My Crazy Friend

Episode 13: Butts and beard leftovers (the wedding episode)

My Crazy Friend Season 1 Episode 13

This week's topic: Crazy wedding stories

Drug busts, forgetful fiancés, spittoons, mooning, and more in this week's crazy wedding episode. While discussing weddings stories, the ladies reveal a time when they didn't like each other (Spoiler: it's when they didn't know each other) and dole out some sage love advice.  Listen in and let us know if you've experienced any crazy weddings!

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How's it going crazy folks? We're back with My Crazy Friend podcast. I'm Cori. And I am Laura. This is the podcast where we talk about crazy shit. Yep. Yep. And this week we're talking about crazy weddings. Yes we are. But before we get into this week, we'll...

jump back to our crazy shit of the week segment where we talk about our personal crazy shit from the week. This is going to be the death of me. I know. It was your idea. You got to do it. Well, it was only for you. And now I can't ever come up with anything crazy. You don't have to come up with it. Well, I'll go first and you can think. Well, you know what? I was going to say this. Okay. You want, why don't you go first? It's not a thing. I just wanted to say that last week you talked about me graduating from, well, I said I was

And you were like, oh, I was still in school. Like I'm some young thing and you're a year different than me. So I'm just pointing that out to everyone because whatever, you're not that much younger. And the fact that you dwelled on that for a week just proves my point that you are the crazy one. I didn't dwell, I just wrote it down. Whatever. Just making a point. Potato, potato. Alright.

I'm gonna try not to interrupt you as much, because I notice I do that a lot, but. Hey, that's okay, you are. And I digress a lot. I think there was a whole section in the last episode was digressing, so, you know. We cut out some of that too. I know. We cut out some of the digression. You're welcome, people. Good thing. Don't say that.

You are. To anybody who was thinking, turn off your damn phone. Oh my God. To anybody who was thinking, can you remind me? Like, can you, we were like, hey, we're podcasting, you need to turn your phone down. Because how many of these, oh my God, there's. Do I have to edit out? A lot. Yeah, here's the thing, I can tell you like three places they're still in. I know. Because I keep on forgetting to tell you the three places. I know, I know, I'll get them out eventually. You give me a lot of editing work to do. I know, I know, I'm so sorry.

I love you anyway. You know how many sacrifices you make when you're someone's friend. Yeah, that's right. You make a lot. You so do you. Yeah, I do. Yeah. Yeah.

But we'll agree that you're the crazy one. I'm not agreeing to that. Well, so. I'm maybe one of the crazies. Anyway. So I had a few, I'll go first. Sure. I had a few crazy shit from this week, okay? No big ticket items or anything, just low key crazies. Okay. All right? So one of them was, you know I mentioned last week that my party was, we had a date set. I just wanted to let you know, I said Jeff Caudill was checking his calendar, Jeff Caudill, I don't know how. I always misprint.

last names. So I'm just not gonna Jeff from Game Face was checking his calendar and he is a go so that's exciting and then Popeye from Farsight is coming. So we're gonna have we're starting our day long music fest. I think you need to get tents. I'm putting you in charge of that. No. Yes. I'm not in charge of that. Nope. Yes. Nope. Yep. Have a nice day. Thank you. Not having any tents. Okay. We'll see. I don't I hate

Yeah, but you're so good at it. Oh.

Anyway. I can't afford to get tents anyway. Well I didn't see you had to buy them, dummy. I just said you were in charge of them. Anyway, but my real, I guess, low key crazy thing from the week was I had a final destination moment. I was driving. You broke off. I know, and I had my sunglasses on because it was actually nice here for the first time and I don't know if we're fucking ever. We haven't had winter. No. Well, we haven't had nice weather either. No, but I mean we haven't had winter. No, but I haven't needed sunglasses in months is my point. So I finally had them on.

I'm driving and I'm blowing bubbles with my gum because you know it's nice out and that's what I do and I blew a bubble so big. Thank you I needed the visual. Perfect. I blew a bubble so big it popped and landed on my sunglasses.

