My Crazy Friend

Episode 10: The universe is in trouble if humans are the smartest thing (the alien episode)

My Crazy Friend Season 1 Episode 10

This week's topic: Crazy alien stories

Join Cori and Laura as they tackle some of the bigger questions... Are we alone in the universe? Is it even a universe? Maybe it's all a simulation? The truth is out there, but we've got some theories right here. They include alien/human breeding, upgraded versions of our human selves (with all the bells and whistles!), and alien gold mining.

And we had to include some alien porn :) (queue spooky alien music)

Listen in and share your theories and, if you're feeling frisky, take me to your leader!

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Ooh, well that was ominous. You found that, that's not our normal tambourine. Good job, it kind of leads us into our episode of the day. This is Cori, and you're listening to the Crazy Ladies of My Crazy Friend podcast. I'm Laura.

Yeah, you are. You threw me off with that long introduction. I was like, I'm not sure when I'm supposed to jump in here. And each time I thought it was outside. No, it wasn't my turn. So I nailed that. Did I ramble? No, not at all. Not at all. I was taken out of. I've got a character for you. Shut your mouth. I was taken back by the music. That is not our normal tambourine. You threw me for a looper. I know. Well, you made me do aliens this week.

against my best, or, wishes. My wishes, yes, and my better judgment. Yeah. I decide if we have to do that, we'll mix up our intro a little bit. Okay. Ooh. Yeah, it was alien and I don't even know how you do a chambering with alien, but very good. No, the truth is out there, you just have to look. Yeah, yeah. So, I feel like, I don't know, I had so much to unpack with aliens. I feel so connected to alien stuff. When I was younger, my mother would like go down

basement and she'd be like if I don't come back I was abducted by aliens. I mean it was just a running joke. My mother loved the X-Files to the point in college when I was thinner and my hair was short. People used to think I looked like the chick from the X-Files. Someone even got me an action figure from the chick from the X-Files. She's hot by the way. Gillian Anderson. Yeah thank you very much. Yeah. So I mean who knows maybe I am her. I don't know. We'd kick her out of bed.

I would let anybody in my bed for eating crackers. I was like, I don't know where that came from in my head. But anyway, so I'm totally fascinated with aliens and I decided today I was going to tell you about my like top, I don't know, four, how many do I have? I think top four alien theories that I think are plausible.

All right. All right. I'm in. I'll do it.

So before... You know aliens freak me the fuck out. I know, and actually I was gonna read you. I recently, before I get into my alien... You're holding up a letter. Is that from an alien? No, it's like stamped and everything. I know. So okay, I sent out Christmas cards at Christmas time. And when I was a little girl, I used to play with these two little girls in my neighborhood. Okay. Okay, one was my age,

Okay, the one that was my age Was special needs and she wrecked her bicycle into my parents car and that's how I met this family And I became friends with her older sister and she was really sweet and we like, you know Road bikes with her just a sweet girl and her older sister was cool. So I started hanging out with her older sister Okay. So anyway, I sent her a Christmas card that we keep in touch and I guess her mom recently went into a nursing home Okay, so she's like so if you want to write my mom a Christmas card cool

I did. I did. And I got this letter back. From her mom. From her mother. Okay. So it starts out really nice. She likes my hair. Aw, she used to. She used to picture. She used to call me Corey Lou. Corey Lou. She's like, Corey Lou!

And then she was, I had my dogs in our Christmas car, she talked about how cute my dog was, yada, yada, yada. So she just went into this beautiful letter, she was telling me about her knee surgery, and she got into just memories. She's like, oh, I have so many memories of you and my daughter. Do you remember when the curtains caught fire at the house? And do you remember, there was just all these,

and all these fun memories and then she said, do you remember the summer night when you walked Tammy home, that's my friend's name, Tammy, and three flying saucers were following you guys home. Tammy was scared stiff. Tammy turns 48 today and then she goes on and on. Laura?

I don't remember flying saucers following me home. Isn't that something that I should remember? Yes. I read this and I thought, like what fancy like alien mojo happened on my brain that I don't remember? That I was followed home by three, three flying saucers. I can answer that for you when it's my turn. Well, and she said it like it was plain as day. It really fucked me up. I can explain that for you. Okay.

