My Crazy Friend

Episode 7: The ying and yang of babies (the ghost episode)

January 21, 2023 My Crazy Friend Season 1 Episode 7

This week's topic: Crazy ghost stories

The spiritual world haunts this episode. Find out who is open and who is closed to being visited by the dead. Settle in around the fire and listen as the ladies share some crazy ghost stories... Laura talks about haunted hotels and Cori discussed celebrity hauntings. Boo! Did we scare you? (Didn't think so.)

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Alright, welcome back to my crazy friend. This is Cori. Yeah, believe it or not that was beatboxing on the tambourine. It's a new gift of mine. That was Cori.

This is Laura, the one not beatboxing the tambourine. Listen, I just, I do, if something moves me, I just gotta go with it. Yeah, we know, we appreciate that about you. That's our favorite thing about you. Oh boy. As promised, we are going to do crazy hauntings this week. Yeah, I know, this week freaked me out a lot. That being said though, before we start into that, I do have a big question for you. Okay, give me a big question, I'll give you a big answer.

and to Pearl Man from the last episode. Oh, okay. So to recap who Pearl Man is. Yes. In case that wasn't 100% clear. Guess you're a loser and didn't listen to the last episode. I mean, that's craziness. So this guy in the Philippines had what, in the story he believed was a rock under his bed for 10 years. Right. And he took it then when, I guess he was retiring, or I don't know why, he decided to take it to the tourism office

Oh my God, it's not a rock, it's a giant pearl. 75 pounds, two feet long pearl. Worth a hundred million dollars. A hundred million dollars. Dollars. Holy crap, Laura. So we were wondering, like, whatever happened to this guy? Did he cash in? Right, how do I meet this guy? Right? So, he did in fact not cash in. Oh. it's on display, I guess, still. You can, I think you can still go look at it. The most recent article I found anyway. I mean, he should have at least got

enough to like not work and travel. So I guess he was working out some kind of agreement with the tourism office or something in the Philippines where he would get some money but still retain ownership of the pearl but it would be on display there. I don't know it was all very confusing but long story short he didn't cash out. Well you know what? Dumb.

I don't know.

Geez. I hear ya. And I've also read some stuff where I said he didn't know it was a pearl, he thought it was a rock. And I've read some things where he knew it was a pearl and he just kept it there and would rub it for good luck. So who knows? But either way, $100 million pearl kept under his bed, whether he knew what it was or not. And then he didn't even cash out on it. No, that's crazy. Like I just don't know how I feel about him now. I know, I'm saying. I mean, I guess though, you know,

You do you. The woman's, you know, she's holding out for 50 million. This guy's like, nah, you can have it. What else? Yeah, the woman with the painting in the last episode was holding out for $50 million on a $5 investment and this guy's gotten $100 million. He could probably get at least close to it. Even if he took half of that. Even if he just took a couple million. I mean, hey, what's a couple million between friends? Yeah, I don't know. I guess the theme, the running theme so far of this episode is you do you, right? Yeah.

Yeah, exactly. And if you do it right, and you play your cards just right, maybe somebody else will do you too. Oh. I could only be so lucky. Words to live by. Words to live by. All right, speaking of doing me. Yeah, no, let's do that. I don't know why I said that. I was thinking, I was thinking because I wanted to bring up, in the last episode, we talked about, actually it wasn't the last episode, it was the lie episode. We talked about champagne only being from champagne. Yes.

and I was thinking it's so funny because we call my husband Tequila Stew. Yeah we do. And he's fun so yeah. And I'm like Tequila Stew a lot. And he said do me I'm like Tequila Stew! I don't know why but anyway that doesn't matter. So, so dumb. Anyway my point that I'm going to make eventually is that big shocker but most

I am not a stupid idiot and I did know what I was talking about. So I'll give you a 95% then. Okay, because I guess there's a couple, but Mexico's national, that's their national spirit. And most of it comes from there, but it's not exactly, it's not like Champagne. Where it has to come from there. So yeah. I didn't know there was a city called Tequila, so I will give you that. Thank you. You get one point. You're only down like, I don't know, 100 million. I thought I was 95 points. Oh no, a 95% correctness. You get 95% of a point. Oh. See what I mean? That sucks.

