My Crazy Friend

Episode 6: A Jackson Polluck on the bus, for sure for sure (the thrifting episode)

My Crazy Friend Season 1 Episode 6

This week's topic: Crazy thrifting stories

As two lovers of thrifting (and a good deal), Cori and Laura talk about some of their favorite second-hand treasures and some of the craziest finds throughout the world. 15 shopping bags of cooked pasta? Check. Cast iron mating pigs? We've got you covered. A 26-karat diamond for just $13? Why not?! Listen in to hear these stories and more.

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Nothing like a good tambourine in the morning. It is Cori. Or in the evening. Anytime, anytime is a good time for tambourine. That's right, this is Laura by the way. Thanks for coming back and joining us on this crazy adventure of My Crazy Friend podcast. We're glad you're back. Yeah we are. Today we are gonna be talking about crazy secondhand finds. Yes, crazy thrift finds. Yes. We actually,

thought about, was it, I don't know, episode two, or they found that lamp made of human skin? Human flesh? Yeah, I thought, wow, I wonder what other crazy things that people found in thrift stores. So here we are today. Here we are. Get ready. Buckle in. Yeah, so anyway, before we do that, I did want to address one thing from last episode. Okay, perfect. So last episode, I think I said, whoops. You think you did, do you? I did. So I thought I was saying oops.

but I said whoops and my husband pointed out that that's very grandma. So I just wanted to, you know, to your point, you say I'm very much, I think you're like my mother, but you always say that I'm like a grandma. And that, so I don't know, whoops, I think it's kind of adorable, nothing wrong with whoops. You think it's adorable. Whoopsy, whoopsy poopsy. I don't know about that.

Oh, I should have. I do definitely think I should have some lace or some doilies. You definitely should. Or doolies, doilies, doilies. Yeah. I know you think you're adorable. I think it's adorable. I think it's, I don't know, I just don't think adorable's the word I would use. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know, but you find some of my quirks probably less endearing than I find them because I think I'm freaking endearing as hell. I would say, I know you think that.

So, and I would say, you know what, endearing, I mean, yeah, I mean, quirky, I think we've described you as before. No, I think that I think I'm endearing, and you think you're adorable, but I think that we might be mistaken in our thoughts. So mistakenly adorable and endearing. Yes, that's us. That's perfect in a nutshell. Yeah, yeah. So kind of in the back, we called ourselves, we did an...

Okay, so an effort of full disclosure. We have done other podcasts. Don't go find them. No, don't. It's not worth your time. Anyway, we like to do this for fun. So, uh...

You know, I hate to admit that because people will be like, this sounds like you've done this for the first time because we just do what we do. Right, well this is the third time we're recording this episode. Oh yes. Because we keep screwing up the technology somehow. Yeah, we need a person, we really do. You know, we need a person to just help us with the editing and stuff. We think it's there and then we put it in the computer and it's disappeared, gone. So then we have to rewrite our podcast because we can't be.

funny with the same stories more than once. No, Laura can't fake laugh, I think we've talked about that before. So I have to recreate my episode and be funny again. It just doesn't happen, so you know what, good luck. You know what, the other episode was so damn good, it would've shot us to the top, and this one, you're gonna get what you get. You're about to see us all over the place, but now you're gonna get what you get.

It is what it is, people, it is what it is. So anyway, I wanted to talk about whoops, I think I did. Yeah, I think you were gonna tell us about how our previous podcast so we had the voice for, the face for podcasting. Yes, we did describe, we wanted everyone to know that we definitely have the face for podcasting or radio. Yeah, we do. We're not so much that we have the voice for it, but definitely the face. And then we were like, we gotta set the bar really low so that when you meet us, you say to yourself,

Hmm, they're not that hideous. No. They're very refreshingly not hideous. Yes, a quote, we are refreshingly, so that's when you meet us, refreshingly not hideous is what should be flashing in your mind, and now we can add, mistakenly adorable and- Endearing. Endearing, right. Then you know what, when you breathe a sigh of relief when you meet us, we won't be offended. No. We would actually take that as a compliment. We'd rather that than you meet us and go, ugh. Ugh.

No, so we'll set the bar real low and see what happens from there. So yeah, looking, you know, looking forward to meeting any of you. Refreshingly. I mean, if they're not banging on our doors soon, I don't know what we're doing wrong. I don't know either. Oh god. Okay. So this episode, and I think we're on six now. I don't, don't quote me on that one. Yeah. But we're talking about secondhand finds and I think you were going to lead us into that.

Oh yeah, so I figured I'd start with a few personal ones. I think you should. I think that's what's gonna happen. You ready? Yeah, I'm ready. Okay, so the first one was when my husband and I were dating. This was in the Poconos and it was a thrift store in the Poconos and I don't even remember the name of it. We'll call it Junk in Chunk. I love it. I don't think that exists. Sure, call it whatever you want. Okay, Junk in the Trunk, that's what I'm calling yours. Aw, I take offense to that. No, it's not yours. I do have junk in my trunk.

at your thrift store that you visited in the Poconos. That's what it's called. I think it was all bins. So, I mean, how fun is that? It's totally junk in the trunk then. Yeah, that makes sense. So anyway, we found a doll and it was about 10 inches high. Like stiff as a board, hard plastic. Hard plastic. And the eyes, like, you know, blinked. You're doing it with your fingers. I'm doing it with your fingers, like you're fluttering. I'm blinking with my fingers. You're blinking your fingers. Yeah, so, so we, we, and it was had like,

this weird like old timey hair and it just kinda stood straight and it was real hard plastic and it was wearing an Abe Lincoln outfit. But it was female, it had boobs. Why? Yeah, so we're like, have to have this. Clearly, it was the only one. I don't know why it was there, don't understand it. And we named her Iba, which is Abe backwards. You have to. And she lived on top of our Christmas tree as our Christmas star.

for many, many years until we had kids and thought it might scare them. Well, it would definitely scare them, but I'm bummed that you took it down. I'm gonna have to bring it back. The kids are old enough now. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's really up on the shelf. We need Eva on the tree. Eva on the tree. Eva on the tree. You're so stupid. I'm gonna move it around with you. Put it away, like have it standing like at the bottom of the bed. You know what? So it'll wake up.