Clear your mind when it's my turn. Okay. And look, do you wanna know now? I think I need to know. Okay, well there are two explanations for it, okay? One, they're always there and only some people can see them. So maybe your friend Tammy saw them, assumed you saw them, told her mom about it, and was like freaked out, and her mom just assumed you saw them. So that's option one, Tammy could see them, you couldn't. Okay, but I guess we were running, and I was running with her. Well maybe she was like, run, come on,

I was like alien. She's like yeah, we were screaming and running. Well, maybe you didn't see them You were just like okay, I guess so. I don't know I can't remember. Or two They told you to forget and you just haven't recovered that memory yet. You know what? Maybe it'll come back now that you've been reminded Maybe it'll come back to you in dreams and over time in a week or year ten years from now you'll go dude I remember those flying saucers now. Well, I gotta tell you. Mm-hmm. I don't remember anything ever

I don't know if it's my ADHD or what, but I can tell you, I remember very specific things like, oh wow, this is in the cabinet next to the glue on top of the 9 volt battery. You can find this. Or, I don't remember anything. It didn't even happen. My husband will tell me things that we did or places we went and I'm like, nah. So anyway, I thought I would remember aliens. So. Anywho.

Well, that's what started off my, you know, recent fascination with aliens, because I was into it and then I was out of it for a while. You know, it was kind of like ghosts for me. I was like, oh, it would be really cool to be abducted, and then I read way too many things about what they do to them, and I thought, mm, don't really want to get abducted anymore. Because there's like good ones and bad ones and whole bunches of them, and I'm like, you know what? I would rather just, you know what, you do you on your planet and I'll do me on my planet,

leave it like that. I'm 100% with you. That's why they freaked me out. Right. Because if they can get here and we can't get there, clearly they're more advanced than us. I don't need to be messing with that. Oh yeah. Anyway, go ahead. Anyway, so my first... Theory? Theory, thank you. You're welcome. Jesus Lord. Alright, so my first theory that I

our world is a simulation.

Yeah, that one messes with me. Alien simulation. So it messes with me too, and that's why I always think about it. But this article that I read recently, basically it's saying, and this is what, to your point, this one is very similar to, you know, we're the dumb idiots. Yeah. Because they're so smart that they decided to recreate their universe because they had the smarts to do it, and we're just like a dumb, like scientific experiment.

And that's what, because what's before the Big Bang, who created the Big Bang? And it lets into a creator, like you know, you know, hold your ears if you're religious, but I mean it alludes to a creator. It's just not what you're hoping for. Right. Well, and a lot of religion talks about something coming from the sky. Right. So as do a lot of the aliens. So at what point do alien theories and religious theories overlap? I don't, again.

stuff today there was so much overlap to in vitro fertilization of a humanoid woman who was a virgin. I mean it was crazy correlations and stuff. So yeah, so simulation, not like the Matrix. Not, I mean there are some that say that we are a computer program. No, this is saying that we are really here but we're just a copy of simulation of another more advanced. We could be one of many simulations, right?

be multiple simulations running so in our parallel universes there's actually just parallel simulations running so right now we're like oh no that happened in a parallel universe or in a matrix feeling or whatever it's really this theory is saying like no what you're feeling is really just another simulation that's running and maybe like there were some wires crossed or there's some overlap yes because of the different types of aliens there's ones that apparently look like us mm-hmm so we there could be another Cory and Laura on another

Korean Laura the original and we're just like Simulation and they're what and they're like watching going. Oh, you know if I make this decision What's gonna happen and maybe like we're just their way of deciding on what they're gonna do with their lives, dude I want to meet those chicks Oh my god, if I can watch two chicks to see what to do with my life it would be them Wow

It was it was just really interesting. Yeah, they referred to them as the smarter kids on the block and were the bunnies I believe it. Yeah, so it's kind of sad but you know, it happens The other theory that got me was that we are descendants of alien gold miners Oh Oh, I know that you have believed that you were a descendant of an alien. Yes

I'll get to that. I'll get to that. That is hard. Thank God. Thank God. It wouldn't be an alien episode without your theories of your own existence. I have a whole section on that. So I'm telling you, I couldn't unpack this. Oh boy. It's so much. You make mine look so simple. So again, descendants of gold miners. Yeah. Of alien gold miners. Alien gold miners, of course. So there's this group called Anunike. I'm probably going to kill it, so I'm not going to say it.

aliens. You literally just said it, but alright. I wanted to say it one time. I'm not saying it a bunch of times because it's just going to have to get edited a million times. I'm saving you. Perfect. I appreciate you. They're from a planet called Nibiru. Again. Dude, we haven't even discovered that planet yet. Right? Tanya. So anyway, so their planet is going down the toilet. Sounds familiar. They're using up all their natural resources and they

to kind of save their planet, put in an atmosphere, okay? Okay. But they need gold. Shit. Yeah. So they have... Like legit gold, like our gold, not like something gold. Yes, like gold metal. All right. On their planet, they're running out. So they went looking in the cosmos for gold. And they launched this mission to come to Earth because we had a lot of it, okay? Okay. And so for thousands of years, they mined our gold. They were going to try to do it remotely.

and they couldn't because it was just too complicated. They actually had to land here and do it. Well yeah, that makes sense. I think it would be hard to mine gold remotely, right? They thought they were gonna be able to get it from the water. They just thought they were gonna be able to do it differently. And now they needed to actually put aliens on the planet. Okay, they didn't realize where the gold was located on Earth. No, no. Okay, gotcha. So they had to mine it. So they got here and they set up camp, they mined, and then they had, like thousands of years they did this until a group that was in Africa got pissed.

