My Crazy Friend

Episode 1: Part pig and half goat (the animal episode)

My Crazy Friend Season 1 Episode 1

This week's topic: Crazy animal stories

Welcome to the first-ever episode of My Crazy Friend! Cori and Laura discuss the beavers and the bees (no.... not like that) in some of the day's craziest news.

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Welcome to the first ever episode of My Crazy Friend. My name is Corinne, but you can call me Cori. And my name is Laura, and please just call me that. Hi, Laura. Hi, Cori. On this show, we are going to talk about all the crazy stuff that happens in the world, in the news, in our lives. Anything goes. In our house. Yep. Maybe even in our brains. Who knows? Who knows? Yep. Yep, absolutely. So.

So along those lines of anything going, I think we should just start with you saying your name is Corinne and how cute that is because it's not your name. My name is Corinne. Your name is Corinne. My name is not spelled traditionally.

But my mom calls me Corinne, there ergo I am Corinne. Sure. But when she named me, she got it off a soap opera. She just kind of doesn't apparently know how to spell. And then I guess Corinne is traditionally spelled C-O-R-R-I-N-N-E or R-I-N-N-E or something like that. Or R-I-N or even R-Y-N. I would accept an I or a Y in Corinne anywhere. Apparently you don't accept an E. I accept an E at the end. Because I was spelled C-O-R-E-N. I think my mom just took out the middle. Right.

always said that he wanted our names to be short. You know, he's looking out for us. I guess he thought we were gonna be really stupid, but it's okay. He's looking out for his children. He looked at little baby Corin, Corin in the bassinet and said, no way this bitch is gonna be able to spell a name more than five letters. Oh, Corin, thank you. Okay.

So that's why Cori works just fine, thanks. Yeah, we'll just stick with Cori. Yeah, well, you will agree to disagree on my name. I appreciate that. Thanks, Laura. You're welcome. Not my name. Well, you can, you can whatever. Apparently the rest of the world gets to choose. Oh, that's how it works. You know, it's a democracy. My name. It is how it works. You crazy, crazy friend of mine. See what I did there. You're welcome. You know what? Honestly, we'll leave it up to them to over.

was listening to decide who the crazy friend is. Because I'm thinking it's you. We'll see, won't we? We shall see. All right, so let's talk about our, what's the first crazy topic of the day? Okay, so I wasn't sure where to start. I had a bunch of crazy shit, you know? Where do you start with all of them? You have to narrow down, like, you know, what.

work or home or you know my kids there's so many categories too. There are you know and then you've got the whole world because this is our first one exactly like you can pick from anything so

I went with animals. Okay. Can't go wrong. You can't go wrong. That's funny. You know what's funny? Mine are all animals too. So maybe we got a theme going. Maybe this is the animal episode and we didn't even know it. I like it. All right. I like it. Perfect. So mine is about, so I'm going to back up half a second. Okay. Cool. I had a different story I was going to tell and then I was hanging out with my mom and she said, do you hear about the baby beavers?

Baby beavers. Baby beavers. Ooh, that's hard to say. No, I have not heard about the baby beavers. That was my answer too. Oh good. No, I have not heard about the baby beavers. So tell us, Laura, about these baby beavers. Okay, so apparently there's some baby beaver video. Ha ha ha.

I love how we're open-nouncing it. Say it five times fast. Or just one time slow. It's very hard. You can't. You can't. No. So this Baber chip. You did it. Baby Beaver built. Wow. No, I can't say that yet. That gives the punchline away.

Baby Beaver is in captivity at this wildlife refuge in Massachusetts. Yep. And the Baby Beaver named Nibby, an IBI, has a roommate in the sanctuary called Zeeby. Zee-I-I-B-I. I'm close with pronunciations, if not dead on. All right. Well, you know what? If they want to tell, whatever. It's fine. So, Nibby and Zeeby didn't get along. I don't know why, but they just, you know.

You want them to get along. That would be ideal. Yeah, but if they got along then you know, there'd be no story That wouldn't be the weird part. So baby beavers not getting along. I'm just picturing like, you know fights to the death I don't know. Maybe maybe the ones just turning his nose up at the other one I don't know, but it's not a good relationship. Yep. They got to find other beavers. Yeah to hang with so I guess for like half a second. Neby was nibby

was being good. So she got rewarded for good behavior. So they're going to try to, you know, get them to like each other. Right. Good. You know, reward good behavior. Yeah. Yeah. Like a toddler. Right. Because these are babies. They are babies. In case I haven't mentioned baby beavers. Yeah. Yeah, you did. Cool. Anyway, so when they took Zibi out of the room to go have some quiet time in the aquatic enclosure, Nibbi got busy building a dam.