There's no reason she needs to be a Christmas decoration though. You're right. She can be a year round. We're going to bring her back. Yeah. So anyway, that's Iba. Sweet. She was fantastic. The other one that I thought about was... Have you heard of not rock and bowl, thrift and bowl? Have you heard of that? No. So thrift and bowl is when you go to the thrift store and whatever group you're in, you get to pick out an outfit for someone and they get to pick out an outfit for you. And then you put your outfits on and then you go bowling.

Well, that sounds lovely. Isn't that fantastic? I love it so much. So we did that. Uh huh. And I think it was like a youth group or something. And my son's outfit was like, looked like a trucker. He had a hat on and a vest. It was cool. And he found, for the kid that he was dressing, he found a full-size pink zip-up onesie that looked kind of like a Christmas story, but no ears. It wasn't a bunny outfit. OK.

and it had Janelle on it. So to this day, just the name Janelle. Across the front? Just like over the boob. Oh, like a name tag. Like a name tag. Oh my God. And so to this day they call that kid Janelle. I think his name is Ethan. So it was like fantastic, like what a find. Like bowling in a full, like hood and everything zip up. Oh my God, it's amazing. It's amazing. Feet on it, yeah beautiful, Janelle. So Janelle out there, we have your.

We have your onesie? We have your onesie? You're not getting it back. I'm not. Sorry. So you gave it away. So, and then, well, I thought of two more. Oh. That were with you in more modern days. Oh yeah. We found a lot. So I feel like I have a gift. Oh yeah. I have many gifts. We've been sharing. But I feel like, but I feel like I have a gift of finding things. I don't know if it's because I'm female or what.

But I do have a gift of finding things. And you know, sometimes they're good things, like when we go yard sailing and we happen to stumble upon a house, Laura loves records. And we were just driving and there was a garage full of them. I'm like, look, records. And she's like, wow. And it was like a guy who used to own a record store. And we went in and she was looking for a record forever. It was- It was Tracy Chapman. Yes. And I was like, hey, there's Tracy Chapman.

Is that, and you're like, holy shit. And you, you know, so I'm good at calling nonchalantly, oh, is this the Tracy Chapman you wanted? While I'm like throwing people out of the way, diving over the fence, grabbing it. Nobody can touch this. You're so, get it, someone's gonna get it. Grab it, grab it, grab it. No, no, I mean, I mean, but I was cool about it. Exactly. Yeah, super cool. Super cool. Anyway, so I'm good at that. What I'm really good at.

what my real gift in this world is. And what I give to everyone is finding the weirdest. The weirdest. The strangest and the most like awkward odd things that you can find when thrifting. Uh huh. Yeah, you find the things that make you go, huh?

I make you think, I make you think. They do, that you make, yeah. The things you find make you think, why on earth would anybody have ever created this? And then I go, well, I'm gonna buy that. Yeah, so, example, all right? And this is not just us speaking, okay? There are people that have weighed in on this, and I will tell you one story, one such story. So, we were at an estate sale.

which freak me out because not all of them, but the ones where the people, you obviously are dead, and you're rooting through their stuff, it's a little weird. Well, I'm just gonna tell you, in my mind, they have all just relocated, and they are now expatriates. They've moved across seas, overseas, and they just had the liquidity. Or they can't take it with them over there. They've decided to be minimalists now. Yeah, that's possible too. Yeah, you know, whatever. Whatever we tell ourselves to get through it. Yep. There are some good finds in there. There are some good finds.

Jesus. Oh, I got a lot of good stuff at that one. Anyway, my point was out of the entire huge house and basement was full of stuff, attic was full of stuff, so much stuff, so much stuff. And I think there was, the husband was a postal worker, so it was that kind of stuff. And then she collected owls and teacups and there was so much. There was on a table in one of the rooms, two, I mean, pigs.

Yeah, they're pigs. And I think the one looks like a wolf, but that's fine. But two pigs and they're may fucking. Yeah, just call it what it is. They're fucking. Yeah, I'm doing it. You can see the penis coming out of the one in the back. You can see the udders hanging down on the one in the front. I mean, it is clear. So it's cast iron. It's about four inches by four inches, maybe. It's heavy. It's a heavy MFR. And it's weird. Yeah, so I Google-goggled it or what, Google Glash. I had to find it.

The only thing, and then I searched it, the only thing I can find is somebody on Etsy is selling it for $30 and they call it the cast iron mating pigs. Yes. Vintage cast iron. Vintage cast iron mating pigs. So we don't know what it's for, but it now lives in Laura's kitchen, hanging on her cabinets. Yeah, right above the refrigerator. That's how we direct people. Oh, mom, where is this? Oh, it's in the cabinet with the fucking pigs on it. Gotcha, thank you.

Great, great. So when we were checking out, yeah, the woman who runs, she literally runs all these estate sales, she does one a weekend, she's doing it for like 20 plus years. We're checking out and she looks at that item and she says to Laura, what is the weirdest thing I've ever sold in an estate sale? Like that's been weird shit, but this is a...

what is it, why is it here? It doesn't fit with anything else in the house. It's not like it was an eclectic house where you're like, oh, just a lot of weird shit. Like you come into my house, you be like, yeah, that makes sense here. I don't get it. But it's not completely out of place. There, it was 150% out of place. Yeah, it was, everything was so just, you know, subdued. Yeah, grand motherly, yeah. And then it was just pigs. Fucking. So yeah, so we had to buy that. Yeah. And then, or you did it. And then, one more quick example. Oh yeah.

There is a flea market type like You're talking about the one down the vendors. Yeah, it's like 40,000 square feet of vendors It's huge two floors a million different vendors selling all different things some secondhand stuffs crafty stuff clothes what you name it

you can find it there. There's two record stores in there. You know, like used records and stuff. I mean, it's mighty big. We spent, the first time we went there, we didn't even shop, we just browsed three or four hours just to kind of like take in what was there. Yeah, and we could have stayed longer. We were not expecting it. Right, so just to give an idea of the size of this place and then it's open every day for decades. Yes. It's huge. And it's been around forever. So, Laura likes to buy her son

weird knickknacks. It's a way she shows love. And so I'm always on the lookout for something weird that we can get Jonas because he, you know, he needs that in his life. We want him to feel loved. Yeah. So we want him, if nothing else, to feel very loved. So we were at this booth and I don't even know how to describe them. We'll have to post a picture. Yeah. But there was a box and I think it was like a, like a, maybe a...

bracelet box. Maybe, it was small. Yeah, like a long bracelet box. Maybe the size of like a five by seven card, which I guess is five by seven inches. Yeah. Yep. But skinnier. Yeah, skinnier. And it had, so not five by seven. No. Like three by seven, two by seven? I don't know, don't listen to her. Anyway, it had these little things in it, ceramic things, like one was like what, an arm? Yeah, so there was, so I think there were three. They were like pottery. Yeah.