I know, you're way behind. All right, whatever. So, okay, on to hauntings. Yes. Ooh.

So, I believe in ghosts. Yeah, 100%. Do you believe in ghosts? Yeah. And, but I have utmost respect for ghosts. Yes. Because I believe that you need to be open to ghosts to see them, and this bitch is close. Okay? So close that I don't care if I think there's a ghost in my peripheral, I'm gonna block it out and pretend like I didn't see it. Because it freaks me out and it scares the shit out of me. And then I can't sleep. Oh, all right. And then I take it, and then my poor family suffers.

Because I can't sleep by myself and my husband does sometimes go away for work And then I'm like the dog has to sleep with me or I used to make the kids sleep with me and now they're getting older They're like mom. Sorry, and I'm like, can I just sleep in your room on your floor or or you know? Ben has bunk beds, of course, mm-hmm me at the top You know both know that's bad. That would be I would decapitate myself I would pay just to be a fly on the wall. I'll try to sleep in a tough bunk bed with a fan

But anyway, go ahead. So my point is, it's not an option anymore. And so I get scared. And so, yeah, I'm just gonna remain closed. But this week scared the bejesus out of me. I don't think you researched right. Go ahead. Oh really, yours were funny? Mine were terrifying. Oh, go ahead. What you got? Well, no wait, did you have any, before we started, I was thinking, do you have any ghost stories of your own that you wanted to share? Yeah, I mean, so,

There were a few times in my life where I think that I encountered a ghost. One example was after my grandma passed away and I had slept in the basement and it was an unfinished basement and my room was a finished room in an unfinished basement. So there was like a room in the corner. So you had to walk down stairs that were not finished. Brickety stairs that were way too high because it was like a hundred year old farmhouse. So they were very steep.

a basement which had like cement walls and cement floors and it used to have a coal bin that's how old it was. Wow okay I gotcha. Threw all that to a back corner with no windows which is where my bedroom was. I'm following it sounds dark and dinky. It was scary yeah but I had a humidifier in there and it was fine and it was all dry you know it was fine it was fine but yeah a little damp probably why as messed up as I am now because everybody else slept upstairs with me

Point is, I was asleep and I remember waking up and an old lady is sitting at the edge of my bed. And then I couldn't move and I felt like, and then it just kinda floated away. And then I was terrified, but I wasn't, I knew that the thing wasn't mean. And- So it had like a, you felt its presence. I saw it. I saw someone sitting, a lady sitting at the edge.

But I mean, like, you could feel that she wasn't me. Yes. And so it reminded me of, like, Ghostbusters, that scene of, like, the old lady in the library. So I convinced myself over the years that it never happened. But I was a teenager. Like, this, you know, they moved me downstairs when I was a teenager. And I still remember it. So I don't know. I just was like, I was dreaming. You know, I just tell myself to dream. So that was one. And then the other time, this is super scary. So when I was, I don't know, I guess five?

My mom was in the hospital giving birth to my sister. Okay. And I'm sleeping in her bed. Like, I was sleeping in her bed. We had a babysitter there and I can't remember if it was like my grandma or who was there. My dad was at the hospital with my mom and I got to sleep in their bed. Okay. And I woke up and I couldn't scream. I tried to scream. It was like that. Like night, yeah. Like I woke up with a nightmare. And I freaked myself out and I crawled down to the bottom of the bed.

and they had this big bureau with a big mirror. Okay. And I closed my eyes and I reached out my hands towards the mirror and something pulled me into the mirror. That's creepy. And I remember this and then I wake back up and I'm laying on the bed again and I get so freaked out and I jump out of the bed and I scream and I run down the hall and I was so afraid of this mirror. Like it was so real. And again, could have been a dream. I was five, but I remember it to this day.

And here's the kicker. I kept the mirror. Why? I don't know. What's wrong with you? I took it to college with me. I painted it. It was in my room. It's in my bedroom closet right now. To this day, before I go to bed every night, I have to shut the closet door because that mirror is in there. I don't know. I...