Oh my gosh, to keep the other one out. Oh, she built- Who's Nibby? I know, Nibby built a fuck you head. She sure did. For see me. She sure did. So apparently it was like a big deal and biologists contacted the news and stuff and they were like, oh, it's just-

It's damn building isn't isn't that a learn trait and I guess the cool part of it was was that it was an innate thing they didn't have to teach them it was. Even without any parental instruction this baby beaver knew how to build a dam. That's very cool and all from a biological stand sure sure but what I think is even cooler.

is that, and I mean, how many people, I don't know, maybe this is a thing, but you know, as well as I know, that everywhere you and I have lived, we've always built an F-U hedge. Yeah. And we didn't like a neighbor. And it wouldn't go around the whole property. It's just on that one side, very blatant F-U hedge on one side, just by those neighbors that you can't stand. And then a new neighbor would move in and they'd be nice. You'll chop them down and the F-U hedge by choice.

Right? Arborvitis. Right. That's what I'm going with. But I mean, you know, I've seen other things. You did some interesting things in one of your houses. You had the grasses and this stuff. But yeah, arborvitis. F you, hedge. Yes. We did grasses. Yeah. And we did a, well, when we went looking for grasses and we were describing what we need, like arborvitis are nice because they're thin and they're fast growing. Yeah. And you can't see through them. And you can't see through them. Very important. Yes. But somebody suggested we get.

Holly or the other one, it had thorns on it. I forget what it's called, but it was thorny. It was like.

Well, that's just like a real fuck you head. That's not that takes it up a notch. Right. I'm thinking. So I think we have Holly in our front yard now that was put in there by the landscapers. Yeah. And when I go to trim it, it like cuts me to shreds. Like, that's definitely a message you're sending if you put up Holly. No doubt. So I'm thinking that maybe the beaver equivalent would be what building roses. Sure. Sure. That would be awesome. But ultimately, I'm sure it just built with what it had.

But I'm like, hey, yeah, this is the baby beaver. Right. So what I'm saying the next experiment would be, like they gave them wood, let's give them different types of materials and different types of cell mates and see. I would totally want to know that experiment. How vengeful are they?

So I got to thinking, like, you know, how vengeful are baby beavers? Do they just wanna put up a dam to keep the others out? Or would they go down the route of using nails? Or if you put boards with nails to them, would they go the dangerous route? Oh my gosh. I don't know. So then I looked up. Is there mean beavers? Well, are they? I don't know, I'm wondering. Baby beaver built.

You have to do a like instead of peck of peppers, what to do one for maybe beaver. Yeah. Yeah. What the right one. Sorry. I digress. You got no way. You tend to do that. You'll learn. You'll learn. Corey digresses. We trim it. We cut it out. I don't even like that word. I know you don't, but you do it. It's okay.

It's like the only word that works. That's what editing software is for. All of our digressions. Yes, it's right. You've gotten you've gotten really good at editing. I digressions through the years. Yes. Anyway. All right. Cool. So then I was right. So then I was thinking like how vengeful could beavers be? And then I started thinking about vengeful animals in general. So I googled what are the most vengeful animals? Oh, interesting. Right. What are they? Tigers.

Really? And then there's a ton of stories about tigers going after specific, like, people who have hurt them. Like, if a hunter hurts a tiger, that tiger will go after, like, not just any person, but they'll go after that specific person. Wow! Really? Right? Interesting. But elephants have a really good memory. So I bet you they would remember if they were, you know, they remember, you know, some elephants from when they were little that they were with and that they weren't with for 20 years. Yeah. Well, tigers have that same or a similar memory, according to what I've researched.

which makes them... It's directly, I think, related to memories. That's why dogs are so happy. Cause they forget. No, they're not stupid. They just don't have a lung. They don't remember. They're always so happy. They love you even when you're a jerk. Yeah, cause they're dumb. Oh. Yeah, so for the most part, animals aren't vengeful. From what, you know, my extensive research I've done since yesterday. When I discovered, decided to do this story. But there are a handful. And the problem is if you hurt one of the, if you hurt a tiger,