I can see you take them off Laura. Well, I did then yeah, I did. Thank God. Thank God you're wearing sunglasses You'd be dead with the sunglasses dead or it would have just popped on my nose like it normally does and I would have peeled it off anyway Still driving after like son of a bitch I'm not even so big. It was like over your hair. It's like in your head and you'd be dead I could be dead. You're better not blow bubbles anymore while you're driving. Yeah, that's probably that's the list of things Laura are not allowed to do

So then as I'm driving the same drive I got I'm gonna sneeze and then sneezing sneezing sneezing sneezing sneezing And I crucially only sneezed like three times. I kept sneezing And I you know and every time you sneeze you like squint your eyes and this road I was on it was like a rock wall on the right and a cliff on the left Oh my god, there's nowhere to pull over and there were cars coming like I'm definitely gonna die I'm meant to die being blinded today on this drive. Oh my god. Were you in the Jeep? No

my car. So I said I pushed the little buttons to keep me inside the lane. I was thinking maybe it was pollen coming, you know what I mean? If you were like, if you had open air. No. Because the doctor, you know, the doctors on the nightly news said that, hey, because of the warm weather, allergy season is starting now. Yes, I'm a grandma. You're the coolest person. That wasn't nice. I just said you're the coolest person I know. You should see, you all should see the face she made when she said that. She didn't mean it. You didn't mean it. They don't, only you know that.

You're the coolest person I know. They all know that. I'm even giving you thumbs up now. Coolest. I don't like you right now. Just finish your stupid story. That's not a stupid story. I survived it. That's the good end. That's the crazy part. It didn't get me. Knock on wood. Yes. Yeah, knock on wood. We don't need a final destination to come out. No, no. One day is enough. It's like the purge. It was really scary. I'm glad you're alive.

Thank you. How are the sunglasses? Did you get the gum off of them? Oh yeah, I just peeled that shit right off. Good, good. See, no love lost now. No harm, no foul? That's it. That's the thing I was thinking of. Thank God for you. You're so good with idioms. You're the idiot with idioms.

Anyways, that was my crazy, and you know what the thing is, is I had a bunch of crazy shit happen this week, and each time it happened I'm like, oh, this is my story for the week, I don't need to write this down, no way I'm gonna forget. And this is the only one I remember. No.

pretty much your every day. It makes sense, because if I don't talk to you, like you'll be like work stories or day stories, you'll have so much that has happened that you'll tell me late, like you're like, well, you know, that was two days ago. I've missed like an entire soap opera of stories. Yeah, you do, that happens. So I don't like that, I gotta keep on it. I need to keep a journal. I think I'm gonna start doing that. Well, I did have one other thing that I discovered this week, but I'll save that for next week. Oh, okay. Yeah, well, I'll just tell you real quick.

that you're the crazy one in our relationship. That's not right. It is right. Right here, written down. Make book of crazy shit Cory does to prove. You're, you know, that's giving me anxiety. That's not fair. I'm not plotting against you. Okay, well one of the things that I'm gonna put down is that my crazy friend has certain rules that she goes by when writing, including that she doesn't think that when you put two at the end of the sentence, that it should matter how it's used. You should just always put two O's in two. I'm just saying in general. Right. When two ends a sentence,

it's two zeros so if you're not sure... two zeros! two O's! yeah and um I'm just saying like if I'm not sure I I I

tend to go the way of two zeros. Uh huh, right. Two O's. Uh huh. And yeah. Just because it ends in a sentence. Because, you know, in general, because I didn't really know which one it was. Right, no, that's fair. So I picked the wrong one, yes. You know, yes. She's always correcting my grammar. Yeah. Whatever. Whatever. Well, and then, the same person said. Me! Yeah. Me, okay. Said that somebody was, quote, a breath of fresh water.

Which everyone decided that would kill you. Yeah, it doesn't matter if it's fresh, salty, whatever. That would legit kill you. You know, I got drink of water and breath of fresh air mixed up. Yeah, no, I got it. I do that a lot. Hence the book. I'm just going to make it. I've got a friend helping me, too. It's not. You know what? You know what? I feel ganged up on. Do you? Yeah, you should feel honored that there's so much cool, crazy stuff about you that we can write a book about it. Sure. Are you up? Are you going to go? I'm done. That was your turn.

