My Crazy Friend

Episode 4: Beer flood (the death episode)

My Crazy Friend Season 1 Episode 4

This week's topic: Crazy death stories

Ever stub your toe? Cori and Laura explain how that can be deadly, and educate you on a bunch of other crazy ways to die.

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Welcome to another episode of My Crazy Friend. I'm Cori. And I'm Laura. And on today's episode, we are going to talk about crazy ways to die. Yes. But before we do that, I did want to discuss something from last episode. Oh, I think that we should do that. Okay. So you recall the Jolene story, right? Sure. Okay. I surely do.

So for anyone listening that didn't last, listen to last week's episode, go listen to it. But if you're not, if you haven't listened to it, then, um, all I'm going to say is, uh, Laura thinks that she's Jolene from the song from Dolly Parton. And there was also a baby Jolene that was dropped off on Dolly Parton's door. And somehow she's that person too.

I don't know, but she was supposed to ask her mother if I was adopted. If she was Jolene, but before she does, did we go over the description of Jolene? We did, last week. Okay, so I won't rehash it. I mean, you can give it a recap if you want. We don't need to tell the whole story. I just think, I'm just gonna say, your beauty is beyond compare. Your flaming locks of auburn hair.

which you've just commented on today. You got a little red in it, yes. Ivory skin and eyes of emerald green. Okay, I don't have green eyes, but my skin is super pale. Smile, it's almost crackly, it's so pale. Smile is like a breath of spring. Your voice is soft, like summer rain. I get it, the rest of it, but you know what? Even the people can weigh in on that one.

You know, they might not get to see your smile, but sure, sure. So yeah, how could it not be you? So anyway, I'm sorry. I apologize. Smile for everyone to see. You're right. You're right. So I don't need to see the rest of me. OK, so just your smile. Just the smile. How did they describe my smile in that song? So everyone needs to say, your smile is like a breath of spring, a breath of spring. Yeah, so that's how I would describe my smile. Breath of spring. That's how we just.

Sure, sure, sure. So, of course it's you. So what did your mother say? A slightly askew breath of spring. That's not what it says, Laura. You're either Jolene or you're not. Okay. So what did mom say? So, mom wasn't entirely truthful of me.

Okay. Mom said, what? Of course you weren't adopted.

Sorry. So, it's to be revisited. Shia thinks she's ready to have that conversation.

Oh, you're a poor mother. I just want to be there when she's back with your dad. Laura asked the craziest thing today. She's like, she adopted? My dad would probably say, that's a good question, was she? I mean, here's the thing.

And you know what? Maybe we need to... Well, you would have to have your mother's permission. You look just like her. I mean, you literally could be her clone. So I think, you know, if you're not her daughter, then it's a close relative. But maybe she gave me baby facial surgery.

You know, I don't know. There's always I can't go there with you. No, no. I'm just saying there's always a chance moving on. So tell me, um, my friend, yeah. Crazy ways to die. I was hesitant about this one. I didn't know if I wanted to dive into that because I thought we might, it might take us in a place that, you know, that would be difficult to get out of. It's about death. I know. BKC in the house. In the house. So anyway, so it was tough. So this was tough for me this week. So I'm curious to see how you did it.

Well, I was given very specific instructions to be crazy ways to die, yet make it funny. I was thinking this might be difficult. I don't, you know, death is not, but you know what? Everyone dies. I thought about it. I was like, everyone dies. I mean, I think when I met you, I said, I said, don't get used to me because I'm definitely dying first. Yeah, you did. I don't have longevity and like a part of my family. Yeah. So, yeah, interesting. I'm going to meet someone. Yeah.

Well, it was basically, don't get too close. Yeah. I'm going to die soon. I'm going first. Yeah. It wasn't like first, like I might be 80 and you might be 81. Yeah, but I think that's what I thought in my head. But it just didn't come across that way. It implied, you know, I'm going to be 32 next year. I might not make it to 33. I don't think I specifically said I will die young. I don't think that happened. It was implied.