I feel like, I don't know, because it's bad luck to break a mirror. I know people, you can go on and on about bad luck. I don't know how I believe it. It's not bad luck to donate it, though. So, yeah, you're right. So, I feel like...

I don't want to believe in bad luck, I think that's silly, but I don't want to push my luck. So I just kind of like follow the rules even though I don't know if I believe in them. But like my house is number 13 and that's my lucky number. So I guess, I don't know, I guess I'm just crazy.

Yeah. So, I just figured, you know, don't push your luck, but like, I like the number 13, so it's okay. So, anyway, so those are two things that I remember very vividly, but God only knows. I probably was dreaming, but yeah, those are the two things. Freaky, right? Yeah, freaky. Yeah, so what's yours? Well, I'll tell you, one of mine, I'm telling my stories, but I asked Sean if he had any, and he said, well, yeah, actually, not him, but his mom. When she was pregnant,

she fell down the steps and a spirit caught her and turned her so when she landed, kind of like braced her fall so when she landed the baby wasn't hurt. And so she could feel the spirit catching and moving her and landing her softly. Wow! Who was she pregnant with? Shawn. So you're a marriage?

Right, because that's the only reason. Yeah. Because he had to be here. Yeah, well, now, yes. So we will be calling him the Miracle Baby from now on. Okay, perfect. Obviously. Obviously. And we will also just make a tiny little note that we mentioned in the previous episode, or a few episodes ago, that his mom is also a pathological liar. Oh. So, I don't...

So she told that story. You just ruined it. I have to take it with a grain of salt. I mean, who knows? A great story, though. Who knows? You know what? I wanna believe it, so I will. She can't, I mean, literally everything can't be a lie, right? There has to be something that's true at some point. Right, and you know what? Let's hope this is it. This is the one thing. This is it. John's a miracle baby. Yep. And that's what I heard. That's all I hear. That's all I'm gonna hear from now on. Your husband, the miracle baby. My husband, the miracle baby.

in these episodes, you noticed that? Yeah. Yeah, it's like a love hate relationship with babies. Yeah. It's what's perfect. More hate on you. You've got the love, I've got the hate. Oh, that's actually true. We are the yin and yang of babies. Yeah, we balance each other out. Okay, so anyway. Tell me some crazy hauntings, will ya? Okay, so here's some hauntings from me to you. Okay, number one, I have like three little stories, if that's cool. That is cool, I've got three little stories too. Wow.

They got the same stories. They're definitely the same. Ha ha ha!

That would be the fucking shit. Then I'd be like, you know what, I give up. I can't even. OK, so this one was Jenna Bush. Oh, no. So Jenna Bush, as we know, President George Bush's daughter, she's adorable. Anyway, she was living in the White House. And I guess she heard she was sleeping. And I guess there's a fireplace in her bedroom at the time. And she started hearing like 1920s music coming out. And then she freaked her out.

And her sister's like don't be ridiculous go back to sleep. You know what you're on my nerves and then The next week they were both asleep in her room, and then they woke up again. There was like a ringing mm-hmm and They were talking to each other back and forth and again. They jumped up They both could hear the 1920s music coming out of the fireplace They couldn't believe it they jumped out of bed, and they they were like this is crazy

and they started asking people in the White House and they're like yeah you know.

It happens all the time. So, I don't know. So the White House is known to be haunted? I guess so. Is that what you're telling me? And then they also heard some opera coming out of the fireplace and there was no explanation for it. That's weird. So yeah, so I mean of all the places, I would think the White House being haunted makes sense. It does make sense. But I had never heard that, so I thought that was crazy. Yeah, it's odd that it's not one of the well-known stories about the White House. Right? I mean, there's gotta be more hauntings. I betcha, there's a lot of White House hauntings. Yeah, we should look that up sometime.

Look it up. When I'm bored. When I'm bored. Put it on the list. Yeah. Anyway, so my next story. Okay. Is...

