My Crazy Friend

Episode 8: Sun's out, guns out, but not in Maryland (the law episode)

January 29, 2023 My Crazy Friend Season 1 Episode 8

This week's topic: Crazy laws

Like to travel? Join the ladies as they review some of the craziest laws still on the books throughout the world.  Listen in so you're not accidentally arrested for some bizarre law you knew nothing about! Like do you know where you can't take your lion with you to the cinema? The answer is Maryland! You are welcome! Find out which state driving a red car might get you into trouble or what country won't allow you to be fat if you choose to live there. All these and more awesomely crazy laws in this episode!  It is LAWESOME! 

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And we're back with another episode of My Crazy Friend. I'm Cori. And I'm Laura. And welcome back. Welcome back. To the podcast where we talk about crazy shit. Yep, today we're going to be discussing crazy laws. We are. But before that, I did have a few things I wanted to talk about from last episode. Ooh, I think you should take the lead then. Okay.

So last episode we talked about ghosts. Ooh. And I just wanted to say that I drove home from your house and it was late, well late for me, which is what, 10 o'clock? And I don't know, it gets dark here at five, so it's hard to see. Yeah, I know, it feels like it's dark forever. So I'm driving home and it's foggy and it's rainy and I'm driving and it's so dark. It was like a super dark night and I'm so freaked out because we talked about ghosts and hauntings.

And I'm like seeing things and I swear to God there's like monsters in the woods and I'm driving back roads and it was so scary and I get to my house and I have woods in the back So I pull up my driveway and then when you pull in before you make a left into my garage You look into the woods. Yeah, you do. I look into the woods with my headlights and there are eight eyes Peering at me real eyes and they're all different sizes

completely discombobulated. And I didn't think what I thought, I didn't really think and I'm like, oh my gosh, there's different sizes, there are monsters in my fucking woods, I'm about to die, ghosts are going to kill me. Well, monsters are ghosts. I don't know. So then I put the brights on and I realized it's deer, so we're sitting down. Wow, I did not see that coming. Some were standing up and I pulled in, but I was so freaked out and it was all because of the haunting episode.

I also forgot to say, on Halloween in 2020, we had pumpkins on either side of the door. And I went and looked through the ring doorbell and there were all these orb-looking things. And I thought, are they bugs? Are they raindrops? And I opened the door and there was nothing. And I have, I recorded this on my phone. I remember you showing me. Yes, and I was like, to this day, I think, if you put a pumpkin on either side, a jack-o-lantern, not a pumpkin, a jack-o-lantern, on either side of your door, you create a doorway, and on Halloween, they can come back.

This is my theory. This is a very specific thing you have to do. Jack-o-lanterns have to be carved. I'm just saying, if you're gonna do Jack-o-lanterns, put them on the left or the right of your porch. Don't put them on either side of your doorway. So they have to be carved? Carved. Okay, so carve Jack-o-lanterns on either side of your doorway. Portal to the damned. Well, not just damned, right? Any spiritual world, I heard. All of them. Because I don't think they're all damned that have visited you. Oh, you're right. I hope not, and that's my point. That's my point. So you know how I set up.

So glad you led me to your point. Thank you. You know I'm close to the spiritual world. I know you are. And you're open. I used to be very open. I used to be super open. I wanted to meet all the ghosts. I thought it would be great. And then I heard about people where bad ghosts got attached to them. And bad things happened, like scary dolls. And then my sister went to this museum in Philly at the Mütter Museum. I don't know. It's got oddities in it and scientific stuff. And she swears she left and there was a dark something that came home with her.

So from that day, I was closed. I was like, you know what, if they can be not nice, I don't wanna know them. I only want, so I would be open to nice ghosts, but since you can't really choose, closed. Now see, I'm open to them, but I welcome the nice ones, so I figure I'm surrounded with nice ones. So if a mean one tries to come in, the nice one's just gonna go beat him down. Yeah. Punch him out. You're right, you're right. See, you do, you have lots of good gardening, so I think I do too. You definitely do. I think I do too, but it still freaks me out. I don't want bad vibes, I don't want bad energies.

Like, you know, we were talking about, do you believe in ghosts? I believe in energies more than anything. So. Yeah, I've listened to articles, or listened to articles, listened to podcasts and like read articles and stuff about people who like can walk by different houses and they can feel like different energies coming from them. And there was one where they just felt really dark and it turned out that like a lot of people have been killed there. Yeah. Like, how could you know that? Right, you wouldn't, you wouldn't. So it's crazy, I love that kind of stuff. It's just cool, cool, cool stuff. So anyway, yes, freak myself out. I'm fine, just in case you're wondering.