Remember hmm, it'll remember that you heard it. They'll remember who you are and then if it sees you later It's probably gonna hurt you. I'm gonna kill you Right interesting. What else? So a cape buffalo is also vengeful No, it's a buffalo with it's got like a big long curly horns on it, okay Yeah, I saw those like when you go to those little parks. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yep

There is a story of a buffalo that was shot by a hunter but didn't die. Then the buffalo followed the blood trail. Or no, the buffalo ambushed the group as it followed the blood trail. Sorry, the people trapped the blood trail of the buffalo. Then the buffalo killed the people. All of them. I don't know. Some of them.

Wow, that's crazy. Yeah, I don't know. I didn't do a ton of research on that story. My point was more the tigers. Sure. And then I was nervous because, not nervous, but curious, because I just got my new kitties. And I was thinking, oh, if tigers are vengeful, I wonder if my cats are vengeful. Because I got a Bengal and a Savannah, and I don't know.

Did you look it up? No. You need to. Wait, you said how many animals are vengeful? Just tell us the animals. Oh, you want to know all of the vengeful animals? You don't have to give me a description of the animals. Is there a list of animals? Yeah. I just wanted to know the quick list. Give it to me dirty. OK. OK, so let's see. Tigers. Just guessing.

That was a really good guess. Thank you. Really good guess. Thank you. And you are correct. Good. You're correct. OK, let's see. Elephants, you were right. Lions. OK. Crows. Oh, I heard that. Yeah. That was a big bang.

Um, let's see. Jays and magpies. Ravens. Oh, ravens are. Gosh, I'm sorry. Ravens are crows. Yes. So ravens are crows, jays and magpies. The way this is written confused me. Um, and that's about it. Okay. Those are the top five. Perfect. Yeah. Interesting. Super interesting.

I just read an article today about poor grandma. And she just got swallowed by one of the biggest, like, I guess, snakes. I ate her. A snake ate a grandma? Yeah, I just read an article about it. I have to look it up. How did a grandma get in front of a snake's mouth? I think she was out. I think she's not from America. But.

But she was just out gallivanting around doing 82 year old woman things and a snake ate her. Yeah, well, they I guess she was coming home from she still worked. She was it was she was eaten by a 20 foot long python. It was in Indonesia. And I guess she she just finished work. I guess she she worked in like picking, I don't know, vegetables or some kind of, you know. Yeah, she was just walking home. Yeah. And then they couldn't find her and they searched for her. But they saw the snake. And of course, after those snakes eat, they're very lethargic. So they opened it up.

There she was. Wait, so.

Look, how do pythons kill people? They're prey. They strangle them? Are they the... So I think, yeah, that they don't swallow you alive from what I understand. They coil around you and crush you to death. It's a pretty gruesome way to die. Yeah. Maybe suffocate. Maybe you suffocate. I don't know. I couldn't imagine. You know how that feeling is when like your husband like hugs you too hard. Yeah. I couldn't imagine dying like like where it would get worse and worse and worse and worse. That's terrible. But anyway, yeah. So, you know, there I go.

Buzzkill Cori. BKC. Back again. Yep. So we'll meet her several times no doubt. I'm gonna add him. By the end of the song I have a lot of names. Yeah. Okay. But not Corinne. But not Corinne. So anyway that was my story. That's hilarious. I was thinking about the crazy little baby beavers and then vengeful animals and you know and just to say.

You know, you said dogs are stupid. Before everyone starts hating you, you have four dogs and they're amazing and you love them. And which leads me into one of my stories. No, I have four dogs. I have four cats. Sure. I love them.

But my intent was to have two dogs and two cats. And I'll tell you how I ended up with all of them at some other time, but that's part of my crazy story, I guess, in general. Oh yeah. The craziness that is moi. Oh, the craziness that you have in your home. Yeah, so I mean, at any given time, since we record here, you're gonna hear Dogs. some of her crazy animals. It's unhelpable. So do you think your cat, you better not wrong your cats either. I know, that's what I was thinking. I better treat them really good. And you do wanna know though, like that's the thing. Do you really wanna know?