I think you made that up in your head. So at any rate. Sure, sure, sure. I'll give you some ideas. So I was gonna say, you know what? I think we need to make light of it and I'm gonna go for it. All right, well, I'm all in. And I thought also when we're talking about crazy ways to die, maybe we could throw in some of our near death experiences. I love it. Okay. So think a little bit. I don't think that I have any. I'm sure you do. So think on it while I tell my story. Okay. And then, but not too much because pay attention to what I'm telling you too. Oh my God.

All these rules. I know there's a lot of rules. What are you doing? Can you just tell me your stories? I am right now. I need one. One good story. You got it. I got multiples. So what I'm gonna do is well first of all I should have done my Darwin Awards that I did last week. Yeah. I should have done that this week because that's crazy ways to die and those people are fucking funny. Yeah but who knew? You! You knew! No I didn't.

this just came to me. You gave me the crazy ways to die last week. Oh right, yeah. That's how I got the idea for this week. Oh great. That's what I'm saying. Like I'm not planning this too far ahead. A couple ideas got bumped to put this next. I'm like oh that's just fitting. Sure anyway. I don't know what we're talking about anymore. So you're fine. All right we're talking. I'm gonna tell you crazy ways to die. I know I appreciate that. Yeah and you're gonna think about your near-death experiences in the back of your mind while listening intently. So what I did this week

Since I couldn't do Darwin Awards again, I did a good old fashioned Google search for Florida Man Dies After. Oh, that makes sense. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I thought you probably had a lot of stories. Oh, so many. Yeah. So that was smart. That was a cool take on it. Yeah. So I just picked my favorite headlines. I'm going to read you the headlines. Some of the stories aren't as funny as the headlines make them appear. Sure. But some of them are just as good as it sounds. Okay. Okay. So headlines for Florida Man Dies After. Mm hmm.

Draining his pool during Hurricane Ian. So I guess he didn't want his pool to overflow. So he went out in the middle of a hurricane and tried to drain it. He didn't make it. So, wow, it's just like bad choices. I mean, it's kind of the list, right? Yeah. I mean, but I, you know, I think it's dedication, right? To your pool, not your life. I know, but maybe, you know, you just thought it was a bad storm.

I don't know man. Dude, yeah. So, Florida man dies after utility vehicle falls on him. How? From where? So he had, right? How is that doing that? I envisioned it. This is one of those where the story doesn't really quite add up to the headline. Sure. Because the headline on its own leaves so much to the imagination. Right. From where? From a plane? Right. From a bridge? Off a building? Right? How? Right.

and he hit something and got ejected from it and the truck flipped and landed on him. Oh, yeah. Oh, that was bad luck. Yeah, it was it was funny when I felt from the sky. Yeah, I thought so too, like a piano. Snorting today.

My problem is stop it nose. Stop it nose. Anyway, you know what I mean? Like yeah, like a big piano. That's hilarious. Okay, next. Florida man dies after riding a ride on Disney gives him a heart attack. That's unfortunate. Yeah, it's just kind of a, yeah, bummer. It's crazy though, right? Yeah, that is crazy. I'm sorry. I get caught between crazy and like, you know, I'm like, oh, that's crazy. Right? It's sad, but it's crazy.

All right, Florida man dies after hitting an 11 foot alligator on the roadway. Oh my God, like a deer here. Yeah.

It's like hitting a deer. Right? Or a deer hitting you. Some people, yeah, usually they hit you. But some people don't know what that's like. That's true. Yeah, in Pennsylvania we hit deer, but more often than not the deer hit us. We'll be driving along and they just come charging at our cars. Yeah, in the side of your car and then usually they run away. Yeah. But our car still gets a big ding in it. And our insurance bills go way up. Way up. We have a heart attack. Way up. And I mean, I crawl on that. There's a back road that there's like every time I see

deer my way home. Oh yeah. Yeah so I just like go two miles an hour and they like run out in front of me and then run out and it's like I had to beat my horn to get them off the road. I almost hit them driving down my driveway just coming here. Yeah there's so many. So anyway yeah so we live with deer. Yeah I guess Florida has alligators. Yeah 11 foot ones. Wow. Big ass alligator. I seriously would like probably...

pass out and get eaten by them if I saw one that big. Like you walked out your back door and you were like letting the dog out. And there was, I would probably fall over and pass out from like fear of that. And it would eat me. I'm almost positive. I know I would get a death. However, you know what? I don't think so. I don't think so. You know why? No, what? In past history of our friendship and relationship, I actually do very well under like pressure in circumstances like when you almost burnt down your house last week. Yeah.