Don't you have crazy shit from the week? That was all, that was snow. Oh, just that you're only a year younger than, older than me? Yes! That was crazy on tape. I told you I didn't have any, that this is a struggle for me. Oh, there's no way, that's true, but okay. I believe you. Do you want me to go first? No, it's not saying that nothing happened, it's saying I don't remember. Oh, that makes more sense. Yeah, I don't remember this, like, I know that this week I thought maybe I had appendicitis, but I didn't, because it was the wrong side, and then I was like, maybe I have a kidney stone, who knows?

But I didn't want to go to the doctor, so I didn't. So I'm thinking it was just all of the cruciferous vegetables I was eating. Oh, that can happen. Yeah, it was pretty much, because I had like a whole plate of green peppers and stuff. You eat a lot of almonds. It might be diverticulitis. Oh my God, you're freaking me out. I don't need that many almonds. Oh, okay, it's probably not that then. What is that? I don't know, Google it. It's something that can happen. Oh my God, I don't want to get old. Anyway, I think I'm okay now. It just hurts a little bit. Oh, okay.

I feel like such a grandma. Okay, so yeah, that's about all the crazy stuff I've got for the week. You're nuts. You're crazy. Anyway, so

My turn to go first. Wonderful. I'm looking forward to it. OK, so you know how I always do a story? Yes. And you do a list. I couldn't decide on a story this time. So I have picked two. Oh, OK. I was going to say, because I don't have a list. Well, I kind of do. I only have a story and then a side note list. OK, well, I hope I didn't pick the same story. Oh, no. Yeah, I'm going to have one. That would be crazy. That would be crazy. OK. Mine has a theme. Does yours have a theme? I enjoy the stories.

No, I have an actual theme. Oh, okay. Perfect. All right, perfect. All right So the first story is the reason I picked it is twofold. Okay. Okay, so number one I get to use my English accent. Oh boy. This is a treat a treat All right, and number two it demonstrates why women should always be in charge of planning the wedding

You know sometimes the guys are like, I should get to play in something too, it's my day too. Yeah. Okay, well this is what the shit happens when you do it. Okay? Okay, I'm looking forward to it. Okay, so this is the story of Neil McCardell and Amy. Last name, blank. Okay. I didn't write it down. I don't think it matters. Okay, all right, so what's going on with Amy and Clark? Dude, Neil. I don't know. Sure, all right. So this takes place in England.

Cheerio! So Neil and Amy meet in a bar. They hit it off. They decide, you know, what would be super cool is we get married. So Neil's not the kind of guy who gets down on one knee, he's not super romantic, but he does say, hey, let's get married. And she's like, you know what? That sounds like an awesome idea. Why don't we do that? You know, more or less. So she's like, okay, I'll take care of most of the stuff. All I need from you is to plan the venue, get the wedding car, like to get us to it.

from and then book a restaurant for after the wedding. That seems like a lot. Does it? Yeah. It's three calls. I know but the venue isn't that the main part? Well yeah but all he has to do is book it. He doesn't have to pick where it is. Okay. Just make the call. Okay. Oh she gave him where it was. Yeah. I thought he was picking it. Oh god no. I was like well that's kind of... Okay. Just call this place. This is where we need it. Right. And where. This is where it's gonna be. So, right. Day of the

Oh boy. He wakes up and goes, huh, come to think of it, I don't think that I did all that paperwork for the venue. I wonder.

if this is gonna be a problem. Oh my God. So, right? So he tells Amy, one sec, you know, don't worry your pretty little head, I'm just gonna run over and see my mom. Oh my God. At which point she's like, okay, weird that you're gonna go see your mom, you're gonna see her a couple hours at her wedding. This is a nightmare. Knock yourself out. So he goes out, goes around the corner to a payphone, and the little genius that Neil is, right, calls the event,

is going to be held which is called St. George's Hall and he goes he calls there the receptionist answers and he goes there's a bomb in St. George's Hall and it would go off in 45 minutes.

