

James Michael Grimes and he they found her husband so that was I thought you were gonna say that one but no No, I don't know you want the other way turn Sounds crazy just swimming in friggin golf of Mexico over where they were Wow that is crazy Yeah, I know I decided to and he drifted a while too And I didn't write that down the funny thing is I was supposed to tell this story during number three when we did It was alcohol stuff because he was drinking

Mm-hmm forgot to tell it no so then I was like well tell it during the the death episode near death I talked about near the experience experiences I thought well this was kind of a near death this is totally in your death experience But then I was like no because we're she talking about deaths We were only talking about nearness, and then I never said it then and then you brought it up I thought you were finally gonna tell it, but no but no so I thought you know what?

I'm gonna tell it. I'm glad that you did. Yeah. Then we can end on a positive instead of my. Right, that's what I was thinking. No, I'm glad that you did. All right, well that's all I got. No, I'm sorry, I'm gonna go take something for this migraine. I'm sorry if I don't seem as upbeat today. I'm fighting it in my... It's this crazy weather. It is, it was like 40 and rainy yesterday and it's 70 and sunny today. Yeah, I had a coat, gloves, and hat, and a scarf on yesterday with the wind and everything and today I have shorts on.

So yeah, I want you to feel better. I will. We got through it though. Yeah, we made it. There's not too much editing we have to do either. We made it to the other side. We did. Ha ha, sure did. We sure did. We sure did. So until next time, I guess we're good to go, right? Yeah, later. Later.

Hey, before we go, wasn't there something you wanna tell all the peoples? I'm sorry.

Yeah, don't forget to rate, review, and subscribe to our little podcast wherever you like to listen. We heard it's important. Super important. Yep, and where else can they find us, Laura? You know, I'm glad you asked. You can also find us on Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram at My Crazy Friend Podcast. And if you have anything you want to tell us, just email us at

All that is accurate. So yeah. Until next time. Later.