I'm good, but I'm glad those deer didn't get you. Yeah, I just wanted to let you know that that's what happened when I left the haunted podcast theater. So yeah, how are you? Oh, I'm great. Good. Do you have anything that you needed to talk about from last episode?

You're crazy. No, I don't really have anything. I just had to give a quick update. Okay. If you remember, I mentioned that Sean was a miracle baby. And then I ended. Not was, is. Is, is. Is a miracle baby. He's a miracle baby. Yes, he is. And I may have ended that story with a note about his mother being a pathological liar. Right, which we're dismissing in this case only. Right, I forgot to say allegedly. Oh. Okay.

Yes. I don't need to get sued. Yeah. It would happen. That's the thing. That's all alleged. Hashtag allegedly. Right. Just covering all bases. Everything's alleged. Alleged, yeah. Anyway, so. That's funny. This week. So yeah, this week we're talking about crazy laws and oh my goodness. Oh my god. You know what's a reading about these? Yes. I just kept thinking, well I can't go here. Like all the places you can't go, even in your own state.

Where like if you get caught just living your life, you'll end up in jail. Yeah, there's a lot of a lot of places like that Yeah, so yeah, there's a lot of places that I've taken off my so I wanted to go everywhere right travel I love traveling I wanted to visit everywhere And I have just checked certain places off my list because I thought you know what I won't be able to go there I specifically thought of one we were I remember you know what before I do that there you might be talking about it today Yeah, that's not so I won't but there's one specifically that I wonder if you bring up if not I'll bring it up

vacation we met a couple from there and I'm like can't go there. So anyway I'll go first if you... Yeah why don't you go first and real quick we can just tell everybody that after we wrote our stories for today and compared those to see who we thought should go first it turns out that we have completely different takes on this so it actually complements each other really well and it wasn't planned and I just want to put that out there that we are such a good

You're so funny. Alright, you guys might not think so, but that's okay because we think so. And you know what? We're a damn good team. Damn it! I'm so good. Smart enough and dog-god-like people. People like us. Tolerate us. Well.

So I decided this week to go with crazy laws within the United States. Awesome. Yeah, so I was like, every law, every state has them, you know. Every state has their crazy laws. So I just picked out a few of my favorite. So my first state that I'm going to talk about is Indiana. Okay.

to wear a bell on Friday the 13th. Well, that seems fair. The law was introduced in 1939 in an attempt to quell people's superstitions about black cats. And this was like right during World War II, or right around the time of World War II. OK. And it's also in Indiana. You cannot receive money for holding a puppet show. You cannot catch a fish. Wait for holding a what? A puppet show. Oh, a puppet show. You cannot make money on puppet shows. Why? In Indiana. I don't know. I just heard. What?

And then you cannot catch a fish with your bare hands. So don't try. It's hard anyway But seriously wait a minute who's gonna do a puppet show for free? I don't know apparently that's the only way you do it there I bet there's not a lot of puppet shows in Indiana, right? At least not any good ones I heard that Go ahead I know could you imagine like traveling Pinocchio can't go there, right? I don't know is there a travelin Pinocchio? I don't know we had a puppet show at my like one of my Elementary school birthday parties. Yeah, we for sure paid them. They didn't do it for free Oh, so I guess that would be my birthday

Indiana. I never had a puppet show birthday. We've had animals over, we've had balloon people, face painter. I've never had a puppet. Maybe it's illegal where you were. I didn't live in Indiana, but sure. Like Mr. Rogers could not have been in Indiana. No. He was the puppet show. I love what I'm saying. Anyway, go ahead. Standing in a bar if you're a man. Let the lady sit, that's right. Oh no, it's

Oh, fuck that. And, yeah, weird, and then carrying a cocktail from the bar to the table, you cannot do that. So it's like in New Jersey, how you can't pump your own gas. In Indiana, you can't transport your own alcohol to the table in a bar. So I don't know, crazy, right? Yeah. That's interesting. Yeah, so interesting. Okay, so my next state that I thought was kinda crazy was Alaska. Oh yeah, Alaska's got some crazy shit.

use this for the alcohol episode. Another thing, alcohol, it is actually illegal to be drunk in a bar in Alaska. Well, what? I know, right? I was like what? So, wait can you be publicly intoxicated? I don't know that. All I know is that if you're in a bar and you're drunk you need to go home. So they say the law is basically you need to know yourself. So knowingly, so you cannot knowingly, if you think you're

be present in the bar once you're drunk you're supposed to escort your home your way home with your best drunken judgment but and it's funny because you think oh you just laugh about that but the police still enforce this law to this day really really that's interesting yeah so so we went out downtown you know a couple weeks ago and was out there and having some drinks you know you guys

As you do, you go club to club, bar to bar, whatever. And you're having a good time, and then I got to a club, and I'm like, we have clearly been drinking, but obviously that's the point. If you're not driving, who cares? As long as you're not falling over and disrupting other people's fun, I should be able to be as drunk as I want. Agreed, and as long as you're not pissing on cop cars, which somebody I was with was doing, and it wasn't me though. It was me. Okay, stop.