I'm pretty sure. They sleep in the same room with you. Do you want it out there eventual? Yeah, because I'm not going to be mean to them. Well, you might accidentally forget to feed them. Because that's what you do. I'm just kidding. Thank god there's other people in the house. They can take care of themselves. Yeah, they're completely self-sufficient. You have them peeing in the toilet already, right? Not yet, not yet. Not yet, okay. I know it's a goal. It's a goal. My cat, Psycho Kitty, he's going to be peeing in the toilet in no time. The other ones, I don't know. They're just tag alongs.

So anyway, what's your dog story? That they opened up a restaurant in California for dogs.

and it's called Dog, but it's spelled D-O-G-U-E. Oh, fancy. And it's, it is an upscale dog restaurant. And I don't, I mean, I don't know if there's a lot of these, I've never heard of any of them before. I mean, this one has, this is crazy, $27 for chicken and mushroom soup for the dog. And I guess the people can eat too, but I mean, you can get your dog grass-fed steak,

filet mignon with like it's tartar I mean like Do they feed it to them bite at a time? No, they bring it in a bowl, but I mean it's like a little like they have a real chef And like people go for special occasions, and I was thinking I was like we would totally do that once I mean

I mean, I don't know, you know, you have four dogs. I have one and you know how I am. We threw a birthday party for him. So, you know, I would do it. Well, okay, so. What? I guess if I'm gonna take my dog out to, I'm thinking. But I think you get to eat too. Okay, but still, if I'm taking my dog out to eat. Sure. Am I taking him to a fancy restaurant or am I gonna slum it? Well, I take my kids out to eat, I slum it. Right, so the dog, they don't have skin. I think I would take my dog to a fancy restaurant than my kids.

You know, I feel like Kevin would, that's my dog, Kevin. I think he would appreciate it more than my children. I think my children, they wanna eat chicken nuggets. I mean, 15 years old and it's like, I don't, fries are great, they'll just be happy with fries. I'm not gonna take them. I mean, you know, they'll eat, the youngest doesn't eat anything. At least the older one will eat steak and stuff. But like, do they really know the difference between a steak from like a diner and a steak? Maybe, you know, mine don't.

Maybe yours does. But my dog... Your dog? Doesn't know, but my dog would appreciate it more. I think. And I would like the experience more because he'd be so happy to be there and he wouldn't have his stupid face in a cell phone. And I'm like, hey guys, put your cell phones away. This is a family dinner? Yes, it's a family dinner. Put your phones away. So you're thinking...

You're okay. So you have a small dog. We should clarify. I do. So your dog. I've got big dogs. I can't imagine any of my dogs.

taking longer than 15 seconds to eat whatever food was in front of them. Whether it's a bowl of crappy kibble or grass-fed steak that was seared and topped with... It's true. Well, and I think that's because your dogs have each other and they, you know, if one doesn't eat it, the other one's going to. I have one dog. So he literally will leave. He'll eat half his breakfast in the morning and he leaves it there for lunch. Then he'll go back at lunch and he'll eat his lunch and then he'll sit there. He'll bring the bowl out.

beside like, mom, this needs more stuff in it. So he's super patient. He doesn't have to work for anything. Spoiled little dog. So I guess for those people, that would be an excellent. I wouldn't want to. By those people, you mean me people? Those kinds of crazy people, yes. That's what I mean. Because my kind of crazy people have dogs that would not appreciate it. I would rather take my kid out. No, you've taken Willow to the Home Depot,

even though I got yelled at for it, but I didn't buy her anything. Well you would have got her a free treat if they were giving them. I would have bought her a free treat, you're right. That is how much I love her. There are banks and everything that you can get treats or you get a Starbucks. I'm sure she's gotten a pup cup here and there. Right, actually absolutely. Anything that's free, nothing's too good for her as long as it's free. And why did you get yelled at at the Home Depot? Because she's a husky and she can't be outside in hot weather. Even though you're a crazy

on the driveway instead of getting out of shade. In like 99 degrees weather? Yeah, I'll lead her to shade, make her lay down. As soon as I walk away, she's back on the driveway. Yeah, she's the weirdest husky. Yeah, I beg her to come inside. I mean, it's pretty crazy around here. It is crazy. All the stories, the animal stories, I'm sure we'll share. Crazy dogs. So, um...