You know how I feel about celebrities. Like I love celebrities but I'm always afraid to meet them. Yeah. Because I'm afraid they're going to be mean or ruin, you know, the fact that I like them. Right. But there's one specifically, do you know who it is, who I know I could meet and they would be wonderful. Who is it? It's gotta be Eddie Vedder. Oh yeah, he's, that's not who, that's yours. It's not mine. I figured. Uh, who? But I would, I think Eddie Vedder would be nice. Well obviously. Obviously. Who's yours? Keanu Reeves. Oh, well duh.

Duh, duh, I just think he's like the nicest guy and if I saw him I'd want to meet him because I think he'd be nice to me. Yeah, he's a cute little potato, wouldn't he? Such a cute potato. So anyway, I had to tell a Keona Reeves he believes in ghosts and he's got a ghost story. Okay, let's hear it. Alright, so when he was like six or seven years old, they moved into a new apartment in New York City. I guess they had come from Australia. Mm-hmm. And he had a nanny and they were in the bedroom and there was a doorway and all of a sudden this jacket

comes waving through the doorway. It was just an empty jacket. There was nobody in it, no legs. And then it just appears. And he was a little kid and he thought, oh, okay, that's interesting. And he looked over at his nanny and his nanny's face was terrified. And so that was his story.

Crazy right so they never figured out like they're just nobody ever talked about it. Nope. It's just you know he's like yeah I think there's ghosts and his nanny was like yeah, I think you might be right yeah All right So okay my last story. Do you know who Daniel Stern is no okay? Well? He is Daniel Stern is the bandit who is not Joe Pesci in Home Alone

Okay. The other one. Yes, the fuzzy-haired guy. Right. Okay. So he was on a trip in England with his wife. They went out there on their honeymoon in 2010. Alright. And he wanted to explore the Moors. They were always in the Sherlock Holmes and they were mysterious. So they were on the last leg of their trip and they were heading to a bed and breakfast in the Moors. Okay. And it was really foggy and he's like...

like we were, you know, it was really foggy and creepy and he's like, it was really cool. And his wife was looking at the map and she's like, they had a little time to kill before they had to be at the bed and breakfast. And they're looking at this map and they're like, hey, there's this little town and it's got a cute little church. And there was a little town called Whitcomb. And him and his wife were like, cool, let's do a little detour to go to this cute little town. Anyway, so they get to the town and,

They get out of their car and they get this like achy feeling and it's kind of cold. There's like 30 or 40 people just milling around this little town, but they're walking slow and deliberate. And the most noticeable thing like is that nobody's making eye contact. That's creepy. That in itself creeps me out. He's like they started to get a really strange feeling and he felt like they were like extras in a movie. It was like Night of the Living Dead.


They're, everyone's dressed in black, there's no color, everyone's walking around, it's silent. And they do, at some point, they decide, they see a lady, and she's standing at the church, and they figure she's alone, she's not with, everybody else seemed to be like paired up, and they're like, let's just, you know, see, you know, you know, ask this woman, you know, where, you know, where should we go, or see what she says? And this woman turns to them, and she just starts speaking in tongues.

language and they were like...

They started freaking out. And the wife at this point was like, we need to get out of here. So that's what they did. They both ran back to their car, they got in their car, and they were like, oh my God, what just happened? And they're like, let's just get out of here. Let's just get out of here. And then about a mile outside of the town, all of a sudden, kaboom, their tire burst. Ooh. Yeah, just exploded. Oh my God. And they're looking at each other and they're like, oh my God, the logical thing would be

and go back to this town and see if we can get our tire fixed. But we were stuck in the middle of nowhere, like in the foggy moors, and there's a ghost town behind them. And his wife was like, we're not stopping. She's like, we are not getting out of the car until we get to that bed and breakfast. And they drove on that tire the whole way to the bed and breakfast, which was like, I don't know, 15 miles away. And now they finally got there. And they were like so shook up.

get out and they get to the bread and breakfast and they're like, they're like, oh you know, we drove on this rim blah blah blah and they told the guy they were shaking and they started telling him we stopped at Whitcomb and the guy was like, oh you shouldn't have stopped there, that's a haunted town, nobody goes there, there's a lot of dead people around there, are you kidding? He's like, and the funny thing is like Daniel Stern started off saying, like I'm not someone who believes