I think you're in trouble just for being with them. Oh, okay. Allegedly. Allegedly. You're right. Yes. It's the allegedly episode, right? So I was walking, you know, everybody's getting carted, you know, to go in. Sure. And then they said they wouldn't let me in because I was too drunk. And I said, no, no, no, no, I'm fine. I'm a trooper. And I threw my hands in the air, you know, as troopers do. Yeah. They turned me away. Wow.

upsets me the most about that story is that you act like that even when you're not drinking. I know that upsets me too. I know, you know what I mean? Like that's just your personality. Like I don't know, I don't think that's very fair. Just because you're a little quirky doesn't mean you shouldn't have been put into the bar. Right? But in Alaska it sounds like I'd be in jail. So thank God. Thank God we live where we live. Right. All right, anyway. This is another, see I'm just dodging bullets left and right today. Yeah, you see, I feel like everything happens for a reason and you are where you are for

reason. 100% with you. Okay my next state. Yeah. Oh it's the same state. We're still in on Alaska. Oh I didn't let you finish Alaska. Sorry. No what? I didn't let you finish Alaska. I got sidetracked with the bar episode. We were talking about Alaska. I know we were. It's fine. So yeah you can't view a moose from an airplane. Oh. Or push it out of an airplane. Well how do you, how do you, you know, determine what you can see? I guess

I mean, you know, I understand don't push it out. That's just a good rule. I mean, I think that should go for anything. Sure, just don't push it out on the airplane. I don't know how I said, oh, don't look, it's a moose. I don't know. Well, by then you've already seen it. I know. Already in jail. By the time you know that you can't look at the moose, you've already committed the crime. Right. You're not allowed to wake a sleeping bear to take a photo of it.

I just wouldn't recommend it anyway. We were so fucking stupid. Hey! Hey! Wake up! I want to take a fucking picture. Roar! Roar! Hello! Hello! Anybody home? Lift the eyebrow. Hello in there!

It's like a loony tunes thing. Like can you imagine what must have happened for that law to be in existence? Right? Well why did you wake the bear? I just want a picture. No, you can't do that. Says who? You know what? Says the fucking law as of right now. You can't fucking do that. Okay, we're tired of you people getting eaten. Right, just stop. We are tired. You can't, don't wake it. You can wake it to feed it. It won't mind that. Right. Because that's what you're doing anyway, if I'm being honest.

And last, you cannot bring flamingos into barber shops. Cause you know, why wouldn't you? Does Alaska have a lot of flamingos? I would not think so, but. Is this plastic or living? You know what, that's a good question. I will look into that for us. I need to know. Cause I think we need more information. The rest of them I think, you know, face value. But flamingos in a barber shop. And then I need to know why. What was the history behind it? If it's fake, how many people brought

I will you know what I will find everything I can about why flamingos in Alaskan barbershops. Yeah, that's an interesting one. I mean I can I can kind of make something up in my head Yeah, you know don't push a moose out of an airplane. Yeah, I mean Yeah, I can see if somebody pushed one out you go. Yeah. Yeah, no don't do that law done Yeah, this one's I can't yeah. No. Yeah, I'll get back to you. Yeah. Thanks. All right, so my next state is Connecticut ooh, so in Connecticut

I'm quite the pickle lover and as are you. Yeah. I still remember when, oh God, we first met and we were making martinis and we didn't have olives. So we put pickles, like full-size pickles in our drinks. Those were the best. They were the best. Yeah, and I was like, is that a pickle-ing drink or are you just super happy to be drinking it? Because I am right now. It was so good, it was so good. So yeah, I remember I have pictures of our pickle drinks. We haven't done that in a while. We need some pickle drinks. We need to, yeah.