One was an arm that started like above the elbow or below the elbow. Yeah. Like to the hand and then you could you set the arm on the table. So it's like a hand up in the air and it had fur on it. We have no idea what the kind of fur is. This is disturbing. And then there was a monster face. Yes. It looked a little bit like maybe a caveman. Or a werewolf. And it was furry. Little fur. Yeah.

And then there was a third thing, I'm not sure what it was. We'll post the pictures. I gotta find them. They're on his desk. Hopefully you lose them. Oh no. They're prominently displayed somewhere. Oh good, good, good. So yeah, just the most weirdest box of parts. Yeah, and then we were checking out the lady there. I'll finish the story for you.

Sorry, I just did it over. Well, I mean, you know, it's your story too. That's why, you know, and I've been talking enough. So please give me a break. Oh, the lady goes, you know, every time I go home, my husband asks me every day, what was the weirdest thing you sold today? And she goes, and I'll think, you know, I'm kind of always on the lookout for the weird things I sell throughout the day. So I have a story to tell him. And she's been working there for a long time too. Oh, for a long time, yes. And she goes, well, this is clearly by far the weirdest thing I've sold today. And it wasn't even lunchtime. She goes, but this is the weirdest thing

ever sold. She's like, what is this? I don't know. I'm gonna get to my son. So yeah, so I mean proof that you know I just I definitely have a gift. I mean like strangers have have uh said how weird my my sense of finds are. So anyway I think you're amazing. Oh you know I appreciate you. I appreciate you. I think you're amazing too and I think that's you know that's why we hang out with each other. So anyway.

Some crazy, crazy finds. So what are you talking, what are you talking about today? Well, so you know I love thrifting. Yes. And so I started thinking about what do I like to look for when I go thrifting? Because there's certain parts of thrift stores, I'll just completely skip over and then certain parts that I'll focus on. So I divided it into categories. I categorized myself. Of what you look for in thrift stores? Okay, great, what?

Well, and then I thought I would tell you some stories about each of those categories that I have. Oh, look at you, so organized. So organized, well I've had like three weeks. Yeah. And you know, I have so many stories I found I can just switch them up on you so you can keep me recording. I was ready for like the same stories twice now and they were totally different, so. Surprise! Surprise! So, all right, give me category numero uno. Numero uno, look at that Spanish. Yeah. Pictures of other people. Okay. So.

You look for those? Well, I just think it's fascinating. I don't buy them. Okay. But I think it's fascinating to look through. Like remember when we went to that New York pop-up flea market and we were rooting through boxes of pictures? We were like, look at all these old-timey pictures. Like, it's crazy. Yeah, I like it if there's no people in them. That'd be cool to put up. Like I have some pictures in my bathroom of like different buildings and stuff. Oh yeah. But like people. People. I don't know. Like somebody else's family. Right. There was a lady who I...

I saw a story on her, probably on, I don't know, TikTok or something. But she actually, she buys that. Her whole house is people that she doesn't know. She feels bad for them, and she's like, oh, this baby is just, and her whole house is other people's people. Wow. Yeah, weird, right? So that's a thing that people do. I think just her. I don't think that's a, well, you know, I think that's why she's on, it was such a weird thing. Yeah, that is weird. Right? But it was a cool story. Anyway, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you. No, please interrupt the way.

where you'll see like mugs with like people's faces on them or like hoodies or whatever, like with people's faces or names, you know, like, well, you're one with Janelle on it. Why? Why, unless it's your name, but even then, but anyway. I always think that's funny too, because like we'll be going through, and you know how like the letters, those big wooden letters? Yes. So you'll see Ben, and you're like, well, the only person that's gonna come through and buy Ben is Ben, you know, and you're like.

You're like, wow, it's still there. It's still the thrift store. So I mean, you know, not many Ben's looking for the word Ben for their room, I guess. You know, it's a niche market. I guess it is. It's crazy. So when I was doing my research, I found, so somebody likes to go through, I think he was a historian. He must have been.

and he would buy old boxes of photos, like old time photos from like, you know, thrift stores, flea markets, whatever. Yeah, that's cool. Yeah, so he bought a box and he was slipping through, I think he bought the box for like 50 cents or something. He was slipping through and he thought the one person in the image looked familiar, so he did a little more research and turns out he was right. The one guy in this photo playing croquet was Billy the Kid. Playing croquet? Playing croquet. Billy the Kid. Yeah. Shut up. And then the other people in the photo are his little, his gang. Playing croquet.

I wouldn't even think that Billy the Kid would play croquet. That's cool. Right? Was that worth stuff? Yeah, I think, I forget how much it was worth. I didn't write that one down for some reason. Cause I thought, well, this is interesting enough. I'll remember this. I don't need to write it. Yeah, no, that's so cool. Yeah, I'm making it up. I want to say it was worth like 45,000 or maybe, yeah. Because it was one of only two in existence. Shut up. Photos of him, like real photos. Well, yeah, cause it was not a thing that they did a lot of. Yeah, unlike today. Yeah. Oh man.

Anyway, what a weird find, right? It's pretty crazy. So, route through, but you gotta know what you're looking for. I wouldn't know if I found a picture of Billy the Kid. No, me either. You gotta know. Anyway, ready for category two? Category two. Yes, I'm ready. Hand done artwork. Oh, I love that.

We always see stuff like that. Oh my god. Like ceramics where it's like you can't lift it it's so heavy. Or like the kids shit that they make in elementary school and then parents don't want them they donate them to goodwill. Yeah why? I don't know I'm not gonna buy your kids stuff I'm throwing my own kids stuff out. But we have bought it that's the problem like if it's bad enough we might buy it. That's true. Oh you know remember that one we saw it said like...