And they were tired of it the working conditions sucked sound familiar, and they was there was a big mutiny uprising Okay, and they said we're not fucking doing this anymore and so they decided to make slaves Oh, so they took like the essence of them and they created because they were really smart They were gonna fly here like a suit called it a humanoid Okay, and they put their essence in it and they created and they and apparently these beings looked similar to them

But they didn't have all the bells and whistles. Okay. And they created the first homo sapien. Shit, I was afraid that's where you were going. I wanna have all the bells and whistles. I know, so. Can you imagine? And this was that one where they put, it was in vitro fertilization, and they put it in these humanoid virgins, and that's the ties to biblical things. But anyway, yeah, no, I couldn't imagine. No, I was thinking.

If you had bells and whistles on your hoo-ha. Or you could put them, they make them for your beard, so if you just grow your hair back. I don't want to, I want it to come with it. I want to be the bells and whistles version. Instead of nipples, I want bells, you know? Didn't you used to have your ears pierced? Well yeah, but I don't anymore, and even so, that is not the point. The point is, if we're not the bells and whistles version, I want to be the bells and whistles version. Maybe we'll evolve into the bells and whistles version. It's too late for me.

So yeah, so yeah, we're descendants of freaking, you know, gold miners. Interesting. Are we descendants or are we creations? Well, yeah, I guess we're hybrids. Yeah. Yeah. That's interesting. All right. That one's got me a little bit less than the first one. Go ahead. Okay. So my next topic is the infamous men in black. Okay. Tell me about the men in black. So we all probably have you watched the movies. I watched the movies.

I read a lot about the concept of the men in black and where they came from just because I find it fascinating. Apparently the movies are from actual men in black that like you know rumors of these men in black. So from my research it seemed to start June 27th 1947. So before this time they were worried that like Russia was gonna spy on them. And during this time again before 1947 there was a lot of sightings of like crafts.

and different things in the sky, and everyone thought it was the Russians that were spying on them. Okay, so you thought it was like Russian spaceships or satellites or something? Yeah, yeah, exactly. Gotcha. Okay. You know, and they were all paranoid because of this whole war, so the government put together a group to kind of investigate it, which they're saying later turned into the Men in Black. Okay, I feel like this is like deja vu. Don't you feel like we're reliving this whole thing now? Like in today's day and time.

Oh, I wonder if the Russians are spying. We need to look into this. Oh! Yes! So, okay, go ahead. Yes, yes. I wonder why there's not Moralians in sightings. Right? So, um, so the story goes that there was this man out fishing with his son. And this is supposed to, like, this is an encounter. And he had his dog out there and he saw six flying saucers. His name was Harold Dull. So Harold Dull freaked out and called.

the government at that time and he went and told the town, he was so freaked out. When he was watching the six spaceships, one of them dropped, like debris came down. And it hit his dog and killed his dog. Oh my god, so not just like some dust. No, it injured his son. Oh my god. Like debris fell in his lake and they got hit with it. Like some serious debris, like big size. Right. Okay.

And he documented all this and then suddenly after he kind of told everybody about it, reported it, Men in Black came to his farm, told him not to talk about it, told him that it was a hoax, and scared his whole family, and picked up the debris. Everything was gone like it never happened. And then he just started saying it was a hoax. And it was right until he was afraid for his family. And then before he died, he came back out and said that it wasn't. And it was true.

He was too scared because they threatened him. And that was the first documented encounter with the Men in Black. So the theory with Men in Black is that it started as a government group. And then during, I think, Dwight Eisenhower and Churchill, a bunch of shit was going down. So it kinda split off of the government and became its own thing. And in that time, now they think that humans and aliens are Men in Black.

in the future then, the encounters were they had no eyebrows, they were tall, they were very pale white, they wore black suits, they had a very unanimated face, some of them, but then some of them, someone got a picture of one of them and he looked human. So they think that it's like an intergalactical group, kinda like, it's so funny how close the movies are to the theories out there. Yeah. And so there was that,

There was other encounters. There was a guy who started this like alien group called the IFSB and he was like so into it. Do you know what it stands for? It's the International Flying Saucer Bureau. I should have guessed that. Yeah. So a group of people got together and this guy who headed it was like hyper focused on this aliens in general. And he had a whole room of stuff and he was about to go. They were having this big conference.