No way. So it is illegal to sell pickles unless they are they bounce from the height of one foot in the air They have to balance to be considered a pickle. How high do they have to bounce? They just have to balance like they can't splatter. Yes, I feel like most things will bounce a little bit won't they? I mean, I hope so but apparently back in the day there was a devious pickle Packer selling substandard pickles that obviously didn't bounce. Oh, so they had to make a lot

It's weird. It's weird. In Connecticut, it's also illegal to walk backwards after sunset, cross the street while you're walking on your hands, educating dogs, I guess they don't want a dog uprising. No, we don't need that. It's bad enough if they educate the kids. For a beautician to sing, hum or whistle while attending to a customer.

Like what if that's what I want? What if I want? Somebody to serenade you? Yes. That is the dream. I should be able to pay for that. I can't while I'm getting my hair done. Well what if she just is like a hummer? She's just going. Sorry, you can't be a, you can't work.

as a stylist because you're a hummer. I happen to overhear you humming while you worked the other day. I'm sorry, I'm going to have to let you go. Or you're going to have to leave the state of Connecticut and work somewhere else. Also, jail? I think so. I've had enough. Like, it's not just against throw away. It's illegal. Throw away the key.

Alright, next one. Yeah. Maryland. Which you and I have both been to. So I just want to tell you, you better be relaxed when you go to the beach because once you've passed the town of Rockville, Maryland, profanity is illegal while driving or on any street, lane, or highway. There's no road rage. And if caught, you will be faced fines up to $100 fine. Well, I don't know how to call BS on that one. I'm not. I know because you've been through there. And I know you swear.

I'm just telling you, I mean, I don't know how they enforce it, but...

According to, it's a misdemeanor and it's on your record for being a potty mouth. Wow. Yeah. Now do you think that gets you, like, if you put that on an application, have you ever been arrested? Yes. For what? Swearing while driving. Is that going to preclude me from getting a job or is that shooting me to the top of the list? Wow. I don't know. I think that's worth a conversation though. Dude, I mean I'm hiring that person if I get that resume. Are you? Okay, good. Good to know. I mean I'm definitely going to go. I think it could go either way. I think someone could be like, well that's weird.

that person's weird and we're not hiring them for putting it on their resume in the first place. I mean if it's there and you're gonna find it. Oh and they ask you though if you got your right. Been committed. Yeah. Oh wow, I don't know. I wonder, I wonder, that's a weird one. I don't know. I would hire them. So, and then okay, so also in Maryland you cannot grow thistles anywhere in your yard. You cannot take a lion to the cinema. What? Yeah. Fuck that, I'm not going to Maryland anymore. Right, how boring.

And you cannot wear a sleeveless shirt in a public park. Well. Yeah, so sun's out, guns out, not in Maryland. Again, I'm sure I've done that. I'm sure, it's a beach. How am I, wow. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, I'm just like. These are interesting. Right? And why would they have that one? You got me, babe. I mean. Dun, dun, dun, dun. Dun, dun, dun, dun. All right, so my last. And final. And my last and final.

Wow, I sounded, I don't know, like a different person. A stage. It's especially funny because we literally just finished a conversation about how you for sure have at least two personalities in there, maybe three. Well yeah, so I distinctly talk to myself. And I feel like, but they're two distinct personalities. So I was asking Laura, you know, is that her? And she's like, yeah, no, I just have like an inner monologue. And I'm like, okay, me too. And then she's like, well, how are you?

listening to the two if you're not a third and then she got me thinking I don't know I don't know I think I'm fine I function just perfectly I don't I don't change a thing sure sure I wouldn't change a thing I'm just saying so our brains may function slightly differently and that's good yeah everybody's different

So yeah, so that was, I don't know who that was, but I was, you know, present, so that's the important thing. I'm aware of all the personalities. You realized we were recording. Good job. Yeah. So yeah, wow. Down the hole I go. So, um, Minnesota. Minnesota. That's what I'm on. Minnesota. So in Minnesota, this one was so weird. I had to read it. Um, I was like, shoot. So, okay. Apparently it gets pretty weird. So, I'm like, I'm going to read it. I'm going to read it. I'm going to read it. I'm going to read it. I'm going to read it. I'm going to read it.

really cold there and it's very boring in the winter. Sounds right. So they had to make a law that you're not allowed to grease up your pig and let them go and try to catch them again. So no pig greasing!

So that happened in 1971. Oh my god. I'm just imagining all the grease picks running around Minnesota. But they've gotta go, yeah, you guys, come on. You can't grease them. That's just, you're not ever gonna touch them. You can't touch them. We're tired of the calls. Loose pig in the square!

If you're gonna do it, at least laugh so then you know you can't use your bare hands, guys. Keep the door shut. Ugh. You know, come on. Try to release. Put a fence up. Yes. Put a fence up, guys. I don't know.