Did you understand what my accent? Oh my god. Sometimes it's hard to understand. OK, first of all, that was the English one. Yeah. That was rough. Oh. But besides that, you know what? Might as well have a spot of tea. You know what? There's a boom in St. George's Hall, and it would go off in 45 minutes. I don't know what that was. A little Irish in there, I think, or something? Maybe a little Scottish? I don't know. It's pretty damn good, is what I'm saying. It was dead on. Dead on. Anyway, so oh my god, so he called in a bomb threat? He called in a bomb threat, because he thought, you know, if there's a bomb threat,

and have the wedding in the venue, right? I guess. So this, I guess, would coordinate. Instead of just calling them and saying, hey, can you do me a solid? Can we get in there and get married? Because I'm fucked up? Like, maybe try that first? That would have been a good idea. I don't know why that didn't occur to him. Oh my god. Good old Neil. So anyway, after he falls in this bomb pit, he goes back home, they get ready, they go to their wedding. Like, everything's ready. They get their wedding car, they go to the wedding. Oh, he got the car.

They get out and everybody is in the streets. Like in the streets, not in the place. So they're like, well, shit, that's crazy. Well, then they cleared everything and they let everybody go back in. Of course they did. Right, because there's no bomb and it takes what, half an hour? Yeah. So they cleared everything, everybody got to go back in. So quote, wedding's back on. Oh my God. Right? So he goes to the people, the receptionist,

and it's like, here's the deal, you know, they're like, yeah, you're not in the books, there's no reservation for it, and unfortunately, there's somebody else here, I don't know what to tell you. Wow, someone else was already having their wedding there. Yeah, I guess. Wow, that makes sense. So then Amy was like, are you fucking kidding me? This is all you had to do, and not only did you not do it, then you called in a bomb threat, then you went- She found out about that. Well, eventually, yes, he admitted to it, yes. Okay, so this is after, yeah, so then he called in a bomb.

threat, then you embarrassed me in front of my friends and family who had come to the wedding because it was just a small thing. So she's like, no, I think we're good because in the arguments about, you know, why didn't you do this? I guess it was her sister said, well, you probably called him the bomb threat. And he goes, yeah, I did. And she's like, are you fucking kidding me? Oh my god. So she like thought, maybe I should marry this guy who literally is not reliable for anything. Yes. So they didn't get married.

I went to jail. What? For the bomb threat. Yeah, for the bomb threat. Oh my God. Oh my God.

I know he's tried apologizing over and over and over and she said she will never forgive him Whatever Wow, that's crazy right Wow So that's our girl though. I know well Yeah, cuz she didn't marry him not so smart allowing him to do anything and not double-checking I guess she just didn't realize what an idiot he was. I mean she should have known I don't know how long were they together didn't you say she like they met in a bar for like four months or something Yeah, that's not long enough

No, oh and he did say. I was just saying. In his quote defense, he did say he tried to call back and call off the bomb threat, but they didn't answer. Oh, darn it. So he just, oh my god. Carried on. Wow.

Super. Okay. That was number one. Oh, yeah, we have another one, yay. Yep, so that was just super fun. Okay, and then number two is the marriage of Deborah Williams and Lacey Moon Brown. Okay, Moon in quotes. Yes, Moon in quotes. So Deborah Williams was 38-year-old blonde de force, and Lacey Moon Brown was a big...

large-ish man. I was gonna say a big fat guy, but then that sounded like that might sound derogatory. But that's how he was described. And so... A big guy. A big guy. Yeah. With a big beard. And he got his... Santa Claus-esque, would you say? Yeah, but picture a little bit trashier. Okay. And so he got his nickname Moon because he would moon people. There's all different types of Santas. There's trashy Santas. Wow. Picture a Santa that moons people for fun. Oh boy, that's where I came from. Not like beautiful

Because you show people your ass. Right. Wonderful. And he was the type. You're painting the picture for me. He was the type of person to continuously have food in his beard. Oh, for later. Saving it for later. Yeah. I mean, no fault in that. Right? So, you never know when you're gonna be hungry. Right? You're some cheese, ew. Not every place has a place to pull over and get a quick snack. Sometimes you gotta take it with you. Yeah, this fries in there. Yeah, we've got our purses. He had his beard. Yeah, you know what? Can't you zone? Cannot argue with that. Okay.