I don't know. I love you or love you to the moon and back or some. Some was like a wooden saying and it looked like it was all the letters were all smushed together. They ran out of room at the end. Yeah, so they like smushed the U to the. It was so bad and then we're like, oh you know what we should buy that. We went back, it was gone. Yeah. So it was like, wow, there was definitely, unless they were gonna redo it. Maybe, I don't know. You know what I think we should do next holiday when we feel like being generous but not overly generous. Okay.

That's exactly how I'll be funny. Yeah, you know. I know it already. Ha ha ha.

We should go thrifting and we'll find stuff that's clearly handmade. We'll buy it and then we'll give it as gifts. Claim that we made it. People are gonna have to say that they love it because we put all that time into making it. Oh my gosh, you are my mother. Seriously, my mom, I have like three afghans at the house that my mom bought at the Salvation Army and she's like, look, I made this for you. She didn't make it.

Because she doesn't do that anymore. She's just like, she does that all the time. She's also the one that like, will put like, I said like rice krispie treats or something in a pan, like and open them up the package and put like flour on her head and be like, here I made, I slaved over this for you, but she didn't actually hit it. But why? I don't know, just for fun I guess, she's hilarious. But yeah, no, I feel like.

We could do that. I love that idea. And then I could take it up a notch and we could, you know, we always do ornaments together. Yeah. We could buy ornaments from the Salvation Army, improve upon them and gift those. I think that's genius. Wouldn't that be a fun craft next year? And so much easier than starting from scratch. Right. All right. Anyway, so yeah, so many things. Right.

And some of them are nice. Like, hand-done stuff can be beautiful. Absolutely. So I do look for that. Like, if I can find a one-of-a-kind thing that is actually cool, like, I'll snatch that up. Oh, you love, like, one-of-a-kind clothes, too. Yeah, yeah, upcycled furniture. So the human lamp we talked about at the beginning, that would fall into this category. Oh, boy. Hand-done artwork. Oh, boy. Upcycled artwork. Oh, boy. Yeah, it would. So would, ugh, so would those paintings. You remember the, I don't know, if they were like 40-some dollars and it was kids' artwork?

Oh my god, yeah. They were framed and it was clearly like somebody's little kid that did them. Yeah. And they were at the thrift store and I thought well maybe the frame was worth that much because No, it was at that 40,000 foot place. They were in a store. A whole section of like really nicely framed children. I mean it was not like, you know, oh was it an artist who drew youth-like or child-like? No, this was like...

the circle head, Tim's stick fingers, two stick legs, two stick fingers. Yeah, Timmy did it when he was, you know, three. Yeah, it was totally. So anyway, so anyway, that was category two. Category three. Yes. Ready? Yes. Random knickknacks. Oh, I love knickknacks. So this includes bases, teapots, salt and pepper shakers, and

Chachkies. Aw, Chachkies! Chachkies! I love that word. I know. I would ask you how to spell it, but I've already told you three times. Do you remember how to spell it? This one got me. I did not know how to spell this, but I remember it starts with a T, right? Yeah. I never would have guessed that in a million years. Nope. It's T-C-H-O-T-C-H-K-E-S.

Chachkies. Chachkies had no idea. Nope, I was trying to write my notes and I'm thinking, you know, you just start typing it in and spell check will get you and sure get you close enough. I could not get close enough for spell check to find what I wanted. What did you, you ended up asking Google? Yeah, I did ask Google, how do you spell chachkies? Oh, thank God for Google. Right? I know. Yeah, I like Google. Google is better than Alexa. She's a bitch. She only listens, my husband's voice only registers for her. I don't know, yours is kind of shrill, that's why. My voice is.

Seriously, are you talking about my voice? My voice? It's not true. My voice? Such a bitch. I know, I know, I'm just kidding. Are you still on three? Yeah. All right, tell me your third story with your third category of tchotchkes. Okay, do you wanna hear? Okay, so this one, it's not so much a tchotchke as a, I'm gonna call it a knickknack. Okay. Because it is what this guy thought was a 75 pound rock. Okay, so he just found a rock? He just found it, and he kept it under his bed.

for 10 years. He thought it was good luck. He's like, this is a weird shape rock. 75 pounds. I don't know how he got it under his bed, but it stayed there for 10 years, I'm guessing, because who wants to transport a 75 pound rock? Yeah. And then eventually he was like, I got to get rid of this. And he decided that he was going to take it to a tourism office in Puerto Princesa in the Philippines. Okay. And they told him, dude, this isn't a rock. This is a pearl.

A 75 pound pearl? Yeah, two foot long, 75 pounds, worth $100 million. Oh, $100 million! $100 million. Wow.

I wanna know what happened to this guy. Yeah, we should probably Google that. Yeah. Write that down. Oh, look at that, look at the pearl. Oh, shit. It looks like the shape of, it like grew to the size of a huge clamshell. Yeah, right? It looks like a huge. It looks like, yeah, an oyster or a scallop or, yeah. It's like, I just think. What happened to Pearl Man? What happened to Pearl Man? Yeah, that's crazy. I wanna meet him. You know, don't you wanna meet him? Yeah. Be his friend. Pearl Man. Pearl Man.

find a 75 pound pearl. I know, we don't find anything good. I know. That's not right. The amount we go thrifting and the number of beds I have looked under. There's never been a pearl under anybody's bed. At least not that I found. Alright, ready for category four? Category four, yes. Artwork. Yes. Okay, I like artwork. Me too. So forget the hand done artwork that we've already talked about. Sure. You know, hand. We are going into like real artwork.

I wanna take real artwork and I want to add to it. I think that would be fun to do. Like nothing valuable. Yeah. But like, you know, those weird landscapes that, you know, you can get, I think that would be fun. Yeah, yeah. I think so too. But the problem is, is you have to have a lot of talent to make it look good. Yeah, you do. I don't know, I think it can be done. I've seen people do it really cool, and I would love to do it, but then I've also seen some at the thrift stores where they try to do it and like, and then they're reselling that. Yeah, you just don't wanna use that as kindling.