So anyway, yeah, no, I just thought it was interesting and I totally would do it, but I knew you'd be like four dogs taking that. That's like a car payment. You know, well, I know somebody who just went and got her nails done and took her dog to get their nails done. Get their nails done. Who? My boss. Shut up. I will not.

So that's... I love it when you compare me to your boss. I wasn't actually. That one stunned me into silence. Because before I could... somebody asked me why. I'm not even there yet. How? How do you get your nails done with a dog? I've heard of dogs getting their nails done. No, this was not that. This was the human getting her nails done and the dog just being there for the ride. Oh. You can't hold the dog because your hands are being done. Oh.

You strap it to the, like you put it in a crate. It's gonna bark. So this is not like, I got the dog, cause you've seen that. They'll dye hair of dogs and they'll hate them. Yeah, this isn't that. This is a traditional nail salon. Is it an emotional support dog? No. Is it in her mind, emotional support dog?

Uh, no. Are you sure? I mean, let's not open that can of worms right now. No. OK, cool, cool. Let's moving on. Moving on. So I'm saying taking your dog out to dinner, guarantee you would float with that crowd.

I can guarantee you if I brought that up, she would take her dog to the fanciest restaurant, pay top price for food. So now I can see you taking your dog out to eat, I just can't see you paying 50 bucks a head for it. I would go once just to, I like to experience anything, so I would probably do it once, but no I think that's excessive. I do, I do. I mean I'm not sitting here thinking that that's not ridiculous. It's just that, you know me, anything weird. Yeah. I want to try it. I think you should do it. And I would probably go and get the cheapest thing.

on the menu. Yeah. And that's what I would do just to experience the experience. But yeah, it's a little, it's a little much. Little much. Yeah, I cringe at $2. But you know what? You know, for someone who doesn't have kids and doesn't have a significant other, you know, I get it. You know, you gotta spend your money on something, I guess. I guess. I know I cringe at $2 a pound for like dog bones. Like steak bones. Yeah, and then, well, and you know me, my, my, the dog food's $60 a month just for the dog food. And then we put chicken on the top.

and then we we could and then he gets like organics which is so funny I gave your dog he wouldn't eat the muscles they were like freeze-dried muscles or something he wouldn't eat them. Your dog wouldn't. And your dog wouldn't either? No. I was like oh your dogs would eat anything you know they eat those milk bones not the treats that I bought. Clover my big fat ass dog. Eats everything like garbage. 90 pounds I think he's part pig and half goat and he eats literally everything

eat these muscles. He's eating money, like actual money. That was crimson. Oh shoot, sorry, I got it confused. Anyway, he would eat the money though. If it was in peanut butter, he'd eat it.

Crimsonian at not in peanut butter. I wouldn't eat them. That's so funny. I mean, they must have been really bad. Yeah, I didn't try them. Just because something's like organic or whatever you think it's going to be like, so no. No, not necessarily. Not necessarily. The dogs are going to eat it, surprisingly. So do you have any other, you have another story? Or you want me to tell a story? Or what do you want to do? Nope, that was really my story. I have another one. Tell me another one. All right, you ready? I'm all into this crazy.

quick. I appreciate that you're talking and telling the stories that you are because by the end of episode one it's gonna be clear who the crazy friend is. That was not nice. Oh, but it was true. Oh, oh, if they were here they would think differently.

No. Your dogs, you open the door and they're just free. They're feral. You feed your dog $60 bag of dog food and then put tree food. I want him to live a long time. I know. And then also I had Ralphie, which is so funny because my kids are more dog names, Max and Ben, and then my dogs are more kids names. So I had Ralphie and now I have Kevin, which is, Ralphie is after Christmas story, which there's like a sequel coming out, like a million years later.

Yeah, we'll talk on that some time. And then, and then, oh, I hate you so much right now. Just let me finish. OK. And then there's Kevin, which is named after Kevin McAllister from Home Alone. So I might there, there, you know, so. So but I don't know. They were like.

Ralphie was my baby. He was my first son before I had my boys. Mm-hmm. And now I didn't even want another dog and now I got Kevin. Yeah. And I wanted like, Ralphie only lived to 17. So I'm trying to make Kevin live long. So I gotta do all the... I stand by my statement, but what's your next story? Okay.