Guess who had the brilliant idea to take it outside? Oh, that was you. That was me. But guess who had the brilliant idea to put a lid on it and have it go out and then take the lid off and have it explode out into a flame again and then put the lid on. That was you. And then take the lid off. Off and on and on and off and on and on. And the whole house is filling with smoke, mind you.

at this time. That was your idea. That was fucking funny. It's like a magic show. Well, you know what? It was something. It made me have a panic attack. So we dumped the wax on my friend. It's still there. Now with this ice storm, it's going to be like a nice sheet of waxy ice. Waxy ice. Yes. Anyway, I wonder if it'll melt in the summer. It will.

Good, good. Yep. And evaporate and be gone forever. It'll just melt into something else. Yeah. So Florida man dies after crashing. Are we changing the subject? Okay. No, we're going back to the subject. Okay. Sorry. So what do you call those? A homemade plane? No, when you go off subject like that.

Side track? Yeah, we did. Side quest. Side quest. Yeah, we went somewhere else. Yeah, but we're back. And so a Florida man dies after crashing a homemade plane into a tree. Oh. Not like a remote control plane. No. No, like a real plane that he was in. That he made. He, well, so. Could you go in anything that you made? I wouldn't. Dude, no, but here's the thing. He had swapped homemade planes with a friend. So he was flying his friend's homemade plane.

and his friend was flying his. My God. So he wasn't used to it. And on takeoff something happened and it didn't, it hit a tree instead of the air. Oh my God. Yeah. I couldn't even, I don't even think I could fly a plane. Let alone. So you gotta have the money and the intelligence. Yeah. To build.

and your own plane and the materials and then you have to be smart enough and know how to fly it and then you have to have a friend who's also got all that that you'd feel comfortable enough like i'm sorry there's nothing that um my friends there's nothing that my friends you're saying if i built a plane you wouldn't fly it

Yeah, no, I wouldn't. What? Listen, listen. We could try something on it first. How about that before? Well, I feel like 98% confident I'm not gonna build a plane in my lifetime. So, you're probably, although you could say you'd fly and be a good friend, I'm not gonna hold you to it because I'm not gonna build one. It's a lot of work. So, Florida man dies after driving into.

You made me feel like a bad friend. That was my goal, thank you. It was not nice. I'm working on it. I just try to be honest. I know, I appreciate it. I'm trying to be honest too. So I was giving you a way to be a good friend. In the future, not now. So you want me to lie to you. No, no, no, just in that instance. Cause you know I'm not going to build a plane. Yeah, I know, but. No, I appreciate your honesty. For real. You're a liar.

I need to lie more. Lie more. You lie to me all the time. I don't even know how to lie. Oh, you're a liar?

I know. No. All right. Give me another Florida man. Oh my god. What the hell? I just don't even know where I am right now. Florida man dies after driving into a firework store causing a massive explosion. Oh that is terrible. Is there other people there? Crazy. I don't remember. I'm sorry. I don't think so. I know he died. You know what? It's fine. I can google it. I don't know why I'm even. Yeah. Sure.

All right. Florida man dies after a dune collapses while filming a sunrise. Aw. Yeah, sad, crazy. Yeah, that was crazy. A lot of people, though, die, you know, they don't dig holes in the sand. Yeah, or they walk on the dunes and there's an air pocket under it. Yeah, and then you're.

Yeah, it's very sad. Let's keep moving. So Florida man dies. I told you I said I could take a turn with this. I know I'm trying to breeze past the ones that are just funny headlines or crazy headlines that are kind of a breeze own way. You just give me the breeze on side and get like this. I'll wave my little breezy arms. All right. All right. Florida man dies after skydiving accident when the parachute malfunctioned. Oh, that sucks. Breezy arms. Next. All right.