It doesn't need to be on back here for sale. Wow. Maybe just paint over and use the canvas again. Yeah. Start over. I like to buy frames too. Like I like to find artwork, take it out, repaint the frame and then use that for something. I actually want. Yeah, you're good at that. I like that. You're good at, yeah, upcycling a lot. Yeah, thanks. Yeah. So anyway, I found a story about artwork. Okay. Okay. So this one.

is this woman, there were two women who were friends, okay? And one friend was like, now I'm adding some words in her mouth, but it wasn't here, so I figure, that's fine, I can do what I want. You have a district license, right? Sure. So she was all, oh, I don't feel good, I'm having a bad day, why can't my life ever go right? And her friend was like, you know what, I got you, you're my bestie, I'm gonna make you smile. So she went to the thrift store, and she found what you would do.

really big, which she called really ugly painting. Gotcha. So how really big is really big? I don't know, it didn't say, but I'm thinking when I tell you the story, it's pretty big. So she took it to her friend's house. She paid five bucks for it, took it to her friend's house. I like to picture her on a bus with it.

I'm thinking like a pickup truck and it's in the back. That's how big it is. Oh, yeah, see that but I'm picturing that size But she's on a public bus Wow Open the emergency exit in the back you put it in that way. Yeah, that's how it is. All right, cool

So she gets to her friend's house and she's like, here look I got this for you isn't this thing stupid? And she was like, oh my god so stupid take it home. No I don't want it. I don't want it. That's what I'm gonna have. Yeah but, no thanks, I made me laugh, no I'll go. So she's like, fuck I gotta take this thing back on the bus. Yeah just so you know I would have kept it, cause it's from you. I know you would have. But that's the kind of friendship we have, apparently they don't. Apparently they don't, they're not as good of friends as us. Yeah. Clearly. All right anyway, so then.

Back on the bus. Back on the bus. You know, maybe she called a cab this time, tied it to the roof. I don't know. Wow. Coulda. Coulda. Probably did. Is it Uber or is this old? I don't know. 92. So, cab. Cab.

So she tied it to the roof, got it back home, put it in her garage, like what the fuck, then decided I'm gonna have a yard sale. And with my yard sale, I'm gonna put this out. I like to think she put it out for like $6, trying to make a profit, you know? Sure, maybe 10, maybe 10. Double her money? Yes. Girl! Good for her. Yeah, she did. Yeah, so she did, well she put it out, she did not sell it. And this art teacher came by and was like, oh, that's an interesting painting, blah, blah, blah. Probably had some conversation about it. And she was like, oh, it's really ugly, why don't you take it off my hands? The art teacher's like, it's too big for me.

my house but before you decide it's you know you're trashing it maybe look into it just make sure for sure for sure it's not a Jackson Pollock. Oh right? Oh. So the woman's like well that's a good call let's be for sure for sure. So she called a forensic what are those called forensic uh.

art specialist. I wouldn't even know who to call. That's cool. Well I guess if you think you have a yeah Jackson Pollock on your hands you figure that out real quick. Yeah and then um so for anybody who doesn't know Jackson Pollock he like put those big sheets of canvas up against the wall and then he just threw paint at it. Yeah. I say just through I'm sure he had you know a lot or he did regardless his shit's worth more he was just the first one to do it and it's worth a lot of money so either way expensive. Yeah.

So this forensic specialist was able to find a fingerprint from Jackson Pollock in the paint. And then, right? Holy shit, that's even more crazy rare. Right? And then traced the paint back to Pollock's studio. Wow. So it's like a confirmed, hand-done Jackson Pollock. This woman picked up in a thrift store for $5. Wow. Now this is where your attitude's gonna change.

Just a little bit. What was it worth? So that's the thing. Okay. So somebody offered her nine million dollars for it. Wow! Right, for a five dollar investment? Yeah, I'll take it and run. Yeah. But not her. She wants 50 million. Come on! Right, come on! You're gonna-

You hated it! You only bought it because it was ugly. You didn't like it. I bet she's not going to give the teacher or her friend any money. And it was her friend's gift and the only reason she knew about it was the teacher. Yeah, she doesn't deserve any of that money. Well, you know what? If you do get your 50 million, you better give those people or you're a big jerk. Right? Yeah, I agree. That's awesome though. Right? I want to find that. I know. I'm leading through all these stories and like there's so many things. People finding artwork or you're thinking it's like this is somebody bought a set of diamond shaped artwork.

Yeah. And one of them ended up being, it was called the vertical diamond by an abstract artist. I can't even say the name, but it actually sold for $34,000. I'm so, I'm the worst. So there were two of these two bottles, right? I picked the ones in my kitchen right now, it's purple. Right. I picked, there was two of them. I picked the purple one, I was like, this is so cool, I took it home. It's like an old bottle for like whiskey. It's like an old whiskey bottle, worth like nothing. Yeah. The one that was beside it.

It was like a $700 bottle. What? I see stuff all the time and I just, I'm like, I don't have an eye. I have an eye for, I like what I like. You find the weird shit, not the worth something shit. No, we need to find a friend. Yeah. That knows, that can find the worth it shit. Yeah, cause I mean, our house is filled with weird one of a kind finds, it's just, they're not worth anything. I'm sure they are. I like to think so. I know.

They're worth something to me. They're invaluable. Yes. You can't put a price on joy. Well, and you collect a lot of other cool stuff, like records and stuff that actually are worth stuff. Yeah, it's actually worth. You can fill your stuff with weird. It's fine. Thank you. All right, category, next one. All right, category five. Now this is my last category, but I have a penciled in sixth category. Of course you do. Because the rules don't apply to you. I can't get you to be contained by words. Not that there was any rules. You could have just said you had six categories, but no, you had to be like, there were five.

I had a special one. I don't understand you, get out. It's your story, it's so weird.

Is it because it's not something you look for? Is that why? Yeah, basically. Yeah, so you just added another category. But it's not actually a Laura category. It's not a Laura category. I was trying to understand why it wasn't just part of the original. Yeah, so this is... So I'll tell you my sixth one first. Sixth is jewelry. I don't buy jewelry because I don't know what I'm looking for. Yeah, I do. I would know cubic zirconia from diamonds and I don't want to overpay for cubic cubic zirconia.