He's like, but after this incident, he's like I I'll listen to anybody he's like because I was always a skeptical He's like I always thought you know, whatever like he's not someone that's into this stuff wouldn't even believe this stuff He said that that was the scariest shit he had ever Encountered that is so crazy. Yeah, it freaked me out I want to go but I don't want to go but I want to go but I don't want to go I want someone to go and tell me like someone I know you go Maybe

What was the state? It's in England. Oh, okay, Whitcomb, England. Yeah. All right, well next time I'm in England, I'll pop over. Also, and I should have said this, the store owner was like, apparently the church that's there was packed one Sunday, and it was like, I don't know what holiday, they got stripped by lightning, and the steeple fell on everybody and killed them all. Oh. Yeah. So I guess you don't get past something like that. Yeah, I guess that would explain the town being haunted. Right? So anyway. Crazy! You freaked me out.

But I mean, like that's crazy. Yeah, that's crazy. Little bit nuts, actually. Yeah, that would freak me the fuck out. Right, so that's all I got. Just freaked myself out, looking at stuff like this. There were so many stories, but those are the three that stuck out to me the most. Cool. Well, you wanna hear mine? Yeah, you do. Is that the transition? That's why I'm here. Okay. So, before COVID, I used to travel for work a lot. We would go to DC, specifically, like a lot.

And there was some event that we were going to and it was happened to be on the same day as a bunch of other events in DC. So like it was hard to get hotels. So we had a hotel and it wasn't someplace we normally stayed. I forget where it was. So we get there. We go up to the desk and they're like, yeah, we don't have your reservations. We're like, and I was with like a group of people. That was like five of us. None of them. None of them. And so we're like calling our admin who had set it up and she's like, no, we.

have the confirmation but it didn't matter we didn't have rooms so we had plan B it so the hotel is trying to find us something and our admins calling around and there's like nothing in DC. Wow. So minutes go by we're probably like in an hour we're standing in this lobby like everybody's trying to find this rooms so eventually long story short we get a room the Omni hotel has rooms for us we're like I've never stayed at the Omni fuck yeah so it's the Omni shorm so we get in our little car and we drive over there and... I love Omni.

We stayed in an Omni for Valentine's Day in Pittsburgh. It was beautiful. Yeah, it was definitely beautiful. It was gorgeous. So we go and we're like, this is sweet. We would never be able to stay there. Normally, the company wouldn't allow that, but when it's literally the only room left in DC, what are you gonna do? Nice score. Score. So we check in, we go up, and we do our thing, and we go back, and I'm just enjoying the hotel. And I go to bed at night. Well, and I go to hotels, I don't unpack my bags. I put my suitcase in a corner,

bag on either a chest or on the edge of the bed or you know on the second bed if there's two beds. Sure. This one had two queens so I threw all of my shit on the second bed and then I slept in the other one. Smart, right? I think so. So I got up in the morning and I had this this like tote bag this leather tote bag that was like black leather handles you know you know if I'm talking about leather purse. Of course. On the metal rings and the black leather wraps around the metal rings and like it's like tacked in there. So I took it

I went to the event, came back, I went to bed, I got up in the morning and that strap was completely severed. Like it was no longer attached. I had to throw the bag out. It wasn't like it was kind of falling apart. It was just destroyed for no reason. It was perfectly fine. I put on my bed and went home like this is fucking weird. And I thought a lot about it. I just never thought to Google it until we decided to do this episode. So I'm like, that was the weirdest fucking thing that's ever happened to me like spirit wise.

kind of explain away like maybe it was electricity maybe it was this this was like that was weird so I googled the Omni in DC and guess what turns out that bitch is haunted. Are you serious? I am serious. See I was gonna guess you sure there wasn't like a mouse that came and chewed your bag but you would have seen chew marks and stuff like that. Yeah it wasn't chewed it was like the metal the like the pin or the grommet that keeps it together have been pulled apart and

how just it wasn't even nothing was happening to it. It was fine. And you would have heard it or you would have seen it. Absolutely. Yeah. So I looked up just to kind of find out like, what is this deal with the Omni? Did anybody else ever report anything? Is it just me? Well, it turns out that when the Omni was being developed, one of the shareholders had a room there and one of his housemaids was found dead.

in the room and a phone was left hanging on the bed. So the investigation revealed that she hadn't been feeling well throughout the day and they think that she died while reaching for the phone to call an ambulance. Oh. Yeah. So in the same room, this guy's wife died from failing health.