Lacey and Debra, we'll call them Moon. Moon and Debra, they were both into their drugs. So they start making, oh, hold on, this is important. They live in Flint, Michigan in the 90s. Okay, cool. So at that time, yeah, so at that time in Flint, jobs were on the decrease and drug use was on the increase. Got it. So there was a lot of drug dealers in the Flint area. Okay, saturated, got it.

So, Deborah and Moon purchase from lots of them, and they get connections, and then they start, they get engaged, so then they start planning their wedding, so they're like, you know what, let's invite all of our drug dealing friends to our wedding. Of course. Right? They can get you a nice gift. A really nice gift. Yeah, maybe you can get like a couple months supply of drugs. You never know. Never know. So, they're planning. What could go wrong? I don't know. So, they have over 40 drug dealers.

families come to this wedding. Oh my god, this sounds like a disaster. Well, guess what? Lacey and Deborah were undercover FBI agents, or undercover cops. Oh! So they invited all these people and then arrested them all at the wedding. The moon. Yeah. Was it undercover cops? Yeah!

So like, what a gift. Right? So they were both undercover cops, so they planned a fake wedding and invited... Oh my God, so it wasn't even a real wedding. I thought maybe it was just a bonus. The wedding! No, it was a fake wedding. So they planned for four months, they gathered intel on all these people, and then they invited them all to this, quote, wedding. That's wild! Because they didn't have enough cops and time to arrest and round up all 40 suspects. So they decided, you know what, let's just get them all together and do it all at once.

So that's what they did. So smart. And it became a legend in the Michigan police force. And it became a way that they've used, that's become like the blueprint for how to do mass arrests instead of, you know, gathering them up one at a time. So there've been a couple other events at the FBI and they did a counterfeit sting on a yacht. They invited all these counterfeit dealers on a yacht, got them out in the middle of the ocean and arrested them all. Wow.

first one of its kind. If you say, hey, give me, if I'm getting free stuff, you know, think about it. Right? Someone said, hey, come on a yacht, I'm there. It's your trusted friend, they've already worked their way in. Yes, and all your other friends are going. I mean, you don't wanna be the one that's not going. Right? FOMO. Yes. Not gonna be me, my friend. Wow. So, I thought that those were my two Those are great. crazy wedding events. I just couldn't, I was reading a whole bunch of them, and I couldn't decide what to do.

with these two or just like love these people. Oh hilarious. Yes. Well my story is a homage. Homage? I don't know it's just it's a it's a gift for a gift for you. Oh for me? Well just because it's a Florida couple. And every time I think of Florida I think of you. Because you're you had a whole segment on it and I know it cracks you up. That's crazy Florida stories.

I thought what is the craziest weddings? What are the craziest weddings? And I decided it was redneck weddings. Oh, girl. Girl. So I have a story. Okay. What I would consider probably the most redneck wedding ever. Oh. And then I've got a little treat for you. I got a whole list of, you might be at a redneck wedding. Oh. Oh God, I hope mine doesn't. This is why. Shit, I hope mine isn't on that list. It might be. It might be.