Woman charged accused of freeing a swarm of bees on deputies. I saw that headline pop up in my feed. I saw it. I had to read it. I did not read it, so fill me in. So this woman in Massachusetts was being arrested, apparently. And I can't figure out if she's a beekeeper, I'm assuming, because she had a bee suit and whatever. But she was driving up, and then they were going to arrest her. And she opened the bees.

She had a bee suit on, so it was intentional. And then the bees swarmed the deputies and stuff. And they were like, some of them were allergic. No one died. But some of them were allergic and bull-blond. They finally did end up arresting her. But she literally just made her bees attack them. So was she like queen bee? Did she direct them? That would be crazy. Is she like an ant man? I was just going to say that. That's awesome. Anyway, I just thought it was crazy. That's the first time I've ever heard of anyone trying to.

attack cops with bees like what was the end game there? To kill them so did she get charged with like uh attempted murder or anything? No because um oh yeah she did I don't know after they did not do the charges yet but well they both figured like you know follow up follow up because she did say good when they said that they were allergic she was just like so she knew there was you know that was planned so she was like I think the quote you know what I'm kind of you said that was in Massachusetts? Yeah.

So that's crazy ass like bee lady in Massachusetts and my cute little baby beavers were in Massachusetts too so they pull each other out. Well it's funny though is all the stuff in Massachusetts. What's going on with the animals in Massachusetts? Usually it's like Florida stories are crazy. Right? Come on Massachusetts people let us know what are you doing? Yeah she said I quote oh you're allergic

Good. That's the quote that was in the article. I'm glad you looked that one up. I know. Because before you looked it up, you just said, when she found out they were allergic, she said good. And it wasn't, she said. I just wanted to get it right. I'm glad that you did. I'm glad that you did. Totally wasn't worth it, whatever. Totally was worth it. Just to be sure, we want to be sure. I do in this world. We want to, we are nothing if not accurate and knowledgeable.

Maybe, maybe accurate. You know what? I can't even promise that. How about just, can we just do... We're here. Or nothing if we're not here recording now. I heard a fun fact. A crazy fact. So look at anything. Look at the refrigerator. Now think about what it tastes like. You know what it tastes like, right? Yeah, because I've licked it. Look at something you haven't licked!

What's wrong with you? Like seriously, why do I even fucking bother?

Okay, look at... Jesus Christ, I gotta find something in the house that you haven't licked. Look at my sweater. Okay. What is it... what does it taste like? Sticky. Like, you know. You know... like, the thing is, like, you can look at anything. Your tongue is so fucking smart. You can look at anything you know what it tastes like, or what it would taste like on your tongue, and if it would be hot or cold. You know that because your tongue is so smart. So maybe we should let our tongue do the thinking for us. I know, right? But I think that's crazy. You never have to have...

tasted it or touched it with your tongue and you will know what it tastes like. Do you think you've had to have tasted something similar? Like I'm looking at things trying to think like... Well according to this, no. So apparently the taste buds you have are so sensitive. There's like microscopic hairs and those little tiny hairs send the messages to your brain on what things like should taste like. So like you have to have touched it first? I don't think so. No, that was the whole point. The whole point was it just knows.

Okay, I'm looking around. Maybe, maybe it's because your fingers are attached to your tongue, so if you've touched it. Yeah, like I know that metal is going to be cold, and I know that any metal is going to taste the same as the refrigerator metal.

I know that any glass is probably gonna taste the same as the glass that I licked when I was drinking, which brings one more point, as long as we're on this topic now that you brought up. Thank you. So when you're drinking out of a cup, okay, and it has a lid on it, like a disco cup, and it has a hole in it, and you drink, do you block it with your tongue before you tip it back down? Do you put your tongue in the hole to block the drink from coming out before you tip the drink back down? I don't.

Because if someone wants it, well, if you want to share that would be gross. But now I usually pinch my lips. I'm not a tongue. Okay, so I thought everybody used their tongue to do that. Shut up. No joke. I thought that that's what people did. And apparently I'm the only one because... Let me drink. Hold on. I'm gonna see. Huh. It's right there though.

Yeah, like it's stopped, but it's level with my lips. You got to put it off to stop it. I'm not going to French kiss my water bottle. That's why I don't like sharing drinks with people, because I think everybody's stuck their tongue in it, because I do. Oh, gross. No, if I'm sharing, I go as far as to dump it in my mouth. Well, sure, if I know I'm going to share, I do it differently. But if I'm just drinking a drink and someone says, hey, can I have a sip? I'm sure, but I set my tongue in it. Yeah, my natural tongue in it does not go in my drink. Maybe you just have an extra long tongue. Stick it out.