So at that point, like... At that point, you're like, oh my God, was I in that room? Right? Well, this is like when it was being built. Right. They lived there, it was like their living quarters. Sure, sure. So it wasn't a room yet. Okay. So then they converted it to rooms. Sure. And then people stay there and like, said they heard things. So then the rooms were shut down. They called them the ghost rooms. Like nobody stays there. And then they would like, then they opened it back up. They renovated, people got to stay there. And then, so now, like people,

that their belongings were moved throughout the night or they would hear sounds or music or they would like see things and so they would never go back there in a million years I know so then they shut the rooms down so they're still available to rent like over like whatever reserve but only if you specifically asked for them or if there are no other rooms available which is when you were there right I guarantee you I stayed in one of those rooms oh

My god, did anybody else that you went with have anything to say? Well, I didn't go with people that I would share these kinds of stories with. Yeah, but now don't you want to go back and ask somebody? No

know who they are anymore. This is people from okay. Whatever. I'll ask them for you. All right, you do that. Because I want to know. That's been on my mind for years. I just never really like I'm like, Oh, that's a ghost or something. That's crazy. And it was like, shortly after my grandfather passed. So I thought, you know, maybe he's traveling with me. Maybe he's doing it. Yeah, no, no, it was it was it was scary. Omni. And this is the Omni in DC. Yeah.

Freaky, right? Wow, so you guys, there was nothing available and they were like, okay, well, we're gonna let you have a bed. Yeah. But good luck to you. Mm-hmm. So, like, they still to this day, you think you have to especially ask for them? That's what it says. Wow. Like, why you have to ask for those rooms or if there's nothing left, don't put them in the list. I mean, how long ago was this? Oh, God, what is this, it was probably 2017 maybe, give or take? And too bad you probably wouldn't remember what room number it was. You know what, I tried to find my receipt because I have to submit expense reports,

but I think the way this was set up, I didn't get that receipt because it was a last minute in our admin. Yeah, so I couldn't find it. I was dying to know. Freaking the fuck out though. I wonder if we get by 2017, if it was like just recently, you might be able to hold them. That's crazy. You definitely were in one of those rooms. Yeah, I don't think we need to look it up. It's clear. It's clear. Clear as a bell. As a bell. Oh my gosh, that's crazy. Right, so I thought, I bet you what other hotels are haunted. Yeah. Right? So, shit, ton of hotels.

hotels are haunted. Oh yeah. So I just picked three, I'll just tell you quick versions, but each of these deserves like an hour on its own. So the first one I was going to tell you about is the Chateau Marmont. Is that in France? No it's not, it's in California. Okay. It's on the Sunset Strip actually. Okay. In California. Cool. So this was like the place to party in Hollywood.

It is true for the dead and the living, is what they say. So the living were free to go just party, do whatever they want. It was really hard to get kicked out. If you wanted to party, have a good time, behave badly, this is the hotel to do it at. Don't come here to sleep is what I'm hearing. Right. Well, apparently that goes for the dead as well. Everybody. So, some of the famous hauntings are John Belushi. You may remember him from Blue's Brothers

He was a comedian. Well, he died there. That's where he had his infamous overdose. Was in Chateau Marmont. And Al Franken, who was also on Saturday Night Live. Yeah, I love him. Yeah. When he was there, I don't know if he was staying in his room, because Belushi died in bungalow three for anybody who's interested in tracks that stuff. So, Al Franken was there and said that he saw his ghost.

know that. Yeah. And there was also another little girl who was there. And like she and her family were staying in this bungalow and she kept giggling and laughing and her parents were like, what are you doing? And she's like, oh, I'm talking to the funny man. And they were like, okay, she's got an imaginary friend, creepy, but whatever, have at it, knock yourself out. And so she continued doing her thing. And then later they were watching something either on TV or it was a magazine, I forget, but she saw his picture, John Belushi's picture.

and the little girl pointed at him and said, that's the funny man I was talking to. Oh!