I don't know like I was I was like well fire hall or bingo hall that might you might be what you say if you were Weddings at a bingo hall all right, so your Florida couple yes shares vows and the most wedding ever so in Florida There's some kind of it's called the redneck mud park okay like legit, and it's got like Like mud cars, and they have like mud pits and the cars drive through them and the mud flies everywhere And it's apparently a big deal so this couple met

That sounds fun. There. I can take my jeep there. You could. You could. And so this couple met there and they were like, they fell in love, and they're like, you know what, next year we're going to get married and we're going to get married right here where we met. Okay. So in the back of a pick-up truck that was decorated with a tool of arch. A tool of, oh I gotcha, like a tool. An arch, like tool. Yeah, an arch. Interchome in this arch. Gotcha, yeah. They had, the man had suspenders on and the

did their vows in the back of the pickup truck and then he picked her up and threw her in the mud and then they mud wrestled. Oh my god. I mean I think even when he when he proposed yeah it was in like you know like a snuff or chew. Why? And it was her ring. I don't know. They they said they're not traditional. Yeah that's a word. And and I went down I mean was so much fun and yes they're not

And I just absolutely thought that was probably the worst one. There were some that were longer. I mean, I went from anywhere from camo dresses to other place, other mud places. So mud must be like an ongoing thing. You're saying these were other other redneck weddings you read about? Yeah, other ones that had mud within them. Like, I think they drove in. But this one was bikini and overalls and back of the truck. It was. Wow. Yeah. So he didn't he just wore like

underwear and overalls and she wore a bikini. A white bikini. Wow, okay. Yeah, with a little veil. Oh well, at least you got the veil, that's fine. Yeah, yeah. No, yeah, they're sexy, sexy mothos. So, I read a bunch and I found this, I combined a bunch of lists and I thought you might wanna know, you might be at a redneck wedding. Okay. If.

You're reusing the wedding invitations from your first marriage. If you registered for rat traps.

God yeah, you might be at a redneck wedding if you see a limo with a winch on it oh Yeah You might be at a redneck wedding if someone refers to it as the scene of the crime Well, yeah, I'm wondering if mine My wedding didn't have it but the wedding in the room next door does had a fistfight break out between the groom and the Exciting yeah

was now ex-husband she had the brothers were Herman and Sherman and they took off their shirts at the reception and they had like the wife beater. Yeah Herman and Sherman I'll never forget that otherwise it was beautiful but my sister's wedding was like that the groom and all of the guys took off their shirts and just had wife beaters on. Yeah. White tank tops or whatever the appropriate word to call them is these days. I know that's not very PC. I guess not.

Stop calling that! That was terrible! What are you thinking? I think I said it first. She definitely did. Anyways, we might be a redneck wedding goer if what? So... They took off their shirts. Yeah. And had tank tops on. Yeah, well I've definitely been at one then. Okay, what else you got? If the wedding invitations say same time, same place.

if the groom or any of the groomsmen have a cigarette behind their ear? Oh, okay. Fair. You might be... How about if the...

Bride lights up a cigarette at the head table while eating dinner. Wow, yeah. Benet one. Go. Wow. And then everybody else says, well, if the bride's smoking, I can smoke. And then everybody else lights up. Oh my God. Ben there. Okay, go. Cool. Yep. Friend or family? Friend.

Wow, still friend? With the guy, not with the bride. Huh. Yeah, go ahead. Cool. All right. Not with a bride that lit up at the head table. I mean, I've been to weddings where Domino's Pizza was the catering, so it is fine. It's fine. Absolutely. And I've been to bingo hall weddings. Yep. OK, so.

You might be at a redneck wedding if they say, instead of saying you may kiss the bride, they say get her done. Uh. You might be at a redneck wedding if it's BYOB. Been at one. Are you serious? Oh my God.

Oh, you might be at a redneck wedding if the tables don't have centerpieces, they're spittoons. Oh, if not, then one of those. Right? Thank God. I mean, no offense, but- I don't know if people even know what spittoons were. Nope. I can't even spell it in everything now. Well, I guess if you're a chewer, you know. Yeah, well, no.