I don't really, anyway. I just like costume jewelry. And I like vintage jewelry, so I buy that kind of stuff. And I don't buy anything expensive. So my stuff is not worth anything. Anyway, sorry. Start dressing. Number five, what's the category number? Number five is clothing. Oh yeah, of course. You have so many things. We just saw something today that made me laugh so hard. Oh, I know. Because I gotta find it. So we follow thrift stores on different groups. One of these groups on Facebook had a shirt and it said stretch marks. And it had like,

all these men on the front and it's done like, it looks like a kid drew it. And these men are stretching and it's like Mark Ruffalo, Mark Hamill, Mark Zuckerberg, and they're all just doing different stretches, it's the best shirt. Anyway, Laura has to have that because she likes weird shirts. But my favorite shirt that we actually own was at a thrift store too. Yeah, yeah, my so just random shirt. It's so cute. It's a tank top and it's got, it's black and on the front it's got like, women in white, two guys boxing in a ring.

It has the name of the boxing studio. It's like a club. Yeah, it's some local boxing club. I don't even know if it's still around. Yeah, or if it ever existed on set. I have no idea. But then on the back of it, it says boom in really big white letters. Yeah, just huge boom. And people just compliment you on it. Yeah, they love it. They compliment you like, I like your tank top. And you're like, thanks. Yeah, I do. The funny part of that though, is that she wore that tank top to a Pearl Jam concert.

Yes, I did. And she's staying there with her husband and her husband's like, you know, you look like a super fan. Like a big dork. She's like, why? So I don't know if you're not familiar with Pearl Jam, but Laura is a little obsessed. We love Pearl Jam and the boom is the keyboardist for Pearl Jam. So I wasn't even thinking about that. And I'm walking around. He goes, you look like a huge boom fan. Like, huh?

So what I think is even funnier is that she looks like a huge fangirl and she's with him, obviously just wanting boom. So who really looks like the idiot here? Okay, Shawn, probably you. Probably you. Joke's on you. Joke's on you. Loser. Anyway, hilarious. Yeah, I've got a bunch of really great clothes at thrift stores. Yeah. But the one that I researched that I think you're gonna get a kick out of is to this couple, Shawn and Ricky McAvoy.

Okay. I don't know if you care about the names, but apparently... Are they brothers? No, I think it's husband and wife. Oh, so Shawn, Ricky's a girl? Yeah. Like Ricky Lake. Oh, yeah. Cool. So I guess they have an online clothing business where they buy vintage locally and then, you know, whatever, and then they sell online. Good for them. Right? So they got this old West Point sweater at some Goodwill in North Carolina. Cool. They paid 58 cents for it. They're like, oh, cool.

Well then when they were fixing it up and going ready to list it online, Ricky realized that it had a hole in it and she was like, uh, from some moth damage. She was like, oh, that sucks, but I'll stitch it up. I'll keep it, it's cool, I'll just give it to my husband and he can enjoy, whatever. Nice. So she did that and then later on, they happened to be watching a documentary about Vince Lombardi and you may remember him as the legendary football coach of the Green Bay Packers. Yeah. You know, Lombardi Field. Yeah, all of it, yeah. Yeah.

So in this documentary, he was wearing a sweater really similar to the one that they had. So they're like, well, that's crazy. How similar? Like super similar. Like, like identically. Identical? Identical. Wow. So they went and looked at the sweater. Yeah. I don't know. I mean, I guess it's what else are you going to do? And they saw that he had his name inside his sweater.

I mean, like, unless you're five years old, who puts their name in their sweater? Thank you. That's so lucky. Vince Lombardi did. That's great. Good, well, hey, that was good for that. Was that worth money? $43,000. Shit. Right? I'm telling ya, we are missing the mark. I know, people find shit, like, you know, they read articles, people buy framed stuff, they take the frame out, and then behind the front picture is like, I don't know, like the docu- Picasso. Right? A Picasso, or the...

What's the document of independence?

You think they're gonna find the document of independence?

I mean the declaration of independence. I'm so close. It's a D. I know. Woo. All right. I'm in the stomach pain from being so stupid. Okay. Anyway, so yes. Anyway, my final category is jewelry. I'm just going to give you a quick story about...

A jewelry that somebody found. A jewelry. A jewelry. A necklace. I'm ready. So this woman went to Philadelphia. In Philadelphia, sorry. She went to a flea market back in 2005 and she bought this cheap necklace that she thought was funky looking. Metal, like a bunch of metal pieces sticking out. We can post a picture of it. It's cool looking. So she's like, this is funky. I'm gonna buy it and I'm gonna wear it. So then she wore it to the art museum, Philadelphia Art Museum.

and then she started noticing that the one she was wearing was really similar to a lot of necklaces that were on display in the Philadelphia Art Museum. Shut up. I will not. So she did a little research, turned out it was an authentic piece made by a famed sculpture from the 1940s and it was valued at $300,000. Wow. I mean, come on. What about, you tell me also a story about a woman who found

a necklace and she like wore it to clean her toilet and all that stuff. Oh yeah, that was not my ring. Somebody found a diamond ring that she thought was cubic zirconia. Because it was big. Yeah, it was huge. She paid $13 for that one. Check out all these notes. I can tell you bunches of stories. Well, I just I like this one. Yeah, so she used it. She bought it at a junk sale for 13 bucks. She used it like she just wore it all the time. She cleaned her toilet with it, did all of her dishes, like whatever. And then eventually she had it appraised. Just, you know.

whatever, it was 26 carat diamond. 26 carats. Cut in the 1800s, worth $455,000. That is so crazy. She's wearing a half a million dollar diamond on her ring and she's like dunking it in bleach. Oh my God. Trubbing her toilets. That's a good day. I'd be mad at myself though for wearing it. Like she said it was years, they said. Yeah, I think it was 20 some years she wore this. I don't know, it's crazy.

No, just that after wearing it out shopping and doing chores over the years. Yeah. Yeah. Insane. Right? So those are my stories. Well, cool! I feel like I hijacked the story, I talked for a long- or the episode I talked for a long time. It was- it was good time. Oh, okay. Hey, I got one! Okay, perfect! I got a story. I googled all kinds of stuff. I was googling like, did they ever use any thrift store finds to solve murders? Oh, that'd be cool! You know, those stuff I thought was cool, couldn't find anything. No. I was like, I wanted a cool angle. Yeah. So I ended up with...

times that thrift store workers and shoppers were completely stunned by donations. Oh by donations okay. Yes. We heard about the ones stunned by purchases. We witnessed those. Yes. So these are these are I've got a whole list of things that have truly been donated to thrift stores and they will blow your mind. Get ready to pick up the pieces of your mind because they will be blown all over the floor. Oh my god.