It's so funny, it's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It

into the hotel wall and died. Yikes. And so apparently his ghost is also there. Wow. So if you're looking for a good time, or to party with some famous ghosts. It sounds like they're nice ghosts, so you know, if I'm gonna go and stay with ghosts, I want them to be fun and nice ghosts. Well I think everybody that went there just went to party, so why not, right? Yeah, yeah, I don't want to go where there's, you know, nefarious ghosts. I don't want anybody to hurt me or scare me. No, nobody needs that mess. Okay, so my

Hotel Chelsea or the Chelsea Hotel in New York City. Yep, I've heard of it. Yeah, so this is a huge landmark, but it's a really creepy looking landmark. It's like old brick and wrought iron. So you gotta look at some pictures of the inside of this. I mean, just the pictures alone are- Is it like gothic looking? No, it's got like weird artwork on it. And it's got like dolls on swings hanging from the ceiling. Oh, why? Like I don't know why. Where was the museum we went to?

went in DC that had all the funky stuff. Oh, the O Museum. Yeah, that one was fun. I bet you that's haunted. I bet, yeah, it's got to for sure be haunted. Oh yeah, because there's so much stuff in there. Yeah, from so many different people. Right, there's gotta be some haunted stuff in there. Okay, anyway, digress. That's beside the point, that's not one of my hotels. Yeah, the Chelsea Hotel. Yeah, so people have felt presence of people, they've seen it, there's even photographs of auras that are like tangible proof, they say, of ghostly hauntings. Wow.

I thought I'd just call out a few of the famous ones from the all these haunted hotels. Yeah, so Remember Sid Vicious from Sex Pistols? Yeah. Well he and his girlfriend Nancy Spungen Live in Nancy. Yeah That is them. Yeah lived in one of the rooms in the Chelsea and actually she died in one of the rooms Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah, she had overdosed I think urban high and then he stabbed her in the stomach

or the abdomen and then she died. And then while he was arrested and then while he was out, he overdosed. And so rumor is or story is that both of their ghosts haunt the Chelsea. So if you go and you stay in or around their room, you can possibly interact with them. Yeah, see that they would be ones I don't want to see. I don't know. I think that they would be not nice. Yeah, probably. I don't think they were mean though. Probably just like partiers. Yeah, maybe a little like, I don't

or maybe they would like, maybe they would bother you a lot. I don't know, they just seem like they'd be loud, you know? Not some people that you could cohabitat with. No, thanks. Oh, okay. I don't know.

I on the other hand think they'd be a good time. I wouldn't mind hanging with their ghost for a little bit. Yeah. Yeah I don't know. Um, all right. Well my second one or the other one that stayed here that was famous Well that died here was a poet Dylan Thomas Okay, do you remember him? No, so he wrote a bunch of stuff But the one that you'll know is do not go gentle into that good night Okay, yeah, do you ever watch back to school with Rodney Dangerfield?

Well, he looks like him. Rodney Dangerfield looks like Dylan Thomas. Yeah, he probably was a fan. Probably. So, Dylan Thomas stayed at the Chelsea and actually lived there while he wrote Under Milkwood, which is one of his other... Anyway, so he lived there and then he actually died there when he was only 39 years old. Shortly before the premiere of Under Milkwood.

into a coma that was induced and the legend is that he drank 18 whiskies in a row and fell into a coma. But the truth is actually that he had diabetes and got bronchitis and pneumonia.

So they tried to romanticize it. Not that anyway, if dying is good, but so he haunts the Chelsea then too. Yeah, he does. Wow. Yeah. So those are the two from the Chelsea that I was going to tell you about. Well, I'm going to go stay in the California hotel, but probably not the New York hotel. OK, so is there another hotel? Yeah.