And he was gonna go and show all his findings and right before that men in black showed up They ransacked his apartment and they threatened him. He was like the head of the organization It was like his whole life and he just quit Wow So there was all these crazy encounters with these men and black and even Dan Acroyd Had an encounter with the man in black Wow where he was doing a UFO. He was doing a show and

UFOs it was like paranormal and paranormal stuff and UFOs. He went out to have a cigarette I believe he went outside I think to have a cigarette that's allegedly I'm not sure about the cigarette I think so but he went outside and there was this you know black town car black men in black and they were staring at him and it made him really uncomfortable and easy he went back in and then they shut down the whole set and canceled the show and it was over and not allowed to be done. Wow. Yeah. So I have a lot of questions about this one.

And you may not be able to answer any of them. Well, you know what? I will try. I've done a lot of research today and it's not all gonna fit in here. So maybe it's in my head right now, you don't know. Okay, perfect. So men in black, are they worldwide? Yes. Okay, so do all of the countries throughout the world have an agreement to keep aliens secret? Well, from what I understand, I think there's different. So like the Vatican has its own alien investigation group. England has its own alien investigation group.

Gation group and they all kind of work together I don't know they all like but they all have an agreement to keep it from its citizens. I guess so Yeah, I know. I think a lot of them will release stuff and then they just use pop culture and stuff to make it jokes like men in black And then you just don't even think about it and you just move on with your day. So what is the what is the reason? Do you think for? Men in black to like it to exist like why why?

What is the need to keep the people from knowing? So according to one article that I read, we made a deal, so there's different kinds of aliens. And this, they called them, they were beautiful like us. Almost like beautiful. Like us. Like us. You know, there was gray ones and lizard ones, and these ones were beautiful. And they talked to us about, we need to get rid of our nuclear power plants, we need to be kinder to our earth. They were like real hippie aliens.

were like yeah yeah whatever. So of course we didn't listen to them. No. Probably Sean and they said don't listen to the gray aliens they're bad. Okay. And apparently according to this article the gray aliens came and they were like hey we're gonna give you cool technology and this is like during the 50s. Yeah. And we were like cool. And we listened to the gray aliens. And we listened to the gray aliens and that's how we got like microchips and all the stuff that we have now apparently is we can't take credit for. Okay but still why keep it from the people that aliens gave it to us? If some people know. Yeah you know what?

I think it's like they've decided it's mass hysteria. I don't like a lot of times they say it's for us our greater good It would freak people out the Pope said it could so so this is this is the theory. Okay, sorry I do remember this so when I told you Eisenhower and Churchill Eisenhower was totally wanting to get to the truth Mm-hmm so much so that I there was a whole there was a X CIA agent who apparently had visited 51 and everything for Eisenhower and then when they got all the information and Churchill got all the information

they were like, wow, there's some things that can't be said. And then the Pope got involved and he said, if this comes out, nobody's gonna believe in religion at all, if this comes out. So close your ears, religious people. Oh, it's to save religion. It's to save religion. Okay. Because now that makes sense. So they hate it all. We can't know that aliens exist because that overrides religion. Yes. Okay. So, well, okay. So that's the theory. Okay. And that's crazy to me.

It's interesting, right? It's interesting. It opens a lot of other questions, but I'm sure it does but you know what? We can't be here all day. We can't. I could go on and on and on. So what's your next one? Okay, hit me up. So lastly, like we alluded to this I assume. Yes. Okay, go ahead. I am an alien. I know. I know. So, this is my favorite theory. Oh, it's my least favorite. You don't like me being an alien? No!

Go ahead. So you've heard of blood types. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And so there's a thing called the Rh negative factor. Right. So did you know that only 15% of the population have the Rh negative? I know because you've told me, but before that I did not know. Yeah. So 85% of the population is positive. Right. And normally the way that you measure blood is by the, it's all organized by

by the amounts of protein. And that's the RH, which is a protein that monkeys have. There was a protein, that's why it's called R. It's a rhesus monkey, the rhesus monkey. So that's the protein. So you know, all those people, it's really, it's the same protein as in monkeys. So which lends itself to evolution. However, there is this weird RH negative that they don't know how it happened, where it came from.

Was it, so like the theories are like, was it a mutation? But the way it acts is so strange. So to the point where you cannot have, if I'm married, which I did, an RH positive person and I have a baby with them, they're used to having to get blood tests. So I am an alien. I know. I know, I know, I know, I know.