All right, number one. Okay. Plastic shopping bags full of cooked pasta. Look at your face. Why? I don't know. Cooked pasta. Someone donated 15 plastic shopping bags, about 11 pounds of cooked pasta, no sauce.

to a Salvation Army. I'm trying to think of what the circumstances would be that would lead to somebody having 15 shopping bags of cooked pasta. And I thought what you said, if it was a, I don't know, a food pantry. Right, a food bank. But no, this was not even that. Maybe, or if it was dry. If it was dry pasta. Nope, cooked pasta. See, that doesn't have a shelf life of more than, what, a couple hours? No, I guess some of, I don't, I really, I have no idea.

I know nothing else except for that happened and they don't know either. Cause like, so freaking weird. All right. Number two, yeah, a live hand grenade. Oh my. Yeah. So coworkers were rooting through, I guess it was like military stuff and they found a live hand grenade. They had to call the bomb squad. It was crazy and it was funny. The guy said, be careful when you donate grandpa's shit people. Be careful.

Yes. Yeah. Holy shit. Right? Could you imagine? Like that, that's like a dangerous job now working at the thrift store. Right? Right? Holy crap. All right. Next one. A collection.

of preserved jellyfish. 27, to be exact, jellyfish. I was expecting you to say jelly preserves. No, when you first heard preserves of jelly. That's what we were going to say. Jellyfish, all different sizes. They were in glass and I guess in like formaldehyde. I don't know. But like crazy. That is crazy. It's beautiful. I yeah, I wonder if there's any Man of War. Like wouldn't that be a cool collection to have? Like, you know, the Man of War jellyfish, like the six foot tall ones.

You could have like a pillar of like one of the six foot ones all the way down to the little baby ones. You could fill your room with jellyfish and formaldehyde. Pfft. You could. You could. You could do whatever you want. I wonder if that's what they did and then they moved and donated them.

I don't know. I kind of think maybe it was like a sciencey person or, or maybe it was like a, I don't know. I don't know. But that's a weird thing to donate. Very crazy. I'll give you that one. All right. Number four. Okay. This one's funny. Apparently this woman's husband accidentally donated their entire return bag to the library to the goodwill. Oh, no. Yes. It had like books in it and I guess DS games. Oh, yes. They went. They realized their mistake.

Goodwill refused to give it back to them. Why? They donated it. You can't get it back. So, I mean, I am telling you in this story coming up that I know sometimes they do give stuff back because I have a story. We're gonna talk about that. However, this Goodwill, I was like, so be careful people, yeah, they owed $90 to the library. That's shitty. So, I know. Like, I donate shit to the Goodwill, and like, what if I donated like, you know, a long lost.

I don't know, an heirloom or something. Like, oh my God, I didn't mean for that to be in that bag. Can I please get that back? Nope, sorry. We're gonna go sell that for $5 million now. Screw you, that is just crazy. Yeah, so. Yeah, ugh. Yeah, that's why I thought, ew, I wouldn't shop there ever again. Yeah, don't move there. Yeah, they didn't tell me the name of it. It just says Goodwill. But like, yuck. Ew. So, anyway, the next one. Yeah. So, this one's a little sad. So, some idiot, I guess, left a live bunny in a shoe box and donated it. Oh, God. Yeah, but it was still live.

Oh good. And then, and I guess according to this, there was an animal shelter, like not far, so they could have just taken it to an animal shelter. But they dropped it off at the Goodwill, but an employee fell in love with it, took it home, and now it's a pet bunny. So, everything's good. You know, do you ever have those nightmares? I have nightmares where I used to have hamsters, no, they're like caged animals. Yeah. And now that I don't have caged animals anymore, like sometimes I'll have that like.

anxiety or that panic attack. Like, shit, did I forget to feed the animal? Did I forget to change the plate? Oh yeah, we had fish. I would panic. Like, I need somebody to tell me they're hungry. Yeah. Like, in this, you know, when I was, you know, back in the day when we had babies and stuff and you were always like on, now, it's like, you know, yeah, sometimes when we make dinner and we eat it as a family, but sometimes I just need someone to tell me, I mean, our dog will throw its dish at me. That's what I need. Right. Because just sometimes I just don't remember.

So I don't want to ever have animals that we do have two guinea pigs that my kids are in charge of and I will have panic about it. I'll be like did they check them? Are they okay down there? And they're really good at it. They're much better than I am. But yeah it's a real fear. Yeah so maybe these people forgot that they had a hamster or a bunny. Thought they were just donating a cage. Maybe. And then they went home. Their kid's like where's the bunny? Like what bunny? Well speaking of that, my number six live hamster in a cage. I'm going. Yeah.

And same thing, they found a live hamster. It was in a little cage and they found a home for it. Oh my God. But, God, I don't know what I would do. I would just feel so bad. I wouldn't want to work there if I was getting weird things like that. So, it's a shame. Yeah, like what do you do? I didn't know you could donate live animals to the... You can't. You can't, Laura. Oh, this is things that people did that they shouldn't have done. Oh, what I'm hearing is you can do that. I know. And they found homes for them. Oh my God.

your brain sometimes. For example, okay, so Laura and I took a trip together, okay? And I don't remember exactly, whatever, we were in a hotel, and they had rules in the hotel. And we went outside, and she had a friend with her that smoked, there was a person that was smoking. And the guy that owned the hotel was like, wow, thanks so much for smoking outside. And in Laura,

He said, thanks so much for coming outside. You wouldn't believe how many people just smoke in the hotel room. And we're like, and I'm like, I'm a rule follower. I'm like, no, we would never let our friend smoke in the hotel room. Not only that, I don't really want to be in a hotel room with smoke. But at the same time, like, you know, stay, you know, I'm going to follow the rules. I'm a rule follower. Well, Laura heard. Oh, well, that means everybody else is smoking in the hotel.