One of the things I looked at was what's the most haunted city in America and it's New Orleans. So I thought it wouldn't be appropriate to do an article about or a story about hauntings in different hotels without at least mentioning one in New Orleans. So this one doesn't have any famous people, although it is a famously haunted hotel. So I figured that counts. Yeah. And honestly, I think I read a ton of like Nicolas Cage owned a haunted house there. And I mean, there's,

most hauntings per capita. His was so bad that he never ended up moving there and he ended up selling it in 2009 because it was so funny. Anyway, yeah, apparently everything there is haunted and apparently, well it seems like everything there has massive like sad destruction stories to go along with the hauntings. So the Bourbon Hotel or Bourbon Orleans Hotel is what it's called. Okay. Has been

of which was a home for orphan girls and also served in this as an asylum for orphan girls. Oh boy. Yeah and then... That's not a good way to start. No. Well and it also had an attached ballroom that served, I mean it had a bunch of purposes over time but it was there's always a ballroom for whatever the whatever the building was it had an attached ballroom. Got it. So back in the 1800s everybody in the town

So there was an event, there was a double header I think. A double header event in the ballroom. So they were there for the ballroom events. Sounds good. So they heard a sound that they thought was a musket shot. So they were just kind of like, oh that was loud, that was annoying, but whatever. We'll just keep watching the event. And next thing they knew, part of the ceiling started collapsing. Because what the sound actually was, was iron, the iron supports breaking. Oh my goodness.

collapsed, a bunch of people were hurt. In the end, only two people died. They thought it was a lot more at the time. But now they're saying that those are haunted. So if you go to Bourbon Orleans Hotel, and even if you go to their website, one of the things that they talk about is all of their hauntings. So as a hotel, if you're talking about your hauntings, I think there's probably a pretty extensive list. Wow. Yeah, we're not going there. No. So I mean there's a Confederate soldier who is a man who was on both the sixth and the third floors.

There's a little girl that rolls her ball and chases it down the six-floor corridors. Kids freak me out. There's light footsteps that are heard in the hallways. Wow.

ghost children and female ghosts that run around. They figure those are probably from when the school, or from when the hotel was a wayward school, or school for orphan girls. Sure. And then the ballroom, the people who are there, they're seeing people dancing there, and they figure that is from when people died in the roof collapse. Crazy. So there's a bunch of people who have died in each iteration of the hotel's existence over the years. So they figure people from all over

different walks of life and periods of time haunt this hotel. Wow!

Nuts, right? I think it burned down twice too. Really? So there's like there's just one thing after another that happened to this building. I mean, like I said, I could go on for hours just about the history of this building and what happened there. But keeping it short and simple for you. Yeah. Hotels haunted as shit. Yeah. Well, there's so many haunted things down there and like crazy things and crazy places people died. And we stay I mean, I've been there, we stayed in the hotel, we didn't have any supernatural anything. It was a really cool hotel. It was like our deck up.

Everything there seems yeah, I've only been there once but but it was fine. Yeah No, no, no scary issues not like the Omni I'm regardless because I'm closed to that so even if there would have been stuff I you know what it was all was all normal and good Yeah, you you keep being open I'm gonna remain closed so will do Before we I don't know are you wrapping up? Yeah, I'm good. I got nothing. I wanted to say that

The Daniel Stern story was on Celebrity Ghost Stories. So, you know, if you're into Celebrity Ghost Stories, that show, I caught like a ton of them. They're really good. Oh, you should, yeah, I think I'm gonna check that out, actually. Yeah. As you're talking about, I was gonna ask you afterwards, but you brought it up so perfect. Oh, well, you know, I figured maybe the peoples would wanna know. Oh, the peoples are me and I wanna know. I know, you're my peoples. Mine, just go Google it, because I pulled stuff from like 150 different sources. Well, yeah, and you just have the gift of storytelling.

Sources schmorses So yeah, that's all I got so uh until next time until next time Later later. Hey before we go wasn't there something you want to tell all the people's?

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All that is accurate. So yeah. Until next time. Later.