Florida man dies after a rare flesh-eating bacteria. Yeah, that's why I don't go in lakes. Can I say that? You can. All right, go on. Creepy, right? Yeah, lakes freak me the freak out. Me too, like oceans, like, okay, salt. There's enough salt to kill everything. Well, this next one is not gonna help that fear. Okay, go on. Florida man dies after going into a lake with alligators to search for frisbees. Why? Did he not know there were alligators? No, he knew there were signs posted.

Maybe he couldn't read them. No, it was like a Frisbee golf course or something. Okay. Where there were a lot of Frisbees, and there were signs posted everywhere. Maybe he didn't believe it. I guess he thought he could just get them. Oh, wow. And he got eaten. Yeah. Oh, wow, that's terrifying. Yeah, right? It's not good. No. It's crazy. Giving up. That was my last one. Oh. So how about it? Yes. So how about I go? Yeah, how about you go? Did you think of any near-death experiences while we were?

doing that. I did have someone wave a gun at me.

That counts. Yeah, that will tell that one after. Tell me your crazy ways to die. We're going with my stories now. I don't care. Or do you want to tell me that it's up to you? It's our podcast. We can do it however we want. You know what? My turn. Oh, OK. Perfect. Perfect. OK. So again, because I wasn't sure how to where to go with this. And if I was going to take it down the dark road. So I was like, what makes me laugh about death? So this story specifically.

And you took it. You didn't have to laugh. I was trying to find funny in it. This is all I could do. So three men were suspected of being rhino poachers. And this all happened in South Africa. And they found them all. And they were all dead because a lion.

ate them. So it's like, I didn't mean to laugh at that. The poor deers. So I was like, it was kind of ironic or you know, what do you think? I do. So anyway, I found humor in that and it's terrible. Again, I don't want people to die. But but if you're going to die, that's a funny way to go. Yeah. Karma, karma, a karmic way to go. Then I found some crazy ways people have died in history because kind of a history buff. So

This is how I describe you. Well, you should. Anyway, did you know that Tennessee whiskey, Tennessee whiskey distiller Jack Daniels died?

from blood poisoning after he kicked a barrel and got an infection in his toe. Dude, that sucks. Right. Being like, as somebody who's kicked a lot of shit. Yeah. I am so glad. That's why I was like, when I did this one, I was like, Oh my God, I got to read this one for Laura because she's so damn clumsy. I mean, how many toes have you broken? All of them. Yeah, pretty much. And like multiple times. Yeah. I mean, every party we've had, like we've concerts, I think your prom, your feet were broken. Because I kicked a chair out of anger.

Yeah, exactly. Not that I have any anger issues whatsoever, but if I did, I would want to punch or kick things. And in my younger years, I may have actually done kick things. Yeah. Done kick things. Done that by kicking a chair. And broke my toe and learned my lesson, but I still wear my heels to prom. So, you're dedicated.

Yeah, I could never do that. Anyway, so yeah, so I thought of you. So yeah, I'm like Jack Daniels. But don't I show me the money? Anyway, I don't know what's wrong with you. All right. OK, my next one. People have guesses. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. So my next one. Yeah. So in in 1814, yeah, there was a brewery. And I think it was in Ireland, I want to say. I know London. It was in London.

And the brewery had 322 gallons of beer that like escaped from the brewery, flooded the town, and there was a bunch of people, I think eight people died. Oh my god.

In a beer flood. In a beer flood. So I mean, I really feel bad for them, but that was a sight. I can't even imagine, like I'm trying to picture this beer flood. That's so much beer. Where was it? In the streets? I guess so. In a vat? Well, it was in, because I know the way they used to store beer and stuff. For example, if you go to Booby's Brewery that's around us. Yeah, the cavern place. So everywhere, that whole part that you're eating and used to be filled with beer. So what I picture is...

like an entire room of beer getting released. But still, it had to be eight people. Like how much? But I guess you can picture an inch of water can move a car maybe? I don't know, dude. I don't know, maybe they just slipped and hit their heads. I don't know, but eight people.

Hey people! I'm gonna need more information on that one. I'm picturing now this really narrow walkway and it's like the running of the bulls, except it's not. It's the running of the beer and these people are running as fast as they can. They totally are and the beer takes them. And it takes them down and they're screaming. And then they smash their head and then they die. No they're screaming and it takes them out to the ocean and they just die before they get there. And it's a beer ocean. Right. Sure. I'm sure that's it. But I'm thinking 324 gallons isn't enough to do that.