We don't have to come out here every time you want to smoke. We can just smoke upstairs. Yeah. Do our thing. Go in the bathroom. It's fine. Everybody else does. Yeah, or out the balcony or whatever. Yeah. And that's just her thing as well. You know, we just totally differently. So that was just another example of that to me. Oh, perfect. Just saying. Oh, what I'm hearing is you'll find them hoes. What I'm hearing is if I take my animals to you, you will find them hoes. No. Those are just really.

good cases. Oh, all right. Yeah. All right. The next one. All right. Do tell a big, heavy bronze urn. Oh, ready? Yeah. So about 10 years ago, this guy worked at a thrift store. One morning he gets a phone call from a gentleman saying, I think I accidentally donated my mom. Naturally.

He had no clue what the hell that meant. Turns out the guy donated his mom's ashes, so he left his number in case they found it. So the whole entire group of people, all the workers at the thrift store went on a search for this man's mother. And they finally found her and they phoned him and he came and picked her up and they thought, well, that would be the last of it, right? Right, you would think, until they were processing some donations a few months later and found his mother again.

A few months later. Yes, they phoned him because obviously they still had his number and all he said was god damn it Come on. What are you doing that? You're donating an urn? I don't know. I feel like you could do this I don't think it would be like someone who cared about so maybe he just had a really bad relationship with this woman But I feel like you would do that. I do I feel like I mean because I'm sure people have donated like pet ashes anyway Oh god, I'm sure so anyway, there's think about that There's a note and it says to those asking she was in a big heavy

bronze, there is no way that's not an urn, urn. And no one at the store is convinced that it was an accident the second time. Good for them. Ha!

Sorry, Mom. Maybe she was haunting him and he was like, fuck this, Mom, I go. And then he's like, oh damn it, they found it. Got me again. Maybe that's why he said, God damn it, because they called it, not because he donated it accidentally, but because they knew to give it back. But he called them the first time. Right, so maybe the first time he was like, all right, Mom, I'll give you another chance, come on home, stop haunting. And then she haunted him again. He's like, no, this is it, Mom, get the fuck out. You're gone, donate it, and then they called. He's like, God damn it, the haunting's coming back, this woman. Crazy hauntings.

Ooh, right there. Next episode. I don't know. We just make this shit up on the fly. I know. So much crazy shit we talk about. Oh my God. Anyway, yeah, no. So, are you ready for my last one? Oh God, yes, yes, yes. So this one's funny, I think. I think they're all funny. So I think this goes with a gift that you bought me. Oh! Something we talked about in episode two. Would you like to see it? Yes. They're called Fundies! Oh God.

So if you guys have listened before, Laura bought me hander pants. I did. Which are little boxer briefs for your hands. Yeah, they're like my little driving gloves. Anyway, these are called fundies, and they're underwear that is built for two. Yes. Twice the fun. And you get in these one pair, it's one pair of underwear, I guess, with four holes, maybe? Yeah, it's front to front, it looks like. We'll post this picture, this is a good one.

Yeah, four legs and two pairs, too close, too close friends not included. Half the fun is getting in them, the other half is up to you, that's on the box. So anyway, I think I need to get you fundies. Do you think those were used? I don't know. I don't think I'd want used fundies. No, I think we need fundies. Fundies, fundies, they're fundies. They're undies that are fun to wear. Oh, all right, gotcha. Because they're really fun. But anyway, you and your husband can wear them and I'll get, you know.

I'll get a pair for me and my husband and we'll see what happens. We'll see what happens. We'll get stuck. You know how like you cross your legs and sometimes fall over. You'll be calling me and I'll be like...

We've fallen and we can't get up. Send help immediately, we're in the fundies. They'll be like, I would, but I'm stuck too, so just call 911. Yeah, oh my God. So yeah, I'll have to get new ones because I'm weird like that. I don't really want to buy secondhand underwear. You are weird like that. Yeah. Some people pay for good snail trail. Yeah, I guess even you, some people, that's a thing. You were saying even you, even me. No, I don't. No, you know how they have vending machines? Yeah, for used underwear? Yes. Yeah.

vending machines that's all you know I think Japan maybe I'm not sure there's like yeah there are a bit somebody I think it's Japan that's a huge like you can get anything out of a vending machine like anything anything literally use underwear that's how I want to live my life through vending machine purchases we should do that for a year and see what happens we have we can't hear I know we'd be eating Fritos all over here and one of those Dippin' Dots

What's your diet? I don't know. Depends on what's in the vending machine. Ooh, it looks like we can have a sandwich today. This is a high class vending machine. We can go to the hospital. Oh, that's a good vending machine. Those are high class vending machines. You can get sandwiches and good egg salad sandwiches. Ooh, sometimes they even have mashed potatoes. Sometimes. Yeah, microwave those. Yeah.

Oh my gosh. I think we're digressing. We're getting hungry. It is lunch time. It is. So yeah, that's, that was my crazy thrift, thrifty finds. Good job. Yeah. That was interesting. I thought it'd be fun to like root around a donation area of thrift stores, like before they put it out. Like it would also be super gross. So I don't want to do it full time. Just like for fun. It would be like finding treasures. Trash orders. You know what I mean? Like I think of it.

I think I would like to do that for right. I could not be my full time job now ever, but you get in those moves. Like where you wanna clean someone's house and just go through their closet. Yeah, and take what you want. Yeah. As your reward for cleaning their closet. Yeah, I mean that's about it I guess. Be crazy, be stupid, be silly, be weird, be whatever, because life's too short to be anything but happy. I like it. Okay. And I'll tell you what my grandma used to say. Oh. Oh.

Hey, be good. And if you can't be good, be careful. I love her so much. Her and I, I'm telling you, we have a bond. I know. I leave her house and by the end, when I was older, she would go, be good. And I'd go, I'll be careful. Oh, I love that so much. So yeah, be careful out there, everybody. Until next time. Later. Later.

Hey, before we go, wasn't there something you want to tell all the peoples? Hahaha

Yeah, don't forget to rate, review, and subscribe to our little podcast wherever you like to listen. We heard it's important. Super important. Yep, and where else can they find us, Laura? You know what? Glad you asked. You can also find us on Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram at My Crazy Friend Podcast. And if you have anything you want to tell us, just email us at All that is accurate. So yeah, until next time.