So I couldn't. I couldn't pass that one up. It was like so freaking weird. And then also in Minnesota, you cannot sleep naked. You cannot enter the state wearing a chicken or a duck on your head. Like we gotta go to Minnesota. Minnesota. Drive a red car down a lake street. If you're driving a red car, shit.

different ways. Maybe just don't have red cars in the state of Minnesota because you don't know. Well shit, I don't know though. Like does GP have...that would be interesting. If you're from Minnesota and you're listening, does your car let you know you're not allowed to go down that street if it's a lake? Like red car alert, you can't go this way. Yeah, do you put that in? Yeah, let us know because we're not gonna look that up. No. So, and eating hamburgers on Sundays? Nope. Really? And standing around any

to be there. Oh. So loitering at all. Loitering in public buildings. Anywhere. Yeah. It's just the law. Not. So any reason, like what if you're like, why are you here? Ugh, I just needed a break. I'm tired. Okay, that's a reason. Or is it like specifically to be at that building? I'm thinking like a reason to be there. Like, I'm sorry that you're tired, but you can't be tired in front of this building. Yeah. Well, can I be tired in front of that building? No, that's also a public building. How about that one? No, this is a public street. You can't be tired here. Can I break my ankle? No. No. What is that? Maybe that's the reason.

you're not supposed to be here. Well, why can't I sit? I'm not asking to go in, I just want to be around it. I have to pee. With my broken ankle. Is that good enough? I want to use the restroom. That might be. That's what I'm gonna go with. I have to pee. I don't know. But anyway, yeah. Just stuck. Minnesota's tough. Yeah, I thought so. So yeah, those are the states that stuck out to me the most. There was a bunch, like there was like some, you know, a bunch of them, but those are the

I love those and I also wanted to throw in there, I saw one from Alabama that I just wrote down because it cracked me up. Oh, Alabama, that's so funny. That's where my mother-in-law lives. And my husband lived there for a while. They were on the base in Huntsville. Well, maybe they can give me some additional information around this one. Okay, I'm ready. Is you cannot wear a fake mustache that elicits laughter in church. Oh my God.

Yeah. So fake one that is real, like that looks real or isn't funny. But if it's funny, those glasses with the mustaches. That's a no. No way. Nope. We have those. We got those in DC. Do you know how we didn't buy them though? We just took our pictures. Yeah, we looked hot. Yeah, that's good. That's hilarious. Like light hair, dark mustache. That's going to be a no. Well, it's funny you say that because so we play car games with the kids and like in Pennsylvania, we count cows. Yeah. So we're like, and then if you pass a cemetery, your cows die.

on your side of the car. So I'm the right side of the car from the passenger. My husband's on the left. And whichever kid I got on my side, and he has a kid, and we count cows and they die, and this is our game in Pennsylvania. We're on the turnpike. When we go to Alabama, we count churches. We don't count cows. There's so many churches that we count churches. And then if we go past the graveyard, the church burned to the ground. I'm gonna go to hell right now, I'm sorry. All your churches burned to the ground. Well, you know what? You gotta play with what you're given. Yeah.

churches so it's really funny that they have they probably have a ton of church laws. I'm sure they do. And the fact that it's because there's so many churches the fact that that you can't wear mustaches I'm gonna I'm gonna like like what it's fake though. Right. So real mustaches are fine even if they're funny. Right like a real handlebar mustache I guess that's okay. I feel like so I've been because I because my husband's family is from there right or not from there they they're from here but they have been down there on the military base long story short I've been down

I've gone to like Christmas Eve service down there. I want to test it. I'm gonna go down and wear a mustache I want to test it. Oh, please do how fun is that? Please do and please wear a camera I will bail you out Like within a week. Oh my god. I will make you spend more than two weeks in jail three

It's crazy, it's so different down there. When I met my husband, we were living in Philly and we got in the airport, Philadelphia airport, and everyone's rushing through the airport and throwing bags and it's all crazy. And then we'd land in Huntsville, Alabama. And everyone's, welcome to Huntsville. And it's slow and people are strolling in the airport. It was like a different world to me. And it was so, like it was so peaceful.

like wow, like how are they not running around in the airport, it's airport, is no one late for anything? And it was just, so yeah, I like vacationing in the South because it's so relaxing. Maybe running in the airport is illegal in Alabama. It could be, I don't know, but I'm telling you, the mustache I will be wearing for Christmas Eve service, or Easter, or actually I think we're going there for Easter. The whole score. So hey, you know. Break it out. We're gonna go to Easter service and I'm gonna wear my mustache. Make it happen. Oh.