And I've heard... No, go ahead. I think I like the way you did it before. I think you'll keep it. We'll just go to... So let me just explain the Rh negative positive thing. Because that's what we're talking about today. And stop cutting now. Okay. So... My husband and I...

could not have a baby before. So now we can because they fixed it. But they fixed it. They fixed it with medicine. But I am Rh negative. I'm actually O negative. I'm 7% of the population. Okay. Okay. And what they can't explain is where this came from. And what they think is aliens came to this planet and mixed with the Rh positive people and created this weird bloodline. You know, because

back to Africa and those areas and this bloodline only resided and started in Europe. Okay. Okay. So these are things that they know about the blood. First, the vast majority of these individuals happen to reside from Northern Europe. Even more fascinating are the fact that these people tend to have green-blue eyes. Okay. Check. Naturally orange-colored hair. Check.

cooler body temperatures, hot sensitivity, check and check, lower blood pressures, check and check, and more intriguing, they also have physical, mental, and emotional awareness that are heightened, that other individuals don't have. Oh, I thought you were gonna say diminished. Check and check. Ha ha ha ha ha.

So I love that because that means I'm an alien and I'm descended from aliens and all you positives are monkeys

So when I meet people or when I'm introducing you to people or explaining you to people, I guess, go, she's crazy, she thinks she's an alien. I mean, I don't know if I believe it, but it is fun to believe. It's fun to believe it. It is fun to tell people. It is the alien, Google it. It's the alien blog. I have Googled it. And I can Google just about anything and find proof around it, which is, I think, what I told you when you told me to Google it the first time. I know, but isn't it interesting? Yes, fascinating. And then I found out that not only is, but it's also associated with exactly what I look like.

and everything that's wrong with me. Yeah, I agree. So, you know, and there was a more scientific explanation to, like it reminded me a little bit of, and this is a little far, this is a far fetch, but they explained it like the difference between a horse and a donkey, and then, you know, they can't be together even though they look the same and all that other stuff because there's like, why would humans not be able to mate? Like there's only certain, you know what I mean,

And you can, that's like a big, like it's just a big red flag that what would happen that would not allow, and I can't take your blood. I can only get RH negative blood. I, now apparently I can give anybody my, like my blood's a universal donor. So O negative can go to anybody, but I can only receive O negative blood. So I'm in Schitt's Creek for that. You really are. So just to like throw, and I don't want to throw a wrench in your whole theory here, but is it possible that?

Humans made it with something other than a human, but maybe not an alien. Yeah that fucked it all up Yeah, they think yeah, but I mean what else would it be I don't know Yeah, the same. I don't know. It's probably there and it could just be a weird mutation that we can't explain But nothing's ever been able to explain it. So I just find it cool when I just tell people I'm an alien No, I know you do so I know people you're an alien too. Yeah, that explains so much

So I do have one more thing. Okay. Okay, so it's not about aliens. Okay. It was the thing that made me sad. Oh God. So I got an email alert from 23andMe. Okay. And this made me start to think that maybe I'm not an alien. Oh God. Because it said, hey, Corinne. You have- It said, hey, Corinne? It said, hey, Corinne. Coryne, you have more Neanderthal DNA than 13% of our other-

customers. That made me sad. How could I be a Neanderthal if I'm an alien? But then Laura, I ran on and I only have 2% Neanderthal DNA. So like... Still more than most people. It just means like the aliens had sex with the Neanderthals and that's where... I got you. You know, maybe that's it. Yeah, that makes sense. So no, apparently not as much as the RE depositives. Oh, really?

Alright, it's a roller coaster freak show. What? All right, so your friendly alien would like you to go next. Oh god. All right. Well, mine's not quite as exciting But it's way better like Are you fucking kidding me right now? Wait till you hear it. You just made me choke on my drink. You're welcome So I was slipping through some articles and I came across one about a guy who paints

sexual experiences with aliens. Come on. I am not kidding you. So he paints like like alien porn? You got it. Oh my god! Okay, I need to hear about this guy. Yeah you do. So there was an article and it talks about how he has been getting alien visits. He's 74 years old. He has been getting visits from aliens since he was eight. Oh boy. Okay and he explains it as he doesn't he thought he lost his virginity to an alien at 17.

and he thought that he would be able to lose his virginity in the back of a Ford, he said, but it didn't really work out that way. Okay, no, apparently not. So he's going on and on, this article goes on and on, and then you find out there's a documentary. No. So guess who read the documentary? Oh my god, when? Today. Oh my god. Guess who watched that bitch twice? Twice.

I don't think so. How long was the documentary? An hour and a half. Oh my god.

This guy is fascinating. So you start out, okay, he's telling you about how when he was eight years old, he got his first alien visit. And then he goes on and he had gotten other visits over the course of like his childhood. Then when he was 17, he meets this alien called Crescent. So this is a woman, she's got womanly body parts. She looks exactly like a normal human woman except her face is white and a little bit more triangular. Okay, black bangs, black hair, black bob.

He has sex with her. It's amazing. He can't keep his pants on. He literally says he can't get his pants off fast enough to have sex with this alien. Wow. He climaxes. It's amazing. Best ever. He wakes up, doesn't know why his pants are around his knees, pulls him up, goes home. It's like, wow.