Well, you know what? It was so I just need to know. I mean, in my head, people just couldn't swim. You know, maybe these people are really short and it just went over their heads. Maybe. I don't know. I know. You know what? I don't need no more information. It was all babies. I'm going to save yourself. Everybody's babies. I don't know. It's only up to your ankles.

I think that he just... Sucks to be a baby. You'll notice there is a steep drop off in baby sat here by eight.

Yep. Yep. 100%. So no need to research that further. We've solved the mystery. Any more stories for us or is that it? I got one more. This one's a feel-gooder. Oh, good.

OK, this guy, his name is Alex Mitchell. He passed away after watching Kung Fu Capers, which I don't know what that show is. It sounds funny, though. I don't know. It might be inappropriate. I don't know. It's probably something where it's terrible. And it doesn't matter. So the episode was on the goodie show. I just don't even know the stuff. But apparently Mitchell laughed continuously for 25 minutes and finally fell dead on the sofa from heart failure.

His widow later sent a thank you note to the goody show saying that she was so happy for and thank you for making Mitchell's final moments so pleasant. You're shitting me. Yeah, so he died of laughter. So I read this article that was about death certificates and found out that because no one's trained in it, a lot of people put weird things on death certificates, but that's not really how the person died. So like someone they had died of.

again like this, like died of laughing and it was just a heart attack. That's interesting. Yeah. So there's just, there was a hat all bunch that were wrong, you know?

He died of laughter. What a wonderful thing. I mean his wife was happy about it. Right? So that's where I'm like, whatever, he died from laughter. It was just so crazy to me. It's just so crazy. But even, I don't care if he died having sex, I'm still bummed that he's dead. Yeah. I'm not gonna say the thank you note. No, she didn't. So I'm thinking maybe there's more there. Maybe he was just mean. Yeah, he totally was mean. What was his name? Mitchell something Mitchell. Alex Mitchell, sounds like it. Let's not talk bad about someone who's dead. No, he definitely beat his wife.

That's, that's, he could have been a very nice person. Oh, I don't know. She was just a very nice person and she was just saying, you know what, if he's gonna go. Thanks for killing him. I'm glad. What? What did you say? I said thanks for killing him. That's what she said. Anyway. What? Oh, okay. What? I feel bad. Poor Alex. Yeah, poor Alex. That's all I got. That's it? Yeah. So you want to talk near death experiences? Sure.

You're gonna tell me yours first or you want me to go? Again, mine's... I didn't... You got a gun pulled on you. You just told me that's near death. Okay. Alright, you go first and I'll tell you mine. So, my mouth... Mine sounds more dramatic. My mouth sometimes... You know, how do you... Okay, whatever. I didn't get a gun pulled on me. Oh. So yours is more dramatic? Yes. Than a gun? Yes.

Wow, I'm really excited. I know. OK, so just real quick, we were leaving downtown and I used to get parking with my job and we could use it on the weekends. So I parked underground and then we're coming up and there's like just a narrow road to get up and you and to get out to the like the alley. Right. And there's a person parked in the entrance like and you can't there's buildings. There's no you can't go around them. You just stuck. You're stuck. Yeah. And it was like a holiday weekend. It was like a Fourth of July holiday weekend.

So long story short, you'll hear that a lot. Basically, nobody was towing trucks. Like you couldn't get anything towed. We were gonna be there forever. So we were mad and we were like, finally someone came. And of course we said something. I'm sure I said something. I know Stu said something and he flashed a gun.

And that was like my big eye open. So what you said was something threatening towards the guy who had parked you in. I think it was like, you fucking asshole. Sorry. You know, that's a warm and fuzzy. Please, sir, would you move your car? I've been parked. We were there for like an hour and a half. So, yeah, it was like and he was not parked. It was he was in a road. Right. No, I understand the situation. I just feel like maybe. But yeah, yeah, I'm thinking he probably was not, you know, he was probably doing something nefarious and he was parked in a, you know, I don't know. But.