That's that's words. Whoa. That's all I got Jumbled oh, that's all I got

Okay, there's something. There ain't no more. It is you're up, my friend. Oh, I can do that. So, well you did the United States crazy laws. I decided to go outside the United States and figure out all the places I shouldn't travel to. Right, and we didn't even mean to do that. No, high five, great team. I know, thank you. That's all I'm saying, all I'm saying. So, I'm saying- We could have totally overlapped states. I know, but we did. But we did. But we did. All right, so out of the country crazy.

other country laws. Yes. Excited. So I am just gonna hit on a handful. I printed out like 30 pages of them. Holy shit. I'm just gonna hit a couple of them. Okay. Okay. So in Germany it is illegal to run out of gas on the Autobahn. I can believe it. I've been on the Autobahn. Well I think there's a speed limit now. When I was on it in 1999 there was no speed limit and that was the scariest shit. We were in a Mini Cooper. Oh yeah. I almost got killed a hundred times. So yeah if

Well, and not only that, but the reason is because they figure if you're, if you can drive that fast, you can take care of your car to go on the Autobahn, then you should be responsible enough to keep gassing it. Yeah, I agree. And if you aren't, then you get fined. Or dead. Right? I'm telling you, I was so scared. I believe it. And then if you're walking to a gas station, you can get fined for that too. Wow. So, if you're in Germany on the Autobahn, make sure you're gassed up. Yeah.

I mean there was like six of us in a Mini Cooper like it was like I Crammed to a point where I was with this girl. We were it was for so we were it was when I was in college So I was with this one of the one of my college friends. It was with me Made them pull off She got out took a bus to where we were going because she couldn't go back on the Autobahn and a Mini Cooper It was so scary because they're really small little cars I know and people are going past you with like a hundred miles an hour. Yeah Yeah, so it was you know, I just closed my eyes and prayed

Anyway, sorry, I just, flashbacks, you said Audubon and I was like, oh my God. Yeah, I believe it.

Let's see, in Poland, you cannot wear Winnie the Pooh on your t-shirt. Why? Because he doesn't wear pants. So he is offensive. Oh my god. I thought Poland was pretty like chill. Um. Aren't they like, maybe not? I don't know. Maybe I'm thinking Switzerland. He is too risque for young kids. Wow. So they don't have any Winnie the Pooh stuff over there? I guess not. Or it's in like the porn section? They have. Can't they just put pants on him for the Poland Pooh?

It says Poland issued a ban on Winnie the Pooh around playgrounds and schools. Wow.

Yeah. Huh, bizarre, right? Yeah, like that would be a lot of other things. Like, cause isn't it, which duck, isn't it Daffy Duck doesn't have pants? Yeah, I don't know if it's all cartoon characters or if the other ones didn't make it that big and full-winds and need to be banned, I don't know. SpongeBob SquarePants Patrick, the star, doesn't have pants. I mean, there's so many that don't wear pants. I have no idea. Puss in Boots, I don't think he wears pants. Do you wanna just name all the cartoon characters that don't have pants? As they pop into my head, yes. Perfect, okay.

Are you sure? Yeah, I've completed my list. I hit five things and then I'm done.

Okay, got it. No, just go. I'm not gonna interrupt you anymore. Yeah, you will, it's okay. I will, it's what I do. Okay, so in France, you know how they all wear speedos on the beach? Oh yeah. Yeah, it's because they can't not. What? Okay, so we all think that they like speedos. Sure. Actually, it's a French law that men cannot wear loose-fitting swim trunks on beaches and swimming pools and other public places where a swimsuit is required attire. Wow. So I guess in their private pools at home, they can wear it. And the reason is,

is not safety, but because they don't want people wearing in the water and like on the beaches what you would wear in regular day like life. They don't want you walking around town in your trunks and then going and getting in the pool in your dirty trunks even walking around town. So because they know nobody's gonna walk around town in a Speedo, you have to wear a Speedo and that's the only way they can assure that you're not wearing at other places. That's ridiculous. Right? I was thinking I mean can you at least wear the Speedos that

have legs? Like if they're tight? You know what I mean? Like a boxer brief? I don't know. I don't know. I couldn't. I just, that's so uncomfortable. I mean, I never thought of like men having to like shave a bikini line. You know? I guess they have to. And oh my gosh. And then they, I don't, I feel bad. Like honestly it's kind of funny because women always have had to wear. Oh yeah. Scannily. You know, men can go out in a t-shirt and shorts and they're, they can go swimming and everything and we have to be in like a bathing

It's gotten better, but I still would love to have more comfortable swimwear. Yeah, well a lot of the crazy laws I found were around what women can and cannot wear and must wear and may not wear. There's some men restrictions. Good job, France. Yeah, so I focus on those. But I feel like France isn't doing the women any favors because really, who wants to see that? No, you're right. But whatever. Take the wins with the losses. They also can't wear t-shirts or surfer shorts or anything. Wow.

big bellied man just own it. Don that speedo and... In Bolivia, if you're a single woman, you can have as much to drink as you want. If you're married, one glass. Illegal for you to have anymore. And, realms for divorce, if you do.