So this continues to happen. Aliens continue to visit him, right? Over years. Why him? He must just have amazing sperm. Has anybody tested his sperm to see if it's like awesome? Well, he's wondered that too. Why me? Right? Right? So I'm glad you asked that. He doesn't have an answer? I think the man, we need to call him. Is he still alive? He is. He lives in Hoboken, New Jersey. We need to go to Hoboken. Knock on this guy's door and say, listen. Listen. We need to go test your sperm. Someone needs to look into this special sperm.

Hold on to that thought. Okay. For just one moment. Okay, sorry, I'm invested now. Yeah, yeah. I have it for another 24 hours if you wanna watch it with me. Okay, I know what we'll be doing after this. I spent money on this. Yeah, but it's worth it. You own it? Oh my God, no, I rented it. Oh, how long do you have it? Another 24 hours. Oh, that's right, you did say that. Okay, okay, sorry, continue. All right, so he grew up on a farm. Okay, I got in the middle of nowhere, which explains his ability.

but nobody else saw them, which is why I said, perhaps that was your friend's situation. So he's like, I saw this flying saucer, I saw it, and he was seeing it a lot, and he's like, I don't understand why other people aren't seeing this. You know, and... Because they only make themselves visible to whoever they want. Well, is it that, or is it, you know, how some animals, like dogs, can sense things, or if some people just born with the ability to see things, and others just aren't, either aren't advanced that much, or are more advanced and have advanced from beyond our primitive alien interaction.

more advanced. Right. I don't know like which is it? You know what I mean? So he could see things and then at 17 he meets this woman. So before that he had little gray guys that he had interacted with which I think you had mentioned. Yes. A hairy guys with bright eyes. Huh. And then tall thin guys with a knot on the back of his head and this guy was in charge. And then there was like a tall praying mantis type creature which I think you've probably seen and you're like it's not an uncommon thing for people to explain. Yeah I know.

So and then this woman Crescent. So at 17 he lost his virginity to her I think I said and it was described as painful and intense and then at age 19 he left Georgia and moved to New York City and he joined an art studios league. I thought it was the best sex ever. It was but it was also painful and intense. Okay. I guess you're right some people like pain. Well and he said it was just like you can't imagine like you know oh my god it was painful oh my god that was intense

amazing and anyway so he liked art he's actually a really really good artist so anyway so he went to New York City and joined an art students league and then while he was in New York he continued to get visits oh shoot let me back up half a second because this is important okay when he was eight or nine he got implanted with a tracking device oh so that's how they could find him when he

York now they continue to visit him and they say when they leave in the morning that they say we'll be back tonight and then they would come back at night and every night he had sex with this woman and the praying man this guy stood in the corner or whatever and then he would wake up and he'd be like shit is this real is it a dream he's like I know it wasn't a dream because like it literally happened I experienced it but how could this be real because these are aliens that I'm having sex with every night right right so on the way home one day

flower shop and he's like you know here's what I'll do I'm gonna buy some flowers and then if this chick is real I'm gonna give them to her and then they won't be in my apartment anymore or my house or wherever he lives because he can't remember it but he remembers that kind of well I'm telling you the story hold on to that thought as well okay well he remembers it but he doesn't know it was like a lucid dream right okay he's like this for sure happened but how could it have happened because it's an alien and they're not real right yeah

he's saying. So he buys these flowers and he's like, all right, I'm gonna give them to her if she comes back tonight. You can give her the flowers. If in the morning the flowers are not there, she took them with her and she was like, for real. Oh, she's stupid enough to take them with her? She took them with her. So he's like, holy shit, this is like really happening to me right now, like I'm having sex with an alien, right? Wow.

So during this time, she comes back every night, he dated other students, but he's like, you know, every time I dated, or not other students, but other people in the student art league, art student league, or whatever he was in, he's like, every time I dated one of them after like one day, they find a reason not to go out with him again. So he was like, Crescent, this alien couldn't have come at a better time in his life. Nice. You know, to really be, you know, so, um, every night I mentioned every night they're having sex. And then one day he woke up and she says to him,

the baby is dying and he goes what baby and she goes your baby and he goes what do you mean the baby is dying and she showed him the baby and he goes oh my god like I have to come to you and she goes no you can't come because she was in her dimension like her world but like somehow he could see the baby and she goes no no you can't come here he goes the hell I can if that's my baby and my baby's dying I'm coming okay so he goes and he that I don't know he goes up

and he passes out when he wakes up, he's in this other world, like this spaceship. Oh wow. With Crescent and the baby, and the baby's not moving at all. So he goes and he touches the baby and the electricity from him jumps into the baby. The baby is now moving and they're like, oh my God, you saved the baby. He was the missing piece of how they could have an alien human hybrid. Right? So he was like, thank God. So then he looks around and he is in a room

full of babies, hundreds of babies in like boxes. Like.