Anyway. Oh right, chew her. I'm like, I chew my food. No, you're talking about the chew. It's weird, they call it, I don't, whatever, it's gross. That's what it is. So you might be at a redneck wedding if the couple is registered at the Bass Pro Shop. Oh, is that bad? Yeah. Oh. I mean. I don't know about that. But she's getting a boat. I can only imagine that my brother-in-law would have if she would have let him. Or four-wheelers. Yeah. I mean, come on, that's high stuff. Has she been living together? Like, Stu and I registered for camping.

stuff because we used to do a lot of camping. Yeah. That would be the brass pro. Yeah. I mean if you're getting your full wardrobe and like accessories from there maybe. Then I'll question it. Right. But I think it's acceptable to register for a kayak or you know like you said a boat like whatever you want. Yeah if you maybe you're gonna do like a honeymoon on a lake. Yeah. Who knows? Okay cool. I'll give you half credit for that one. All right cool. Thank you. You're welcome. You might be a redneck if the father and daughter dance is also the bride and groom dance. Oh god

Gross! Oh, I love this one. You might be at a redneck wedding.

If the newlywed's first dance is save a horse ride a cowboy. Oh my god. I hate that song. I hate it so much. Oh my god. I'm sure that there are plenty of weddings that have that song as their first dance. Right? Isn't that horrible? Yeah. So bad. Yep. Anyway. You might be at a redneck wedding if the bride's maid outnumbers the teeth. Oh god. I'm trying to think. No I've not been at one of those. I have a teeth rule. Even when it was Stewart's honey

He, like there was, they were in Baltimore I think for their bachelor party and the guy outside was standing and they were trying to get the guys to come in all the strip clubs because they were downtown and the one bouncer was like, our girls have teeth. So they went in and they laughed. They're like, no, you're lying. They might have won. So I mean it's a thing. Like, you know, that's what they saw the lady with the uni boob. Oh, it was one boob, two nipples. That's fantastic. Yeah. You know, that's implants.

It's bad implants. It's not natural. No, no. All right, so you might be a redneck if... At a redneck wedding. Oh, right. I'm sorry. I'm losing myself. You're so close. You might be at a redneck. I think I said that like three times, so everyone knows. We're at a redneck wedding. If I miss say it, it is what it is. I'm still going to call you on it. Okay. Well, you missed one. I caught myself, but I just kept going. Well, then. You'll hear it when we end it. I can't wait. Yay! Woohoo!

You might be at a redneck wedding if it's not a shotgun wedding but everyone still has a shotgun. You might be at a redneck wedding that everyone has to leave the rehearsal

I think potato potato. Oh. Sorry for you. Yeah. You would do it. I would leave. I'd rather watch the music. I don't think I'd leave early for it, but I would understand if somebody needed to. You could tape it, right? Yeah, well, yeah. But if you already know that the guy's foot gets broken. It's ruined. Right? I mean, I'll watch it. But I'd like to see it live and go, oh, in real time. This was horrible. It made me laugh, this next one. And this is my last one. And it says, you might be at a redneck wedding if the minister reads, till meth do us part.

I'm a weirdo. Hahaha.

I probably didn't slip. Wow. So I laughed out loud for that. I was like, that's horrible. You shouldn't be laughing. But that's hilarious. But that's hilarious.

So yeah, I wouldn't say that our wedding fell into any of those categories to fully classify as a redneck wedding However, we had the fistfight breakout in the wedding next to us. Yeah, not your fault though. Not our fault. We had Some drunkards, but you know that's to be expected at a wedding with an open bar. I think sure sure um, the only problem was we couldn't find the mother of the groom for the mother Sundance Because she was upset at us I think I don't remember the whole reason but we had to go find her

we'd have put that on hold. Other than that, I mean that was the only odd part of our wedding that kind of stands out to me. We had a fire. So there's a song, it only takes a spark to keep a fire going. I screwed that up. It was beautiful though. You're welcome. So there's a song, it's a camp song from when my husband was little. And it's a beautiful song. It's really pretty. So we decided. No, I could tell from the way you sang it.