So, once I get married I have to agree not to drink? More than one. Is this anywhere? Anywhere in Bolivia. Oh, it says La Paz. La Paz, Bolivia. Uh... A husband could actually divorce her if she's drinking in public.

Okay, so maybe it's public. I guess. Well, it might be any drinking in public and more than one glass of wine at home, because the belief is it makes her immoral. We don't need immoral women rummaging around. Wow, I guess. Like, and that's sad because, you know, once you get married to some of these assholes, you might need to drink. Oh, you know, well, that's okay. Cause then he can divorce you. It's fine. And if he doesn't want to divorce you, well, then what are you going to do? It's his divorce or not? Yeah, I know. So I thought that's a nice out though. If you like, you want to get divorced and you don't even have to say anything, just go out to a nice dinner, order a glass of wine.

And then get a second one. Yeah. Even, yeah, whatever you want to do. Order a double to start. Bring me the bottle. Yeah, make it clear. This is over. Yeah, I've had enough of you. Anyway, in Toronto, Canada, you can't climb trees.

Why? I don't know. In 2013, somebody who was a tree climbing enthusiast got a $365 ticket for climbing a tree in Bellevue Square Park.

Well maybe it's that park. Nope, anywhere in the province of Ontario. Shut your mouth. Even in the middle of the forest. If somebody sees you, you can get a fine. That's ridiculous. Crazy. What if you need to get your cat? In the middle of the forest? Just up a tree. I don't know, call the fire department because you're not allowed. Well, the fire department get in trouble because they're not the law. Well, they've got a ladder. They don't need to climb the tree. Oh, right. See? But isn't that still climbing the tree if you use a ladder? No. Nope.

escalate up the tree, not climbing the tree. See? That's boring. I mean, climbing trees is fun. I know. You can't have tree houses then. You can't have fun in Toronto. That's what I'm hearing. I mean, that's what they said. Okay. All right. All right. You know how Japanese people are always thin and we're like, oh, it must be the rice? Yeah. No, because it's illegal to be fat there. Shut up. Yeah. I can't go there now.

I mean, here, except for sumo wrestlers. So in an effort to prevent obesity, there is a law that requires people between the ages of 40 and 74 to have their waists measured at the doctor. And if men have a waist measurement over 33 1⁄2 inches, or women over 35 1⁄4 inches, they will be fined until they are within range again. Wow.

Yeah, so it's not because they're all healthy by choice. Wow.

I did not know that. No, and I'm thinking, like, because we have friends who live there, and I'm thinking, they're all very thin, thank God, lucky them, like, what happens, like, if you're, you know, from another country and you move there and you're fat? I don't, I just gotta get your shit in order before you go. Yeah, shit. Okay, ready for the next one? I am. Okay. This is shocking to me. Shocking. I wanna go to Japan, too. I'm like, am I too fat for Japan? Well, you don't live there, so I don't think it matters. So tourists, so they can just mock us, and, oh!

Oh look, they'll know you're a Taurus because you're fat. Right, and tall.

I think in Japan you are still. No I'm not. You're tall for Japan. I am probably... You're still pocket sized? Pocket sized. That's okay. So anyway, in the UK, for all you salmon fishing aficionados. Yes. So it is illegal to handle salmon in suspicious circumstances across the UK. Same goes for trout, smelt, freshwater fish, lampreys, and eels. Can you elaborate on how you handle them suspiciously?