incubator boxes type things, okay? And he goes, holy shit, and he goes, whose babies are these? And then they look at him and point to him. They're all his babies. So, I have a bunch of questions written down. Did she have a litter of babies? Because they're all babies. It's probably every time they had sex, she did it to get pregnant. So every time she had sex, she went home that night and popped it, like they're just incubation periodies that quick, she could just pop one out every night. I mean, who knows? That's insane. Well, I know. You know what's funny?

theories that I read had all to do with aliens during that time and during the Eisenhower and the Churchill time. They were they gave the gray aliens permission for the technology to do experiments on humans on like certain conditions that you had to erase the memory. They had to be able but they were allowed to do that and they had a list apparently that like people said that you like that was part of like top secret information. They had a whole

were like regularly visited and they kept track of it. So this person could have just been that one of those people and he was a baby maker. Well, I think that he was, and I guess I should have mentioned that too. Every time when he was younger and they would have an experience, they would say, no, they would forget. His name was David. Yeah, okay. It was like David forget. So then he got. I mean, it can't be painful too. That was another stipulation. So, you know. Yes, well, yes. So,

But I guess the gray aliens broke a bunch of rules. Yes, I don't they're not good. Remember we weren't supposed to trust them. So anyway that was part of that whole like crazy thing I read. Well he said he just thought that they were like the workers. But yeah so I'm not sure but at any rate so all these babies he has to go touch them all.

save all these babies. So he does. Oh, so none of them are living. None of them are living. So apparently at this point, which is why I'm like, is it a litter? If something happened at once and they all died at once. You know, I mean, maybe they were able to keep them, who knows what kind of technology. I'm not sure. You know, you can't judge it. When we go meet him, we'll make a list. Okay, cool. So like you're going through it, you're like, okay, this is bullshit. This is interesting, right? And then by the end though, so he said, this happens. He was having trouble grasping, feeling all of this. And the alien said,

what let David paint. So David was able to paint his experiences. But you know, I told you that his memory had been wiped every time. So he was an avid lover of sci-fi, anything sci-fi, movies, magazines, books. So he read it all. So he came across this book called Intruders. And as he's reading this one, the stories in that began to trigger memories of his own. So he's reading these stories and going, oh my God, I experienced the same thing.

that he's read, it's not like, you know, he just read one thing and was like, oh my God, I did this. He's read and watched everything under the sun, came across this one and was like, oh my God, this happened to me. So he's painting these experiences as they come back to him, and he's remembering the aliens telling him that he can paint, and he's remembering all of these experiences, and they're mostly sexual. So every night the alien came back and had sex, well, he's painting all of his experiences.

There's a lot of nudity. There's some climaxing. Wow. There's some massaging. Have you seen them? I have seen them. Oh, you have to look. I watched the documentary. There is a book that has his stuff in it. That's a coffee table book. If I've ever heard of it. You know what? I think you're right. And then so then he had a gallery showing where people came and looked at his stuff. And then.

So he had a bunch of people show up to that. People were asking questions. Like, people were relating to him. So his friends believe him. Like they're like, I don't know, I don't experience it. What's his name? David Huggins. Okay, I just need to write that down. Yeah.

So his friends are like, you know, I don't experience, but the way he tells a story, he's so genuine. He's not looking for fame or anything. He's just like, this is my story. This is what happens. This is, I go home. I accept her to be a famous artist. Well, other than that. Yeah, other than that. But he's like, you don't have to believe me. So his friends are like, no, like, I totally believe this happened to him just because he's so genuine. So they're like, it's hard to not believe his stories. Just because he's normal, other than that. So investigative journalists have had

experiences and I've met him and they're like, nope, I've had the same thing. I've experienced it not so much like the sexual part of it, but seeing things or seeing spaceships when other people didn't or somebody else had a similar experience with seeing babies in a room like that. So you can say like, oh, well, he's making this shit up. Like what a looney tune. But then other people have the same experience or same exact explanation. So it's just crazy.

you back to what the hell is going on? What is true? What is not? Do you have, I mean I told you my letter that I got recently. Do you have a alien, personal alien story? So not so much a personal alien story as I totally think that they're real. Every time I read something about them I get freaked out. So there was this alien conspiracy theory going around, I don't know, like 2010,

talking about how in 2012, remember how the Aztec or the Mayan calendar or something, something was supposed to end in 2012. Okay. So one of these things was, forget the Mayan calendar, the aliens are coming in 2012 and they are going to end the world. Wow. Okay. And then there was supposed to be this video of this guy talking about it from like the 70s and predicting stuff and it was really well done and it was proven fake and everything but still that stuck in my head and like, oh my god, that makes total sense because you know, all this alien shit always