Shut up. Anyway, so it's pretty. I think it's called Passamon. Anyway, it's really pretty. So we decided to have that at our wedding. Okay. And my friend's sister sang it, okay? But we faced the congregation and so and the bridal party to sing with them, right? Okay? And what I didn't know is during that time, because I had bought the candles, I bought everything. We were paying for everything, so you know we wanted to make sure it was budget. So during that time I

wicks of the candles. They were too long and a little piece of it like fell off, got onto the art. We had artificial flowers. Oh God. And caught them on fire. Oh my God. So there was a fire blailing to the point that the poor girl that was singing, my friend's sister, her little sister, had blisters on her hand. Oh my God. So I never saw it. Like we have a video of it. I've never watched it, but everyone told me about it. And I'm like wondering why, you know, everyone's kind of faces. I'm like, you know, anyway, yeah. So there was a fire in my way.

And then we had someone who drank all the rum and was drunk and had like a lighter at the end. And the last requested song was Crazy Kind of Love, which I don't like that song. But that's now the last song that I had to hear at the end of the night. It pissed me off. And now it has a special place in my heart because it's the last song, but I don't like the song.

Well, at least you remember. I have no idea what our last song was. Yeah? No idea. I will never forget it. Because this drunk at, I'm sorry, like he's friends. But this drunk idiot had his arms around us and a lighter. And he's like, I love you guys. So drunk he drank all the rum that we ran out of rum. Oh, wow. At the party. He was walking around with a carafe of rum and coke. A carafe and a straw. So I mean, ours was not a redneck wedding. It was beautiful. Yeah, I'm sure it was. But when we had that one, I wasn't invited.

I didn't know you, bitch. I guess that's a reason. Yeah, it is. I wasn't inviting to yours either. No, I didn't like you at the time. Wow. I know. Just truth. Wow. It's not the truth. I didn't know her. I didn't like you, did I? I didn't like you either. Wow. The truth comes out. Such a bitch.

I crack myself up. Nobody else laughs at me, but I do. Yeah, well you know what? You have to live with yourself, so. I know. I always said, that's me, that's the most important. If you're gonna find someone to be with, make sure they're funny. They make you laugh, because life is rough. And if you can laugh, good. So, I mean, what better way than to laugh with yourself? I know. Well, I think I told you this before, but I'll tell all the peoples. Oh yeah, they need to know. They need to know. So when we worked in the office, I worked in a cubicle for this one part of my job,

I was surrounded by a bunch of other people. And you couldn't see anybody, but you could hear people. And so I would just kind of like mumble to myself all day long and chuckle to myself. And this one time, this older woman who sat near me said something and I responded to her and then she laughed. And I said, oh my God, you're actually, you're laughing. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one that laughs. And she goes, I'm not gonna lie to you, Laura. Sometimes you are.

All right. I'm going to carry on. That's fantastic. You do though.

Crack yourself up. I do, and I just keep on going. Oh my god. I just assume nobody else notices, but apparently they do. I mean, how do you not notice if you're in cubicles? It's just you just don't care. Or pay attention. I guess. You know, you're enjoying your life. I know, it's just funny shit that's happening in my head. Oh my god. Yeah, well, you know, I think that's pretty awesome if that's how you're remembered at work, that's cool. The old lady that laughs at herself. The crazy one. That laughs at her own jokes in her head. Yeah, I just hear chuckling coming from behind the wall.

Yeah, let me say that again. The crazy one. The crazy one. Well, I guess that's all we got. I don't have any more. I don't either, so until next time. I think we're going to do crazy honeymoon stories next time. Oh yeah, we're going to do a whole wedding theme here for a while. Yeah, so none of my people made it through their weddings, so I'm not going to do any follow-ups on their honeymoons. Okay, sounds good. I originally thought maybe. I have a follow-up on my own honeymoon that I need to share, but other than that, yeah. Oh, all right.

I will tell you my honeymoon story too. Sounds good. All right, well, until next time. Later. Later. Hey, before we go, wasn't there something you want to tell all the peoples? Ha ha.

Yeah, don't forget to rate, review, and subscribe to our little podcast wherever you like to listen. We heard it's important. Super important. Yep, and where else can they find us, Laura? You know what, I'm glad you asked. They can also find us on Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram at My Crazy Friend Podcast. And if you have anything you wanna tell us, just email us at All that is accurate. So yeah, until next time. Later.