It is longer. Mine can't go past my chin like that. Can you touch your nose? No I can't. Can you? You can! What if I squish it? Yeah, no. No, I can't touch my tongue to my nose. I don't know if it's because my tongue is short or my nose is just like a little, little cute nose. I don't know. Well, I think we may have digressed a tiny little bit. Maybe not. Yep. Oh, I have one more fun fact. But if my tongue is extra long, it means it's extra smart, right?

I'm a very smart tongue. You are smart. So, I mean, maybe that's... My tongue is smart. That's your, you know, brain in my mouth. So now we have three brains. You have your head brain, your... Pelvic brain? No, you know, they say that your digestive system, all the bacteria, that's your second brain. Oh, I thought you were talking about your reproductive brain. No, your gut. No, we're not men, so we don't have... They have four brains. Gotcha. They have the brain of their penis. Right. Right. I don't know, does our vagina... I mean, my vagina's pretty smart, so maybe we have four too.

It doesn't matter. I digress. My point is we added one now. Tongue brain. Gotcha. Tongue brain. It's a thing. Cool. Cool. I have licked a lot of things. Okay, one last crazy fact. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's in my head and I'm just gonna get it out. I appreciate it. Okay, look at your lips. I can't. Look at my lips. Okay.

Damn it! Find a mirror! I can feel my lips with my tongue. It's basically like I'm seeing them. And you know what they feel like, right? I know what they taste like. Did you know what? Huh? If you look at your asshole... Yeah? Same. What? Same material. Okay...what? Hahahaha! Hahahaha! Hahahaha! Like...the sphincter? Yes! What? Yes! According to... I don't know. So, when you go like this... Science!

I'm gonna make my little asshole rich. Your lip material is the same as your asshole material. It's just shrunken and more stuck together and more shriveled up. I think it's- Because my asshole's not as pretty as my ass. I think you just don't put lipstick on your asshole. You don't know. I don't put lipstick on my lips. Well chapstick. Do you chapstick up your asshole? I'm gonna not answer that one. Just kidding. It's the two ends of the pipe. It's the same shit. I understand. Okay.

That's crazy, right? That's crazy. Did it mess with you? Am I messing with you? I don't like that one. Whatever. You can't end on that one. Give me another one. Oh my God. I know. I'm very needy. That's going to give me nightmares. I have nightmares with my asshole on my face. You have to... Do you have a crazy thought? You end. I have to end? Yeah. On a crazy thought. The KC end. On a crazy thought. Yeah. You want a random crazy thought? Go for it. Okay.

Here's one for you. The best part of a cucumber, envision that. I'm envisioning a cucumber right now. Tastes like the worst part of a watermelon. Really? You know what, I think I read something where if you put sugar on a cucumber, it actually tastes like a watermelon. I wonder if that's true. I put salt on my watermelon. You love salt. Can we do sugar on a cucumber and try it? Yeah. All right, cool.

I don't have any cucumbers to try it on now. It would be really great if you did. It would be a lot cooler if you did. But whatever, it's fine. All right, you want one more? We'll get back to everybody on the cucumber sugar. We will. We'll try it. We'll do watermelon with salt. Do experiment. We'll do an experiment. Experiment. You like to experiment. You like to experiment. Ah. Ha ha ha. Sound like a, when, uh.

Middle school. I'm just gearing me on this. Anyway, final thought of the day. Okay. Witches have black cats because if they had white cats, they would have white cat hair all over their clothes. That's not a good look. That's so smart. So smart.

So we'll end on a pet related weird thought. I appreciate it. I appreciate it. So yeah, that was our first episode. Yay! So next time, come back with us and we'll tell you some more crazy shit. We will. Until then. Later. Bye. Hey, before we go, wasn't there something you want to tell all the peoples?

Yeah, don't forget to rate, review, and subscribe to our little podcast wherever you like to listen. We heard it's important. Super important. Yep, and where else can they find us, Laura? You know, I'm glad you asked. They can also find us on Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram at My Crazy Friend Podcast. And if you have anything you wanna tell us, just email us at All that is accurate. So yeah, until next time. Later.