Thank you. It says it does not specify what is considered suspicious So it sounds to me like maybe you should just avoid them I don't know, but if you're a Fisher and you got a fisherman you have to handle them. Well, just don't do it suspiciously So oh gosh, I mean, you know, just tell me how to do it. Okay, don't need it Don't need a net do I need what do I need? That's not suspicious because that would make me have anxiety But I'd be doing it wrong so weird

I wish I could tell you. Well, I don't know. Just don't do it. Don't do it at all. Yes. So in South Korea, you can't turn off your phone's camera sound. So it has to make that click sound. Because this one is because people were taking photos of people unknowingly in public transportation. You know, like spies. So you wouldn't be able to hear it. So you have to, like, people can't sneak pictures of you. So if you buy a phone, you can't turn off that feature.

can. Well, wow. So, wow. Right? Yeah, that's crazy. I was, you said, you said South Korea. I read one about, do you have North Korea on there? I do not. So I read a funny one about North Korea. They only have 28 approved hairstyles, 18 approved state hairstyles for women, and 10 approved state hairstyles for men, and that's all you can do. You cannot deviate from the approved hairstyles. We would be

Yeah, Singapore. Okay, you cannot chew gum in Singapore. Yes I was on we were in London seeing the Harry Potter like on the in the Harry Potter thing and we're sitting with this couple from Singapore Yeah, and she was like, yeah, you can't chew gum like public displays of affection in Singapore No, like you can go to jail for that stuff. Like that's one of those places off my list now Well, and the read yeah, I don't know anything about the PDA

that the gum is because vandals had used chewing gum to mess with the mass rapid transit system and the housing and development board spent 150,000 a year to clean gum off of the transit systems. So cleaning up littered gum, people stick places. So they just banned it because it was too expensive to clean up after the people. Oh yeah, wow. We were on a bus with newlyweds and the wife was telling me all the stuff. She was like, yeah, we can't hold hands.

They were being all cute and lovey in London. That's weird. Like I wonder, like I get the gum one. Yeah. Like having seen people scrape gum off of things. Like I wouldn't want to do that. So from what I gather for in Singapore, like it's just they're very conservative. And even though there's not a specific law against PDA, it's an indecency law and you can just get in trouble. So like they think like a quick peck you probably won't. But if you're like making out or can't do any of those things

You know rub each other like even like rubbing someone's back like that someone said that they got in trouble interesting Yeah, I'm crazy. Yeah, I can't go there. I'm always like touching my husband like I feel like I'm like Oh, let me fix your eyebrow and you know always Yeah, he's so scared to be there. Yeah, so maybe not the place for you to go. I'm not gonna go I don't want to go anywhere. It's not gonna be me being able to be my freaking self. Yeah

Those lines you're gonna want to avoid, China. Which is my last one. Yeah, and that stinks, because I really would love to go to these places, but they're just not making it, you know, desirable for me. Anyway, why China? Well, because in China it's illegal to reincarnate without permission. Damn it! I'm telling ya! Steer clear!

So Tibetan Buddhist monks are not allowed to reincarnate when they die unless they have already been granted permission from the government. Hmm. I mean, that sucks. Yeah. Like what do you do? You just stay in limbo, right? And you're like, I'm ready to go, I can't. Remember that governor or whatever they're called in China? The dictator who died, I don't know, 150 million years ago, didn't give me permission when I was alive, so here I am, stuck. That sucks.

Yeah, I would not be in China. Well, and then, isn't it the Dalai Lama that gets reincarnated all the time? And I think there's like an agreement between two, it's like China and I don't know another, all I know is that I guess he had alluded to coming back as a woman and now they're like, there's like a big controversy about him not being able to reincarnate. Well, I guess they're gonna not allow it. Right? As they can. I'm just vaguely heard this story, but I was like, holy shit,

it was such a thing. Apparently it is. I guess that Dalai Lama has been given permission to continually reincarnate and I guess that permission can be revoked. Where do you get the permissions from? From the people in charge of China. Okay. I mean whoever's telling them that they can't. Cool beans. I guess like if you're annoying you're like sorry you're not reincarnating. Sorry bye Felicia. We voted. We voted and no. You're out. Yep. Wow that's quite the popularity contest.

I want you to like me, why? I need to be reincarnated. I have been playing this for 2,000 years from now. I need to be here for those. Do they get to pick what you, or you always come as a human? Or is it like a place where you could, like if they don't like you, they're like, now you're a dung beetle. No, I don't think they get to say that. I think they just give you permission to reincarnate. Period. Yeah, I'm not sure. All right, cool. So that was my last one. That was so much fun. It was a good time.

So I guess with that we have nothing else to say. We can just close it out and get ready for next week. Cool beans. So till then, later, later. Bye. Hey, before we go, wasn't there something you want to tell all the peoples?

Yeah, don't forget to rate, review, and subscribe to our little podcast wherever you like to listen. We heard it's important. Super important. Yep, and where else can they find us, Laura? You know, I'm glad you asked. They can also find us on Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram at My Crazy Friend Podcast. And if you have anything you wanna tell us, just email us at All that is accurate. So yeah, until next time. Later.