I'm just freaking out. Yeah, and that's the hardest thing. I went down so many rabbit holes, and there's so many plausible things, and there's so many things that just seem like they should happen, or they're real. Why wouldn't there be aliens, and why would we be the only ones here? I would not be that naive to think that we're it. Right, my god, the universe is in trouble if humans are the smartest thing we've got. It's so big and vast. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. And they've found other Earths, and there's just so much science that I'm waiting.

and I guess, you know, we may never know, but it's truly crazy. You know, you had me laughing. You're talking about alien porn. A side note, this is not aliens, but speaking of porn, my husband lost a lot of weight recently. Yeah, he did. And his favorite food in the whole world is pizza. That sucks when you're on a diet. So I was laughing, because every time I think of porn now, I mean, I think of him just watching

pizza video. We call it pizza four. We call it pizza four.

and we were at the grocery store and he went down the pizza aisle and he's like, oh, I'm like, oh, we're going down the porn aisle because he loves pizza that much. Like he literally will watch people make pizza, cut pizza, eat pizza. It's really messed up. I love him. I love him so much, but yeah, he's into pizza porn right now. So, I mean, it could be worse. You know? I would rather him be watching pizzas than pussy. So, that's true. Whatever he can do with it. It's fine. I don't care. Porn can be very fun. Oh yeah.

I don't know, I digress. Sorry, I don't know where that came from. But, aliens. You don't say. I don't know what you said before, I don't know. I can think of it. It just happened. It just happened. We just went through the grocery store and I'm like, wow, this is like your favorite aisle. Whatever. So, no aliens ever visited you? You never got scared? You never saw anything funky? No, my mom used to tell my grandmother when she was little that when she couldn't find things, the little men must have taken them.

her bed and went and took her stuff while she was not looking. That's adorable. No, I've never had any aliens. I just had my ghost experiences, which I, you know, I am open to ghosts. I am not open to aliens. Closed off to that. I just think that they can't be nice. Well, at least not all of them, because they're clearly smarter and more advanced than us. Yeah. And that scares me. And then they don't care about us. Well, no, they could kill us in an instant if they wanted to, so I do not like that. Okay. No. Well, hey. You're welcome. Thank you for doing the alien stuff. You're welcome. Now

never have to talk about him again. Never again. Okay. I mean until next week when I have something I forgot to tell you today, but other than that. Yeah, other than that. Well you know what? I wanted to close this off by just letting you know he has over a hundred portraits. Wow. How expensive are they? I don't think they're for sale. Oh, I think we should be able to buy them. Well, I think that they're like his memoirs. Oh, okay. His outlet of his sexual experiences with aliens. Well, if I can get you a comfy table book, you know what you're getting.

Oh god, I'm so excited. So oh and the documentary because I know you're gonna want to watch it. Oh, yeah, it's called love and saucers How did you find that like how did you stumble across it? I had Sean help me look for crazy alien stories So we were back and forth and we he kept sending me stuff and I was sending him and I can't all this And he's we're done. We are done. This guy is painting pictures of his sexual encounters with aliens. You win My stuff was just like my favorite aliens

and I mean, you know, it was probably more the crazy side of our podcast. I don't know. But did you not hear me? But this wins for crazy alien story. It's nuts, right? I mean, not in a bad way. You know, like, I don't even know where to go with it. Yeah. I want to not believe it, but so many people have the same story. How do you discount it? I don't know. I think like aliens and dental are crazy, but yeah, this is like cake topping, you know,

topping winner. What are they doing with all the babies? I don't know. And to your point, what's with the sperm? It's got to be something. Right and that sounds like they're breaking the rules because I mean if you're taking babies still you know I guess it's technically not human so they can do what they want. Right. It's fucked up. Right and would we even know about it if he didn't read that book and then if they didn't need him to go touch the babies? I don't know. No we wouldn't because she flat out was like, she whatever

I'm ending my story. If there's something I missed, I won't be updating it next week. I'm done. All right, well, I uh, even though he was cool. I like him. Still done. Oh my god. Oh, so yeah, next week something lighter. Cool. You know, like, I don't know, glitches in the matrix.

We can do something lighter. Yeah, let's do it. I think we're gonna get off this kick and do something funny. Alright, well, until then. Later! Later! Hey, before we go, wasn't there something you wanted to tell all the peoples?

Yeah, don't forget to rate, review, and subscribe to our little podcast wherever you like to listen. We heard it's important. Super important. Yep, and where else can they find us, Laura? You know, I'm glad you asked. They can also find us on Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram at My Crazy Friend Podcast. And if you have anything you wanna tell us, just email us at All that is accurate. So yeah, until next time. Later.