Regardless. So he pulled a gun on you. And then we shut up and got in our car and we waited patiently for him to leave. And did you learn your lesson? I think that was the last time I've learned my lesson. That was the last time. Yeah, things happen now and I don't try for them to happen. This was like I was pissed. I can control that now. Sometimes I just do it by accident. But I don't like scream at people. I don't do that anymore.

This is a new story, but I've heard other stories about how you've gotten kicked out of places like Denny's for running your mouth. That was before. Okay. I don't want to talk about that. Okay, perfect. So, okay, I'll tell you. Okay. Twist your arm. So this was, I was young. So we were eating and we never got drinks. We ordered drinks, but we never got drinks. I don't even want to talk about this because I have such a different idea of anyone in the serving industry now.

But however, I was such a bitch and I feel bad about it. But so there was no drinks and she came in, she's like, can I get you guys anything else? And I said, and I quote, I said, you can get me a drink. You can also bring a refills because I know you're not going to be back and you miles will bring the check. So she just kind of looked at me and she said, excuse me. And I said,

I said, well, she started, she's like, okay. And she started to walk away and I said, I said, don't quit your day job. And she said, this is my day job. I say, well, you gotta be something else cause you ain't a waitress. They had to hold her in the kitchen. Oh God, so embarrassing.

And we had to leave. So then months later, months later, we're in the Wawa parking lot. And this woman comes out with the biggest boyfriend I have ever seen. And she says, that's that bitch's boyfriend. I'm talking about my now husband. And that was, that should've taught me. That should've taught me to shut my mouth, but it didn't, it wasn't until.

I had children and that's not even the only instance I know of. I know, but you know what? Nothing has happened. This is all pre. Pre kids. Pre kids. You've grown up so much. I know. I'm so responsible now. And I, you know what? And I also just, I also just want to be nice. I appreciate that. And you know what? I was not nice sometimes. And now I just, you know, I feel like, you know, everybody's got so much shit that I can at least, you know what, even if you're miserable, I will smile at you.

Because you know what, at least the very least, then maybe you saw someone smile at you. It's very nice. You know, except for when I get pissed, and I think that all bets are off. It gets all thrown out the window. That's why I need to do yoga every day. Because I am not nice when I'm mad. Yeah, that is the problem. I'm sorry. Thank you for being my friend. Because I am not a nice, mean person, mad person, mad person.

Oh, you're welcome. I'm super nice when I'm mad. Yeah, you are always nice. Just kidding. Do you want to hear my near death experience? Sure, whatever. Whatever, bitch. Yeah, I would love to. I'm dying because you said it was crazier than mine. So yeah, yeah, I'm ready. Go. OK. So dazzle me. I'm gonna. So I was at work. OK.

And I went to the bathroom and this is when we were in the office. Okay, okay. Like back way back in the day. Sure. Okay. It's like five years ago, maybe four years ago. So I went to the bathroom, was washing my hands and pulled my sleeves up to wash my hands. I noticed that my arm was black, like grayish. It was a little bit off color, you know, just didn't look quite right. So I pulled up my sleeve a little more and I'm like, oh my God, like it's my. I pulled up my other sleeve and both arms were like that.

And so I wash my hands more and the more I wash them, the darker it got. So I was like, oh my God. So I went out and I showed people that I work with. And one of them was like a nurse or something like along those the health care lines. And she looked at me and she looked at she goes, I think you need to go down to the health center. There's no way doctors on site. Did you have feeling in your arms? Yeah. It sounds like it seems like you're like going to be a I don't know.

Like gangrene. Like what? She was like, it looks like a circulation problem. Like that's really weird. Because you're like not getting, oh my God, that's scary. Yeah. That's what she's like. It looks like circulation. I was like, oh my God. She's like, so go down and you know, I'm, I'm like, dude, I don't like to go to the doctor. Unless I have to. But anyway, so I went down and they were like, I don't know what it could be. Like they did all these tests and I was like, when I washed my hands, it seemed to get worse. It was pretty dark and they were like, yeah. And they were like, weird.

They were like, I don't know if you weren't any new clothes or like any new anything that could be like rubbing dye on you. I'm like, I don't think so. Not that I'm aware of. And they're like, you know, have you like eaten anything weird? And I know not that I know of. And they're like, have you like like just asking a bunch of questions, right? And I'm just like, I do. I don't know. I don't know. So they were like, I don't know. No. So they were like, why don't you just go home? This is a Friday. They go go home.

If it gets worse over the weekend, or if you get any additional symptoms, just go to the ER. Oh, you can't hear that. No, so I do have anxiety. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard someone tell you. Don't worry about it. Don't even worry.

You're fine. You could be dying. You might have to amputate, but don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. Unless you need to worry, then do worry like a lot. Right. Then get in here. Don't worry. Like now. I always worry, bitch. Right. It's always happening. Right. That's why I'm here, because I'm a little bit worried about my black arm. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, so I go back upstairs to my desk and everybody's like, would you find out? Would you find out? And I told them and they're like, what the fuck? You need to go to like a regular doctor then. Fuck these people who are, by the way, regular doctors. They're like actual doctors, you know. Yep.

Penn State. They just probably never, you know, they didn't know. They didn't know. Like who shows up with like darkening arms out of nowhere? No one. Just me. Yeah. So I went to then this, the woman who was telling me like, you really need to think about, she goes, you need to leave now and go to urgent care. And then my boss was like, yeah, you should go. And I was like, go, go, go. So I go to urgent care. Oh my gosh. Right.

I know. And like, they get back there and they're asking me all the same questions, basically, these other people had asked me. Right. And then I was like, No, no, I'm like, I already answered these questions. So the last people even asked me like, if I had any worn any new clothes or anything. And they're like, Okay, so they're going through, they're like, and like, no. And then so he's like, Well, let's just see something. He got so he got an alcohol swab, and he brought that over. And he rubbed my arm and it came off. And he goes, You sure this shirt isn't new?

I'm like, well, that's new-ish. Ah!

shirt dyed my arms. Oh you know that's hilarious. Oh my god. So when you took it off were you like black? I was so embarrassed and he was like a little cutie pants. So yeah when I took my shirt off my whole body was pretty black. They didn't use alcohol at the med center? No they just used soap and water and they kept trying to like use soap and water and like wash your hands and they got like a towel. The alcohol just did it. Yeah the alcohol took it off. Because it's dye. Yeah. Oh my god. Right?

I was so embarrassed. And I'm making fun of the health center for asking me that. Like these idiots over here. You know what I mean? He's like, well, let's just try something then. Like, oh, okay. With dyed fingers. It's fantastic. And I was like, oh, thanks. And he's like, Laura, I don't even know how to code this. What? And I was like, what do you mean? He's like, look, like I've seen all kinds of codes. Like they teach you the crazy codes. They've got codes for like,

Orca attack. They've got codes for explosion after jet skiing accident. They have code for lost an arm after like he's going through this list of things. He goes but they don't have anything for clothes dying arms. Oh my god. You know what just give me the orca one. That's not cool. Make it cool then. Just give me the orca one. I'm good. That would probably come in handy later. Right so did you hear about the time I got attacked by an orca?

No, and you'd be like, look, proof. I just told you. I got medical treatment for it. To my, that was my near death experience. I got, almost got killed by an orca. Are you serious? For real? You don't have a real one? No, I almost got killed by an orca. I wanna hear a real near deaths experience. That was, I almost died twice from when I went and my arms were about to fall off. Your hyperchondriac is doesn't, I guess has to count. And once when I had an orca attack. Whatever.

You're a crazy person. I know you're not the only person to tell me that today. Oh my gosh. But you know what? At least I didn't go into a lake looking for frisbees where there are alligators. So yeah, you know what? At least your brain can do that for you. I'm a step ahead. Good for it. I'm a step ahead of that Florida man. So anyway, yeah, what else you got? That's all I got. That's all you got. Yeah, I cannot give anymore. Really? Okay. Well then on that note.

Hey, before we go, wasn't there something you wanna tell all the peoples? Yeah, don't forget to rate, review, and subscribe to our little podcast wherever you like to listen. We heard it's important. Super important. Yep, and where else can they find us, Laura? You know, I'm glad you asked. They can also find us on Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram at My Crazy Friend Podcast. And if you have anything you wanna tell us, just email us at.

My Crazy Friend podcast at All that is accurate. So yeah. Until next time. Later.